Source code for plaso.parsers.mediator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The parser mediator."""

import collections
import datetime
import time

from plaso.containers import artifacts
from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import warnings
from plaso.engine import path_helper
from plaso.engine import profilers
from plaso.helpers import language_tags
from import languages

[docs] class ParserMediator(object): """Parser mediator. Attributes: last_activity_timestamp (int): timestamp received that indicates the last time activity was observed. The last activity timestamp is updated when the mediator produces an attribute container, such as an event source. This timestamp is used by the multi processing worker process to indicate the last time the worker was known to be active. This information is then used by the foreman to detect workers that are not responding (stalled). parsers_counter (collections.Counter): number of events per parser or parser plugin. registry_find_specs (list[dfwinreg.FindSpec]): Windows Registry find specifications. """ _DEFAULT_CODE_PAGE = 'cp1252' _DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_TAG = 'en-US'.lower() # LCID 0x0409 is en-US. _DEFAULT_LCID = 0x0409
[docs] def __init__( self, registry_find_specs=None, resolver_context=None, system_configurations=None): """Initializes a parser mediator. Args: registry_find_specs (Optional[list[dfwinreg.FindSpec]]): Windows Registry find specifications. resolver_context (Optional[dfvfs.Context]): resolver context. system_configurations (Optional[list[SystemConfigurationArtifact]]): system configurations. """ super(ParserMediator, self).__init__() self._abort = False self._cached_parser_chain = None self._environment_variables_per_path_spec = None self._event_data_stream = None self._event_data_stream_identifier = None self._extract_winevt_resources = True self._extract_winreg_binary_values = False self._file_entry = None self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler = None self._language_tag = None self._last_event_data_hash = None self._last_event_data_identifier = None self._lcid = None self._number_of_event_data = 0 self._number_of_event_sources = 0 self._number_of_extraction_warnings = 0 self._number_of_recovery_warnings = 0 self._parser_chain_components = [] self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler = None self._parsers_memory_profiler = None self._preferred_code_page = None self._process_information = None self._resolver_context = resolver_context self._storage_writer = None self._temporary_directory = None self._windows_event_log_providers = None self._windows_event_log_providers_per_filename = None self._windows_event_log_providers_per_path = None self.registry_find_specs = registry_find_specs self.last_activity_timestamp = 0.0 self.parsers_counter = collections.Counter() self._CreateEnvironmentVariablesPerPathSpec(system_configurations)
@property def abort(self): """bool: True if parsing should be aborted.""" return self._abort @property def extract_winevt_resources(self): """bool: extract Windows EventLog resources.""" return self._extract_winevt_resources @property def extract_winreg_binary_values(self): """bool: extract Windows Registry binary values.""" return self._extract_winreg_binary_values @property def number_of_produced_event_data(self): """int: number of produced event data.""" return self._number_of_event_data @property def number_of_produced_event_sources(self): """int: number of produced event sources.""" return self._number_of_event_sources @property def number_of_produced_extraction_warnings(self): """int: number of produced extraction warnings.""" return self._number_of_extraction_warnings @property def resolver_context(self): """dfvfs.Context: resolver context.""" return self._resolver_context @property def temporary_directory(self): """str: path of the directory for temporary files.""" return self._temporary_directory def _CreateEnvironmentVariablesPerPathSpec(self, system_configurations): """Creates the environment variables per path specification lookup table. Args: system_configurations (list[SystemConfigurationArtifact]): system configurations. """ self._environment_variables_per_path_spec = {} for system_configuration in system_configurations or []: if system_configuration.environment_variables: for path_spec in system_configuration.path_specs: if path_spec.parent: self._environment_variables_per_path_spec[path_spec.parent] = ( system_configuration.environment_variables) def _CreateEventLogMessageFileLookupTables(self, environment_variables): """Creates the Windows EventLog message file lookup tables. Args: