Source code for plaso.parsers.bsm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Basic Security Module (BSM) event auditing file parser."""

import os

from dfdatetime import posix_time as dfdatetime_posix_time

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.lib import dtfabric_helper
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.parsers import interface
from plaso.parsers import manager

[docs] class BSMEventData(events.EventData): """Basic Security Module (BSM) audit event data. Attributes: event_type (int): identifier that represents the type of the event. extra_tokens (list[dict[str, dict[str, str]]]): event extra tokens, which is a list of dictionaries that contain: {token type: {token values}} offset (int): offset of the BSM record relative to the start of the file, from which the event data was extracted. record_length (int): record length in bytes (trailer number). return_value (str): processed return value and exit status. written_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): entry written date and time. """ DATA_TYPE = 'bsm:entry'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes event data.""" super(BSMEventData, self).__init__(data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.event_type = None self.extra_tokens = None self.offset = None self.record_length = None self.return_value = None self.written_time = None
[docs] class BSMParser(interface.FileObjectParser, dtfabric_helper.DtFabricHelper): """Parser for Basic Security Module (BSM) event auditing files.""" NAME = 'bsm_log' DATA_FORMAT = 'Basic Security Module (BSM) event auditing file' _DEFINITION_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'bsm.yaml') _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_TRAILER = 0x13 _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_HEADER32 = 0x14 _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_HEADER32_EX = 0x15 _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_RETURN32 = 0x27 _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_RETURN64 = 0x72 _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_HEADER64 = 0x74 _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_HEADER64_EX = 0x79 _HEADER_TOKEN_TYPES = frozenset([ _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_HEADER32, _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_HEADER32_EX, _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_HEADER64, _TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_HEADER64_EX]) _TOKEN_TYPES = { 0x00: 'AUT_INVALID', 0x11: 'AUT_OTHER_FILE32', 0x12: 'AUT_OHEADER', 0x13: 'AUT_TRAILER', 0x14: 'AUT_HEADER32', 0x15: 'AUT_HEADER32_EX', 0x21: 'AUT_DATA', 0x22: 'AUT_IPC', 0x23: 'AUT_PATH', 0x24: 'AUT_SUBJECT32', 0x25: 'AUT_XATPATH', 0x26: 'AUT_PROCESS32', 0x27: 'AUT_RETURN32', 0x28: 'AUT_TEXT', 0x29: 'AUT_OPAQUE', 0x2a: 'AUT_IN_ADDR', 0x2b: 'AUT_IP', 0x2c: 'AUT_IPORT', 0x2d: 'AUT_ARG32', 0x2e: 'AUT_SOCKET', 0x2f: 'AUT_SEQ', 0x30: 'AUT_ACL', 0x31: 'AUT_ATTR', 0x32: 'AUT_IPC_PERM', 0x33: 'AUT_LABEL', 0x34: 'AUT_GROUPS', 0x35: 'AUT_ACE', 0x36: 'AUT_SLABEL', 0x37: 'AUT_CLEAR', 0x38: 'AUT_PRIV', 0x39: 