plaso.cli package
- plaso.cli.helpers package
- Submodules
- plaso.cli.helpers.analysis_plugins module
- plaso.cli.helpers.archives module
- plaso.cli.helpers.artifact_definitions module
- plaso.cli.helpers.artifact_filters module
- plaso.cli.helpers.bloom_analysis module
- plaso.cli.helpers.codepage module
- plaso.cli.helpers.data_location module
- plaso.cli.helpers.date_filters module
- plaso.cli.helpers.dynamic_output module
- plaso.cli.helpers.event_filters module
- plaso.cli.helpers.extraction module
- plaso.cli.helpers.filter_file module
- plaso.cli.helpers.hashers module
- plaso.cli.helpers.interface module
- plaso.cli.helpers.language module
- plaso.cli.helpers.manager module
- plaso.cli.helpers.nsrlsvr_analysis module
- plaso.cli.helpers.opensearch_output module
- plaso.cli.helpers.opensearch_ts_output module
- plaso.cli.helpers.output_modules module
- plaso.cli.helpers.parsers module
- plaso.cli.helpers.process_resources module
- plaso.cli.helpers.profiling module
- plaso.cli.helpers.sessionize_analysis module
- plaso.cli.helpers.status_view module
- plaso.cli.helpers.storage_format module
- plaso.cli.helpers.tagging_analysis module
- plaso.cli.helpers.temporary_directory module
- plaso.cli.helpers.vfs_backend module
- plaso.cli.helpers.viper_analysis module
- plaso.cli.helpers.virustotal_analysis module
- plaso.cli.helpers.workers module
- plaso.cli.helpers.xlsx_output module
- plaso.cli.helpers.yara_rules module
- Module contents
plaso.cli.analysis_tool module
Shared functionality for an analysis CLI tool.
- class plaso.cli.analysis_tool.AnalysisTool(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Analysis CLI tool.
- list_analysis_plugins
True if information about the analysis plugins should be shown.
- Type:
- __init__(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Initializes the CLI tool object.
- Parameters:
input_reader (Optional[InputReader]) – input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used.
output_writer (Optional[OutputWriter]) – output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used.
plaso.cli.extraction_tool module
Shared functionality for an extraction CLI tool.
- class plaso.cli.extraction_tool.ExtractionTool(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Extraction CLI tool.
- list_language_tags
True if the language tags should be listed.
- Type:
- list_time_zones
True if the time zones should be listed.
- Type:
- AddExtractionOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the extraction options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- AddPerformanceOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the performance options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- AddProcessingOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the processing options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- ExtractEventsFromSources()[source]
Processes the sources and extracts events.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the storage file path is invalid, or the storage format not supported, or there was a failure to writing to the storage.
IOError – if the extraction engine could not write to the storage.
OSError – if the extraction engine could not write to the storage.
SourceScannerError – if the source scanner could not find a supported file system.
UserAbort – if the user initiated an abort.
- __init__(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Initializes an CLI tool.
- Parameters:
input_reader (Optional[InputReader]) – input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used.
output_writer (Optional[OutputWriter]) – output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used.
plaso.cli.image_export_tool module
The image export CLI tool.
- class plaso.cli.image_export_tool.ImageExportTool(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Class that implements the image export CLI tool.
- has_filters
True if filters have been specified via the options.
- Type:
- list_signature_identifiers
True if information about the signature identifiers should be shown.
- Type:
- AddFilterOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the filter options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- DESCRIPTION = 'This is a simple collector designed to export files inside an image, both within a regular RAW image as well as inside a VSS. The tool uses a collection filter that uses the same syntax as a targeted plaso filter.'
- EPILOG = 'And that is how you export files, plaso style.'
- ListSignatureIdentifiers()[source]
Lists the signature identifier.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the data location is invalid.
- NAME = 'image_export'
- ParseArguments(arguments)[source]
Parses the command line arguments.
- Parameters:
arguments (list[str]) – command line arguments.
- Returns:
True if the arguments were successfully parsed.