environment_variables (list[EnvironmentVariableArtifact]): environment variables. """ self._windows_event_log_providers_per_filename = {} self._windows_event_log_providers_per_path = {} for provider in self._windows_event_log_providers: self._FillEventLogMessageFileLookupTablesWithMessageFiles( environment_variables, provider, provider.event_message_files) self._FillEventLogMessageFileLookupTablesWithMessageFiles( environment_variables, provider, provider.parameter_message_files) def _FillEventLogMessageFileLookupTablesWithMessageFiles( self, environment_variables, event_log_provider, message_files): """Fills the Windows EventLog message file lookup tables with message files. Args: environment_variables (list[EnvironmentVariableArtifact]): environment variables. event_log_provider (WindowsEventLogProviderArtifact): Windows EventLog provider. message_files (list[str]): message file paths. """ for windows_path in message_files or []: path, filename = path_helper.PathHelper.GetWindowsSystemPath( windows_path, environment_variables) path = path.lower() filename = filename.lower() # Use the path prefix as the key to handle language specific EventLog # message files. if path not in self._windows_event_log_providers_per_path: self._windows_event_log_providers_per_path[path] = {} # Note that multiple providers can share EventLog message files. self._windows_event_log_providers_per_filename[filename] = ( event_log_provider) self._windows_event_log_providers_per_path[path][filename] = ( event_log_provider) def _GetEnvironmentVariablesByPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Retrieves the environment variables for a specific path specification. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. Returns: list[EnvironmentVariableArtifact]: environment variables. """ if not path_spec or not path_spec.parent: return None return self._environment_variables_per_path_spec.get(path_spec.parent, None)
[docs] def AddDateLessLogHelper(self, date_less_log_helper): """Adds a date-less log helper. Args: date_less_log_helper (DateLessLogHelper): date-less log helper. """ if self._event_data_stream_identifier: date_less_log_helper.SetEventDataStreamIdentifier( self._event_data_stream_identifier) self._storage_writer.AddAttributeContainer(date_less_log_helper)
[docs] def AddWindowsEventLogMessageFile(self, message_file): """Adds a Windows EventLog message file. Args: message_file (WindowsEventLogMessageFileArtifact): Windows EventLog message file. """ self._storage_writer.AddAttributeContainer(message_file)
[docs] def AddWindowsEventLogMessageString(self, message_string): """Adds a Windows EventLog message string. Args: message_string (WindowsEventLogMessageStringArtifact): Windows EventLog message string. """ self._storage_writer.AddAttributeContainer(message_string)
[docs] def AddWindowsWevtTemplateEvent(self, event_definition): """Adds a Windows WEVT_TEMPLATE event definition. Args: event_definition (WindowsWevtTemplateEvent): Windows WEVT_TEMPLATE event definition. """ self._storage_writer.AddAttributeContainer(event_definition)
[docs] def AppendToParserChain(self, name): """Adds a parser or parser plugin to the parser chain. Args: name (str): name of a parser or parser plugin. """ self._cached_parser_chain = None self._parser_chain_components.append(name)
[docs] def ClearParserChain(self): """Clears the parser chain.""" self._cached_parser_chain = None self._parser_chain_components = []
[docs] def ExpandWindowsPath(self, path): """Expands a Windows path containing environment variables. Args: path (str): Windows path with environment variables. Returns: str: expanded Windows path. """ path_spec = getattr(self._file_entry, 'path_spec', None) environment_variables = self._GetEnvironmentVariablesByPathSpec(path_spec) return path_helper.PathHelper.ExpandWindowsPath(path, environment_variables)
[docs] def GetCodePage(self): """Retrieves the code page related to the file entry. Returns: str: code page. """ path_spec = getattr(self._file_entry, 'path_spec', None) if path_spec: # TODO: determine code page from system_configurations. pass return self._preferred_code_page or self._DEFAULT_CODE_PAGE
[docs] def GetCurrentYear(self): """Retrieves current year. Returns: int: the current year. """ datetime_object = return datetime_object.year
[docs] def GetDisplayName(self, file_entry=None): """Retrieves the display name for a file entry. Args: file_entry (Optional[dfvfs.FileEntry]): file entry object, where None will use the active file entry. Returns: str: human readable string that describes the path to the file entry. Raises: ValueError: if the file entry is missing. """ if file_entry is None: file_entry = self._file_entry if file_entry is None: raise ValueError('Missing file entry') path_spec = getattr(file_entry, 'path_spec', None) relative_path = path_helper.PathHelper.GetRelativePathForPathSpec(path_spec) if not relative_path: return return path_helper.PathHelper.GetDisplayNameForPathSpec(path_spec)