'AUT_UPRIV', 0x3a: 'AUT_LIAISON', 0x3b: 'AUT_NEWGROUPS', 0x3c: 'AUT_EXEC_ARGS', 0x3d: 'AUT_EXEC_ENV', 0x3e: 'AUT_ATTR32', 0x3f: 'AUT_UNAUTH', 0x40: 'AUT_XATOM', 0x41: 'AUT_XOBJ', 0x42: 'AUT_XPROTO', 0x43: 'AUT_XSELECT', 0x44: 'AUT_XCOLORMAP', 0x45: 'AUT_XCURSOR', 0x46: 'AUT_XFONT', 0x47: 'AUT_XGC', 0x48: 'AUT_XPIXMAP', 0x49: 'AUT_XPROPERTY', 0x4a: 'AUT_XWINDOW', 0x4b: 'AUT_XCLIENT', 0x51: 'AUT_CMD', 0x52: 'AUT_EXIT', 0x60: 'AUT_ZONENAME', 0x70: 'AUT_HOST', 0x71: 'AUT_ARG64', 0x72: 'AUT_RETURN64', 0x73: 'AUT_ATTR64', 0x74: 'AUT_HEADER64', 0x75: 'AUT_SUBJECT64', 0x76: 'AUT_SERVER64', 0x77: 'AUT_PROCESS64', 0x78: 'AUT_OTHER_FILE64', 0x79: 'AUT_HEADER64_EX', 0x7a: 'AUT_SUBJECT32_EX', 0x7b: 'AUT_PROCESS32_EX', 0x7c: 'AUT_SUBJECT64_EX', 0x7d: 'AUT_PROCESS64_EX', 0x7e: 'AUT_IN_ADDR_EX', 0x7f: 'AUT_SOCKET_EX', 0x80: 'AUT_SOCKINET32', 0x81: 'AUT_SOCKINET128', 0x82: 'AUT_SOCKUNIX'} _DATA_TYPE_MAP_PER_TOKEN_TYPE = { 0x11: 'bsm_token_data_other_file32', 0x13: 'bsm_token_data_trailer', 0x14: 'bsm_token_data_header32', 0x15: 'bsm_token_data_header32_ex', 0x21: 'bsm_token_data_data', 0x22: 'bsm_token_data_ipc', 0x23: 'bsm_token_data_path', 0x24: 'bsm_token_data_subject32', 0x26: 'bsm_token_data_subject32', 0x27: 'bsm_token_data_return32', 0x28: 'bsm_token_data_text', 0x29: 'bsm_token_data_opaque', 0x2a: 'bsm_token_data_in_addr', 0x2b: 'bsm_token_data_ip', 0x2c: 'bsm_token_data_iport', 0x2d: 'bsm_token_data_arg32', 0x2f: 'bsm_token_data_seq', 0x32: 'bsm_token_data_ipc_perm', 0x34: 'bsm_token_data_groups', 0x3b: 'bsm_token_data_groups', 0x3c: 'bsm_token_data_exec_args', 0x3d: 'bsm_token_data_exec_args', 0x3e: 'bsm_token_data_attr32', 0x52: 'bsm_token_data_exit', 0x60: 'bsm_token_data_zonename', 0x71: 'bsm_token_data_arg64', 0x72: 'bsm_token_data_return64', 0x73: 'bsm_token_data_attr64', 0x74: 'bsm_token_data_header64', 0x75: 'bsm_token_data_subject64', 0x77: 'bsm_token_data_subject64', 0x79: 'bsm_token_data_header64_ex', 0x7a: 'bsm_token_data_subject32_ex', 0x7b: 'bsm_token_data_subject32_ex', 0x7c: 'bsm_token_data_subject64_ex', 0x7d: 'bsm_token_data_subject64_ex', 0x7e: 'bsm_token_data_in_addr_ex', 0x7f: 'bsm_token_data_socket_ex', 0x80: 'bsm_token_data_sockinet32', 0x81: 'bsm_token_data_sockinet64', 0x82: 'bsm_token_data_sockunix'} _TOKEN_DATA_FORMAT_FUNCTIONS = { 0x11: '_FormatOtherFileToken', 0x21: '_FormatDataToken', 0x22: '_FormatIPCToken', 0x23: '_FormatPathToken', 0x24: '_FormatSubjectOrProcessToken', 0x26: '_FormatSubjectOrProcessToken', 0x27: '_FormatReturnOrExitToken', 0x28: '_FormatTextToken', 0x29: '_FormatOpaqueToken', 0x2a: '_FormatInAddrToken', 0x2b: '_FormatIPToken', 0x2c: '_FormatIPortToken', 0x2d: '_FormatArgToken', 0x2f: '_FormatSeqToken', 0x32: '_FormatIPCPermToken', 0x34: '_FormatGroupsToken', 0x3b: '_FormatGroupsToken', 0x3c: '_FormatExecArgsToken', 0x3d: '_FormatExecArgsToken', 0x3e: '_FormatAttrToken', 0x52: '_FormatReturnOrExitToken', 0x60: '_FormatZonenameToken', 0x71: '_FormatArgToken', 0x72: '_FormatReturnOrExitToken', 0x73: '_FormatAttrToken', 0x75: '_FormatSubjectOrProcessToken', 0x77: '_FormatSubjectOrProcessToken', 0x7a: '_FormatSubjectExOrProcessExToken', 