- Return type:
- ParseOptions(options)[source]
Parses the options and initializes the front-end.
- Parameters:
options (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the options are invalid.
- ProcessSource()[source]
Processes the source.
- Raises:
SourceScannerError – if the source scanner could not find a supported file system.
UserAbort – if the user initiated an abort.
- __init__(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Initializes the CLI tool object.
- Parameters:
input_reader (Optional[InputReader]) – input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used.
output_writer (Optional[OutputWriter]) – output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used.
plaso.cli.log2timeline_tool module
The log2timeline CLI tool.
- class plaso.cli.log2timeline_tool.Log2TimelineTool(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Log2timeline CLI tool.
- dependencies_check
True if the availability and versions of dependencies should be checked.
- Type:
- list_archive_types
True if the archive types should be listed.
- Type:
- list_hashers
True if the hashers should be listed.
- Type:
- list_parsers_and_plugins
True if the parsers and plugins should be listed.
- Type:
- list_profilers
True if the profilers should be listed.
- Type:
- show_info
True if information about hashers, parsers, plugins, etc. should be shown.
- Type:
- AddStorageOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the storage options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- DESCRIPTION = '\nlog2timeline is a command line tool to extract events from individual \nfiles, recursing a directory (e.g. mount point) or storage media \nimage or device.\n\nMore information can be gathered from here:\n\n'
- EPILOG = '\nExample usage:\n\nRun the tool against a storage media image (full kitchen sink)\n /cases/mycase/storage.plaso ímynd.dd\n\nInstead of answering questions, indicate some of the options on the\ncommand line (including data from particular VSS stores).\n --vss_stores 1,2 /cases/plaso_vss.plaso image.E01\n\nAnd that is how you build a timeline using log2timeline...\n'
- NAME = 'log2timeline'
- ParseArguments(arguments)[source]
Parses the command line arguments.
- Parameters:
arguments (list[str]) – command line arguments.
- Returns:
True if the arguments were successfully parsed.
- Return type:
- ParseOptions(options)[source]
Parses the options.
- Parameters:
options (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the options are invalid.
- __init__(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Initializes a log2timeline CLI tool.
- Parameters:
input_reader (Optional[InputReader]) – input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used.
output_writer (Optional[OutputWriter]) – output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used.
plaso.cli.logger module
The cli sub module logger.
plaso.cli.pinfo_tool module
The pinfo CLI tool.
- class plaso.cli.pinfo_tool.PinfoTool(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Pinfo CLI tool.
- compare_storage_information
True if the tool is used to compare stores.
- Type:
- generate_report
True if a predefined report type should be generated.
- Type:
- list_reports
True if the report types should be listed.
- Type:
- list_sections
True if the section types should be listed.
- Type:
- CompareStores()[source]
Compares the contents of two stores.
- Returns:
True if the content of the stores is identical.
- Return type:
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the storage file format is not supported.
- DESCRIPTION = 'Shows information about a Plaso storage file, for example how it was collected, what information was extracted from a source, etc.'
- GenerateReport()[source]
Generates a report.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the storage file format is not supported.
- NAME = 'pinfo'
- ParseArguments(arguments)[source]
Parses the command line arguments.
- Parameters:
arguments (list[str]) – command line arguments.
- Returns:
True if the arguments were successfully parsed.
- Return type:
- ParseOptions(options)[source]
Parses the options.
- Parameters:
options (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the options are invalid.
- PrintStorageInformation()[source]
Prints the storage information.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the storage file format is not supported.
- __init__(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Initializes the CLI tool object.
- Parameters:
input_reader (Optional[InputReader]) – input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used.
output_writer (Optional[OutputWriter]) – output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used.
plaso.cli.psort_tool module
The psort CLI tool.
- class plaso.cli.psort_tool.PsortTool(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Psort CLI tool.
- list_analysis_plugins
True if information about the analysis plugins should be shown.
- Type:
- list_language_tags
True if the language tags should be listed.
- Type:
- list_output_modules
True if information about the output modules should be shown.