[docs] def GetDisplayNameForPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Retrieves the display name for a path specification. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. Returns: str: human readable version of the path specification. """ return path_helper.PathHelper.GetDisplayNameForPathSpec(path_spec)
[docs] def GetFileEntry(self): """Retrieves the active file entry. Returns: dfvfs.FileEntry: file entry or None if not available. """ return self._file_entry
[docs] def GetFilename(self): """Retrieves the name of the active file entry. Returns: str: name of the active file entry or None. """ if not self._file_entry: return None data_stream = getattr(self._file_entry.path_spec, 'data_stream', None) if data_stream: return f'{}:{data_stream:s}' return
[docs] def GetLanguageTag(self): """Retrieves the language tag related to the file entry. Returns: str: code page. """ path_spec = getattr(self._file_entry, 'path_spec', None) if path_spec: # TODO: determine language tag from system_configurations. pass return self._language_tag or self._DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_TAG
[docs] def GetParserChain(self): """Retrieves the current parser chain. Returns: str: parser chain. """ if not self._cached_parser_chain: self._cached_parser_chain = '/'.join(self._parser_chain_components) return self._cached_parser_chain
[docs] def GetRelativePath(self): """Retrieves the relative path of the current file entry. Returns: str: relative path of the current file entry or None if no current file entry. """ path_spec = getattr(self._file_entry, 'path_spec', None) if not path_spec: return None return path_helper.PathHelper.GetRelativePathForPathSpec(path_spec)
[docs] def GetRelativePathForPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Retrieves the relative path for a path specification. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. Returns: str: relative path of the path specification. """ return path_helper.PathHelper.GetRelativePathForPathSpec(path_spec)
[docs] def GetWindowsEventLogMessageFile(self): """Retrieves the Windows EventLog message file for a specific path. Returns: WindowsEventLogMessageFileArtifact: Windows EventLog message file or None if no current file entry or no Windows EventLog message file was found. """ path_spec = getattr(self._file_entry, 'path_spec', None) if not path_spec: return None if (self._windows_event_log_providers_per_filename is None and self._windows_event_log_providers_per_path is None): # TODO: improve this by building lookup tables per volume path spec environment_variables = self._GetEnvironmentVariablesByPathSpec(path_spec) if not environment_variables: return None self._CreateEventLogMessageFileLookupTables(environment_variables) relative_path = path_helper.PathHelper.GetRelativePathForPathSpec(path_spec) lookup_path = relative_path.lower() path_segment_separator = path_helper.PathHelper.GetPathSegmentSeparator( path_spec) lookup_path, _, lookup_filename = lookup_path.rpartition( path_segment_separator) # Language specific EventLog message file paths contain a language tag # such as "en-US". base_lookup_path, _, last_path_segment = lookup_path.rpartition( path_segment_separator) if language_tags.LanguageTagHelper.IsLanguageTag(last_path_segment): lookup_path = base_lookup_path message_file = None if (lookup_path == '\\windows\\systemresources' and lookup_filename[-4:] == '.mun'): lookup_filename = lookup_filename[:-4] provider = self._windows_event_log_providers_per_filename.get( lookup_filename, None) if provider: windows_path = '\\'.join(['', 'Windows', 'System32', lookup_filename]) message_file = artifacts.WindowsEventLogMessageFileArtifact( path=relative_path, windows_path=windows_path) else: providers_per_filename = self._windows_event_log_providers_per_path.get( lookup_path, {}) for filename, provider in providers_per_filename.items(): if lookup_filename in (filename, f'{filename:s}.mui'): windows_path = '\\'.join([lookup_path, filename]) message_file = artifacts.WindowsEventLogMessageFileArtifact( path=relative_path, windows_path=windows_path) break return message_file
[docs] def PopFromParserChain(self): """Removes the last added parser or parser plugin from the parser chain.""" self._cached_parser_chain = None self._parser_chain_components.pop()
