pinfo is a command line tool to provide information about the contents of a Plaso storage file.
The Plaso storage file contains information about:
When and how the tool was run
Information gathered during the pre-processing stage
Metadata about each storage container or store
What parsers were used during the extraction phase, parameters used
How many extracted events are in the storage file, and count of each parser
If there are tagged events, what tag file was used, what tags have been applied and count for each one
If analysis plugins have been run, an overview of which have been run and the content of the report
Usage of pinfo is very simple, however for full list of parameters use the -h
or --help
The simplest way to run the tool is to run it without any parameters:
$ timeline.plaso
Plaso Storage Information
Storage file: timeline.plaso
Serialization format: json
Source processed: N/A
Time of processing: 2015-07-16T20:39:40+00:00
Collection information:
parser_selection = winxp
recursive = False
preferred_encoding = UTF-8
os_detected = Windows
workers = 0
output_file = timeline.plaso
method = imaged processed
preprocess = True
version = 1.3.0
cmd_line = /usr/bin/ timeline.plaso test.dd
debug = False
runtime = multi process mode
parsers = bencode, binary_cookies, chrome_cache, chrome_preferences, esedb, filestat, firefox_cache, java_idx, lnk, mcafee_protection, msiecf, olecf, openxml, opera_global, opera_typed_history, pe, plist, prefetch, recycle_bin_info2, skydrive_log, skydrive_log_error, sqlite, symantec_scanlog, winevt, winfirewall, winjob, winreg
configured_zone = CST6CDT
protobuf_size = 0
Parser counter information:
Counter: total = 149925
Counter: winreg/winreg_default = 87885
Counter: filestat = 28894
Counter: pe = 26161
Counter: msiecf = 3156
Counter: lnk/shell_items = 1361
Counter: winreg/windows_services = 831
Counter: lnk = 483
Counter: winevt = 364
This produces the basic information the storage file stores. To get more verbose output, for instance to see the information collected during the pre-processing stage or content of analysis reports use the verbose switch, -v
$ -v timeline.plaso
Preprocessing information:
Operating system : Microsoft Windows XP
Hostname : N-1A9ODN6ZXK4LQ
Time zone : CST6CDT
%ProgramFiles% : Program Files
%SystemRoot% : /WINDOWS
%WinDir% : /WINDOWS
Users information:
Name : systemprofile
SID : S-1-5-18
Profile path : %systemroot%\system32\config\systemprofile
Name : LocalService
SID : S-1-5-19
Profile path : %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\LocalService
Name : NetworkService
SID : S-1-5-20
Profile path : %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\NetworkService
Name : Mr. Evil
SID : S-1-5-21-2000478354-688789844-1708537768-1003
Profile path : %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Mr. Evil
Time zone : CST6CDT
Operating system : Windows
Registry path : /WINDOWS/system32/config
store_range : (1, 1)
Code page : cp1252
If analysis plugins have been run the reports are also displayed:
Report generated from: browser_search
Generated on: 2015-07-17T02:52:07+00:00
Report text:
== ENGINE: GoogleSearch ==
10 who am i
10 what is my ip
Same if there are any tags stored in the storage file.
Parser counter information:
Counter: Total Tags = 146
Counter: Application Execution = 144
Counter: Document Printed = 2
There is also an option to compare two storage files, for instance if you run the tool against a storage media file, then later re-run the tool and you want to quickly determine if there is a difference between the two storage files (does not go into content, only counters).
$ --compare older_timeline.plaso timeline.plaso
collection_information.version value mismatch 1.3.0_20150716 != 1.3.0_20150713.
counter.filestat value mismatch 49090 != 28894. value mismatch 143960 != 123764.
This shows the comparison between two runtimes of the tool against the same test dataset, before a bug was fixed and after. There are two things that changed, the version number increased and there are a lot more filestat events in the newer storage file.