- Type:
- list_profilers
True if the profilers should be listed.
- Type:
- AddProcessingOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds processing options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- DESCRIPTION = 'Application to read, filter and process output from a Plaso storage file.'
- NAME = 'psort'
- ParseArguments(arguments)[source]
Parses the command line arguments.
- Parameters:
arguments (list[str]) – command line arguments.
- Returns:
True if the arguments were successfully parsed.
- Return type:
- ParseOptions(options)[source]
Parses the options.
- Parameters:
options (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the options are invalid.
- ProcessStorage()[source]
Processes a Plaso storage file.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – when a configuration parameter fails validation or the storage file cannot be opened with read access.
RuntimeError – if a non-recoverable situation is encountered.
- __init__(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Initializes the CLI tool object.
- Parameters:
input_reader (Optional[InputReader]) – input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used.
output_writer (Optional[OutputWriter]) – output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used.
plaso.cli.psteal_tool module
The psteal CLI tool.
- class plaso.cli.psteal_tool.PstealTool(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Psteal CLI tool.
Psteal extract events from the provided source and stores them in an intermediate storage file. After extraction an output log file is created. This mimics the behavior of the
The tool currently doesn’t support any of the log2timeline or psort tools’ flags.
- dependencies_check
True if the availability and versions of dependencies should be checked.
- Type:
- list_archive_types
True if the archive types should be listed.
- Type:
- list_hashers
True if the hashers should be listed.
- Type:
- list_output_modules
True if information about the output modules should be shown.
- Type:
- list_parsers_and_plugins
True if the parsers and plugins should be listed.
- Type:
- AddStorageOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the storage options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- DESCRIPTION = '\npsteal is a command line tool to extract events from individual \nfiles, recursing a directory (e.g. mount point) or storage media \nimage or device. The output events will be stored in a storage file.\nThis tool will then read the output and process the events into a CSV \nfile.\n\nMore information can be gathered from here:\n\n'
- EPILOG = '\nExample usage:\n\nRun the tool against a storage media image (full kitchen sink)\n --source ímynd.dd -w imynd.timeline.txt\n\nAnd that is how you build a timeline using psteal...\n'
- NAME = 'psteal'
- ParseArguments(arguments)[source]
Parses the command line arguments.
- Parameters:
arguments (list[str]) – command line arguments.
- Returns:
True if the arguments were successfully parsed.
- Return type:
- ParseOptions(options)[source]
Parses tool specific options.
- Parameters:
options (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the options are invalid.
- ProcessStorage()[source]
Processes a Plaso storage file.
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – when a configuration parameter fails validation or the storage file cannot be opened with read access.
RuntimeError – if a non-recoverable situation is encountered.
- __init__(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Initializes the CLI tool object.
- Parameters:
input_reader (Optional[InputReader]) – input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used.
output_writer (Optional[OutputWriter]) – output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used.
plaso.cli.status_view module
The status view.
- class plaso.cli.status_view.StatusView(output_writer, tool_name)[source]
Processing status view.
- GetAnalysisStatusUpdateCallback()[source]
Retrieves the analysis status update callback function.
- Returns:
status update callback function or None if not available.
- Return type:
- GetExtractionStatusUpdateCallback()[source]
Retrieves the extraction status update callback function.
- Returns:
status update callback function or None if not available.
- Return type:
- MODE_FILE = 'file'
- MODE_LINEAR = 'linear'
- MODE_WINDOW = 'window'
- PrintExtractionStatusHeader(processing_status)[source]
Prints the extraction status header.
- Parameters:
processing_status (ProcessingStatus) – processing status.
- PrintExtractionSummary(processing_status, number_of_extraction_warnings)[source]
Prints a summary of the extraction.
- Parameters:
processing_status (ProcessingStatus) – processing status.
number_of_extraction_warnings (int) – number of extraction warnings.
- SetSourceInformation(source_path, source_type, artifact_filters=None, filter_file=None)[source]
Sets the source information.