[docs] def ProduceEventData(self, event_data): """Produces event data. Args: event_data (EventData): event data. Raises: RuntimeError: when storage writer is not set. """ if not self._storage_writer: raise RuntimeError('Storage writer not set.') parser_chain = getattr(event_data, '_parser_chain', None) if not parser_chain: parser_chain = self.GetParserChain() setattr(event_data, '_parser_chain', parser_chain) if self._event_data_stream_identifier: event_data.SetEventDataStreamIdentifier( self._event_data_stream_identifier) event_values_hash = events.CalculateEventValuesHash( event_data, self._event_data_stream) setattr(event_data, '_event_values_hash', event_values_hash) self._storage_writer.AddAttributeContainer(event_data) self._number_of_event_data += 1 self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def ProduceEventDataStream(self, event_data_stream): """Produces an event data stream. Args: event_data_stream (EventDataStream): an event data stream or None if no event data stream is needed. Raises: RuntimeError: when storage writer is not set. """ if not self._storage_writer: raise RuntimeError('Storage writer not set.') if not event_data_stream: self._event_data_stream = None self._event_data_stream_identifier = None else: if not event_data_stream.path_spec: event_data_stream.path_spec = getattr( self._file_entry, 'path_spec', None) self._storage_writer.AddAttributeContainer(event_data_stream) self._event_data_stream = event_data_stream self._event_data_stream_identifier = event_data_stream.GetIdentifier() self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def ProduceEventSource(self, event_source): """Produces an event source. Args: event_source (EventSource): an event source. Raises: RuntimeError: when storage writer is not set. """ if not self._storage_writer: raise RuntimeError('Storage writer not set.') self._storage_writer.AddAttributeContainer(event_source) self._number_of_event_sources += 1 self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def ProduceExtractionWarning(self, message, path_spec=None): """Produces an extraction warning. Args: message (str): message of the warning. path_spec (Optional[dfvfs.PathSpec]): path specification, where None will use the path specification of current file entry set in the mediator. Raises: RuntimeError: when storage writer is not set. """ if not self._storage_writer: raise RuntimeError('Storage writer not set.') if not path_spec and self._file_entry: path_spec = self._file_entry.path_spec parser_chain = self.GetParserChain() warning = warnings.ExtractionWarning( message=message, parser_chain=parser_chain, path_spec=path_spec) self._storage_writer.AddAttributeContainer(warning) self._number_of_extraction_warnings += 1 self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def ProduceRecoveryWarning(self, message, path_spec=None): """Produces a recovery warning. Args: message (str): message of the warning. path_spec (Optional[dfvfs.PathSpec]): path specification, where None will use the path specification of current file entry set in the mediator. Raises: RuntimeError: when storage writer is not set. """ if not self._storage_writer: raise RuntimeError('Storage writer not set.') if not path_spec and self._file_entry: path_spec = self._file_entry.path_spec parser_chain = self.GetParserChain() warning = warnings.RecoveryWarning( message=message, parser_chain=parser_chain, path_spec=path_spec) self._storage_writer.AddAttributeContainer(warning) self._number_of_recovery_warnings += 1 self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def SetWindowsEventLogProviders(self, windows_event_log_providers): """Sets the Windows EventLog providers. Rags: windows_event_log_providers (list[WindowsEventLogProviderArtifact]): Windows EventLog providers. """ self._windows_event_log_providers = windows_event_log_providers
[docs] def ResetFileEntry(self): """Resets the active file entry.""" self._file_entry = None
[docs] def SampleFormatCheckStartTiming(self, parser_name): """Starts timing a CPU time sample for profiling. Args: parser_name (str): name of the parser. """ if self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler: self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler.StartTiming(parser_name)
[docs] def SampleFormatCheckStopTiming(self, parser_name): """Stops timing a CPU time sample for profiling. Args: parser_name (str): name of the parser. """ if self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler: self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler.StopTiming(parser_name)
[docs] def SampleMemoryUsage(self, parser_name): """Takes a sample of the memory usage for profiling. Args: parser_name (str): name of the parser. """ if self._parsers_memory_profiler: used_memory = self._process_information.GetUsedMemory() or 0 self._parsers_memory_profiler.Sample(parser_name, used_memory)