- Parameters:
source_path (str) – path of the source.
source_type (str) – source type.
artifact_filters (Optional[list[str]]) – names of artifact definitions to use as filters.
filter_file (Optional[str]) – filter file.
- SetStatusFile(path)[source]
Sets the status file.
- Parameters:
path (str) – path of the status file.
plaso.cli.storage_media_tool module
The storage media CLI tool.
- class plaso.cli.storage_media_tool.StorageMediaTool(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
CLI tool that supports a storage media device or image as input.
- AddCredentialOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the credential options to the argument group.
The credential options are use to unlock encrypted volumes.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- AddStorageMediaImageOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the storage media image options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- AddVSSProcessingOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the VSS processing options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- ScanSource(source_path)[source]
Scans the source path for volume and file systems.
This function sets the internal source path specification and source type values.
- Parameters:
source_path (str) – path to the source.
- Raises:
SourceScannerError – if the format of or within the source is not supported.
- __init__(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Initializes a CLI tool that supports storage media as input.
- Parameters:
input_reader (Optional[InputReader]) – input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used.
output_writer (Optional[OutputWriter]) – output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used.
- class plaso.cli.storage_media_tool.StorageMediaToolMediator(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Mediator between the storage media tool and user input.
- ParseVolumeIdentifiersString(volume_identifiers_string, prefix='v')[source]
Parses a user specified volume identifiers string.
- Parameters:
volume_identifiers_string (str) – user specified volume identifiers. A range of volumes can be defined as: “3..5”. Multiple volumes can be defined as: “1,3,5” (a list of comma separated values). Ranges and lists can also be combined as: “1,3..5”. The first volume is 1. All volumes can be defined as: “all”.
prefix (Optional[str]) – volume identifier prefix.
- Returns:
volume identifiers with prefix or the string “all”.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – if the volume identifiers string is invalid.
- class plaso.cli.storage_media_tool.StorageMediaToolVolumeScanner(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Volume scanner used by the storage media tool.
- ScanSource(source_path, options, base_path_specs)[source]
Scans the source path for volume and file systems.
This function sets the internal source path specification and source type values.
- Parameters:
source_path (str) – path to the source.
options (VolumeScannerOptions) – volume scanner options.
base_path_specs (list[PathSpec]) – file system base path specifications.
- Returns:
source scanner context.
- Return type:
- Raises:
dfvfs.ScannerError – if the format of or within the source is not supported.
- __init__(mediator=None)[source]
Initializes a volume scanner.
- Parameters:
mediator (Optional[VolumeScannerMediator]) – a volume scanner mediator.
- property source_type
type of source.
- Type:
plaso.cli.time_slices module
The time slice.
- class plaso.cli.time_slices.TimeSlice(event_timestamp, duration=5)[source]
Time slice.
The time slice is used to provide a context of events around an event of interest.
- duration
duration of the time slice in minutes.
- Type:
- event_timestamp
event timestamp of the time slice or None.
- Type:
- __init__(event_timestamp, duration=5)[source]
Initializes the time slice.
- Parameters:
event_timestamp (int) – event timestamp of the time slice or None.
duration (Optional[int]) – duration of the time slice in minutes. The default is 5, which represent 2.5 minutes before and 2.5 minutes after the event timestamp.
- property end_timestamp
slice end timestamp or None.
- Type:
- property start_timestamp
slice start timestamp or None.
- Type:
plaso.cli.tool_options module
The CLI tool options mix-ins.
- class plaso.cli.tool_options.AnalysisPluginOptions[source]
Analysis plugin options mix-in.
- class plaso.cli.tool_options.OutputModuleOptions[source]
Output module options mix-in.
- list_time_zones
True if the time zones should be listed.
- Type:
bool module
The command line interface (CLI) tools classes.
- class'utf-8')[source]
Command line interface input reader interface.
- class'utf-8')[source]
Command line interface output writer interface.
- class, output_writer=None)[source]
Command line interface tool.
- preferred_encoding
preferred encoding of single-byte or multi-byte character strings, sometimes referred to as extended ASCII.
- Type:
- show_troubleshooting
True if troubleshooting information should be shown.
- Type:
- AddBasicOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the basic options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- AddInformationalOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the informational options to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- AddLogFileOptions(argument_group)[source]
Adds the log file option to the argument group.
- Parameters:
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup) – argparse argument group.
- GetCommandLineArguments()[source]
Retrieves the command line arguments.
- Returns:
command line arguments.
- Return type:
- GetVersionInformation()[source]
Retrieves the version information.
- Returns:
version information.
- Return type:
- NAME = ''
- ParseNumericOption(options, name, base=10, default_value=None)[source]
Parses a numeric option.
If the option is not set the default value is returned.
- Parameters:
options (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments.
name (str) – name of the numeric option.
base (Optional[int]) – base of the numeric value.
default_value (Optional[object]) – default value.
- Returns:
numeric value.
- Return type:
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the options are invalid.
- ParseStringOption(options, argument_name, default_value=None)[source]
Parses a string command line argument.
- Parameters:
options (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments.
argument_name (str) – name of the command line argument.
default_value (Optional[object]) – default value of the command line argument.
- Returns:
- command line argument value. If the command line argument is
not set the default value will be returned.
- Return type:
- Raises:
BadConfigOption – if the command line argument value cannot be converted to a Unicode string.
- __init__(input_reader=None, output_writer=None)[source]
Initializes a command line interface tool.
- Parameters:
input_reader (Optional[CLIInputReader]) – input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used.
output_writer (Optional[CLIOutputWriter]) – output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used.
- property data_location
path of the data files.
- Type:
- class, encoding='utf-8')[source]
File object command line interface input reader.
This input reader relies on the file-like object having a readline method.
- class, encoding='utf-8')[source]
File object command line interface output writer.
This output writer relies on the file-like object having a write method.
- class'utf-8')[source]
Stdin command line interface input reader.
- class'utf-8')[source]
Stdout command line interface output writer.
plaso.cli.views module
View classes.
- class plaso.cli.views.BaseTableView(column_names=None, title=None, title_level=3)[source]
Table view interface.
- AddRow(values)[source]
Adds a row of values.
- Parameters:
values (list[object]) – values.
- Raises:
ValueError – if the number of values is out of bounds.
- class plaso.cli.views.CLITableView(column_names=None, title=None, title_level=3)[source]
Command line table view.
Note that currently this table view does not support more than 2 columns.
- AddRow(values)[source]
Adds a row of values.
- Parameters:
values (list[object]) – values.
- Raises:
ValueError – if the number of values is out of bounds.
- class plaso.cli.views.CLITabularTableView(column_names=None, column_sizes=None, title=None)[source]
Command line tabular table view interface.
- AddRow(values)[source]
Adds a row of values.
- Parameters:
values (list[object]) – values.
- Raises:
ValueError – if the number of values is out of bounds.
- Write(output_writer)[source]
Writes the table to the output writer.
- Parameters:
output_writer (OutputWriter) – output writer.
- __init__(column_names=None, column_sizes=None, title=None)[source]
Initializes a command line table view.
- Parameters:
column_names (Optional[list[str]]) – column names.
column_sizes (Optional[list[int]]) – minimum column sizes, in number of characters. If a column name or row value is larger than the minimum column size the column will be enlarged. Note that the minimum columns size will be rounded up to the number of spaces of the next tab.
title (Optional[str]) – title.
- class plaso.cli.views.MarkdownTableView(column_names=None, title=None, title_level=3)[source]
Markdown table view.
- class plaso.cli.views.ViewsFactory[source]
Views factory.
- classmethod GetTableView(format_type, column_names=None, title=None, title_level=3)[source]
Retrieves a table view.
- Parameters:
format_type (str) – table view format type.
column_names (Optional[list[str]]) – column names.
title (Optional[str]) – title.
title_level (Optional[int]) – title heading level.
- Returns:
table view.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – if the format type is not supported.