[docs] def SampleStartTiming(self, parser_name): """Starts timing a CPU time sample for profiling. Args: parser_name (str): name of the parser. """ if self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler: self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler.StartTiming(parser_name)
[docs] def SampleStopTiming(self, parser_name): """Stops timing a CPU time sample for profiling. Args: parser_name (str): name of the parser. """ if self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler: self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler.StopTiming(parser_name)
[docs] def SetExtractWinEvtResources(self, extract_winevt_resources): """Sets value to extract Windows EventLog resources. Args: extract_winevt_resources (bool): True if Windows EventLog resources should be extracted. """ self._extract_winevt_resources = extract_winevt_resources
[docs] def SetExtractWinRegBinaryValues(self, extract_winreg_binary_values): """Sets value to extract Windows Registry binary values. Args: extract_winreg_binary_values (bool): True if Windows Registry binary values should be extracted. """ self._extract_winreg_binary_values = extract_winreg_binary_values
[docs] def SetFileEntry(self, file_entry): """Sets the active file entry. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. """ self._event_data_stream = None self._event_data_stream_identifier = None self._file_entry = file_entry
[docs] def SetPreferredCodepage(self, code_page): """Sets the preferred code page. Args: code_page (str): code page. """ if code_page: code_page = code_page.lower() self._preferred_code_page = code_page
[docs] def SetPreferredLanguage(self, language_tag): """Sets the preferred language. Args: language_tag (str): language tag such as "en-US" for US English or "is-IS" for Icelandic or None if the language determined by preprocessing or the default should be used. Raises: ValueError: if the language tag is not a string type or no LCID can be determined that corresponds with the language tag. """ lcid = None if language_tag: lcid = languages.WindowsLanguageHelper.GetLCIDForLanguageTag(language_tag) if not lcid: raise ValueError(f'No LCID found for language tag: {language_tag:s}.') language_tag = language_tag.lower() self._language_tag = language_tag self._lcid = lcid
[docs] def SetStorageWriter(self, storage_writer): """Sets the storage writer. Args: storage_writer (StorageWriter): storage writer. """ self._storage_writer = storage_writer # Reset the last event data information. Each storage file should # contain event data for their events. self._last_event_data_hash = None
[docs] def SetTemporaryDirectory(self, temporary_directory): """Sets the directory to store temporary files. Args: temporary_directory (str): path of the directory to store temporary files. """ self._temporary_directory = temporary_directory
[docs] def SignalAbort(self): """Signals the parsers to abort.""" self._abort = True
[docs] def StartProfiling(self, configuration, identifier, process_information): """Starts profiling. Args: configuration (ProfilingConfiguration): profiling configuration. identifier (str): identifier of the profiling session used to create the sample filename. process_information (ProcessInfo): process information. """ if not configuration: return if configuration.HaveProfileFormatChecks(): identifier = f'{identifier:s}-format_checks' self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler = profilers.CPUTimeProfiler( identifier, configuration) self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler.Start() if configuration.HaveProfileParsers(): identifier = f'{identifier:s}-parsers' self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler = profilers.CPUTimeProfiler( identifier, configuration) self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler.Start() self._parsers_memory_profiler = profilers.MemoryProfiler( identifier, configuration) self._parsers_memory_profiler.Start() self._process_information = process_information
[docs] def StopProfiling(self): """Stops profiling.""" if self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler: self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler.Stop() self._format_checks_cpu_time_profiler = None if self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler: self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler.Stop() self._parsers_cpu_time_profiler = None if self._parsers_memory_profiler: self._parsers_memory_profiler.Stop() self._parsers_memory_profiler = None self._process_information = None