0x7b: '_FormatSubjectExOrProcessExToken', 0x7c: '_FormatSubjectExOrProcessExToken', 0x7d: '_FormatSubjectExOrProcessExToken', 0x7e: '_FormatInAddrExToken', 0x7f: '_FormatSocketExToken', 0x80: '_FormatSocketInet32Token', 0x81: '_FormatSocketInet128Token', 0x82: '_FormatSocketUnixToken'} _DATA_TOKEN_FORMAT = { 0: 'Binary', 1: 'Octal', 2: 'Decimal', 3: 'Hexadecimal', 4: 'String'} # BSM identification errors. _ERRORS = { 0: 'Success', 1: 'Operation not permitted', 2: 'No such file or directory', 3: 'No such process', 4: 'Interrupted system call', 5: 'Input/output error', 6: 'Device not configured', 7: 'Argument list too long', 8: 'Exec format error', 9: 'Bad file descriptor', 10: 'No child processes', 11: 'Resource temporarily unavailable', 12: 'Cannot allocate memory', 13: 'Permission denied', 14: 'Bad address', 15: 'Block device required', 16: 'Device busy', 17: 'File exists', 18: 'ross-device link', 19: 'Operation not supported by device', 20: 'Not a directory', 21: 'Is a directory', 22: 'Invalid argument', 23: 'Too many open files in system', 24: 'Too many open files', 25: 'Inappropriate ioctl for device', 26: 'Text file busy', 27: 'File too large', 28: 'No space left on device', 29: 'Illegal seek', 30: 'Read-only file system', 31: 'Too many links', 32: 'Broken pipe', 33: 'Numerical argument out of domain', 34: 'Result too large', 35: 'No message of desired type', 36: 'Identifier removed', 45: 'Resource deadlock avoided', 46: 'No locks available', 47: 'Operation canceled', 48: 'Operation not supported', 49: 'Disc quota exceeded', 66: 'Too many levels of remote in path', 67: 'Link has been severed', 71: 'Protocol error', 74: 'Multihop attempted', 77: 'Bad message', 78: 'File name too long', 79: 'Value too large to be stored in data type', 88: 'Illegal byte sequence', 89: 'Function not implemented', 90: 'Too many levels of symbolic links', 91: 'Restart syscall', 93: 'Directory not empty', 94: 'Too many users', 95: 'Socket operation on non-socket', 96: 'Destination address required', 97: 'Message too long', 98: 'Protocol wrong type for socket', 99: 'Protocol not available', 120: 'Protocol not supported', 121: 'Socket type not supported', 122: 'Operation not supported', 123: 'Protocol family not supported', 124: 'Address family not supported by protocol family', 125: 'Address already in use', 126: 'Can\'t assign requested address', 127: 'Network is down', 128: 'Network unreachable', 129: 'Network dropped connection on reset', 130: 'Software caused connection abort', 131: 'Connection reset by peer', 132: 'No buffer space available', 133: 'Socket is already connected', 134: 'Socket is not connected', 143: 'Can\'t send after socket shutdown', 144: 'Too many references: can\'t splice', 145: 'Operation timed out', 146: 'Connection refused', 147: 'Host is down', 148: 'No route to host', 149: 'Operation already in progress', 150: 'Operation now in progress', 151: 'Stale NFS file handle', 190: 'PROCLIM', 191: 'BADRPC', 192: 'RPCMISMATCH', 193: 'PROGUNAVAIL', 194: 'PROGMISMATCH', 195: 'PROCUNAVAIL', 196: 'FTYPE', 197: 'AUTH', 198: 'NEEDAUTH', 199: 'NOATTR', 200: 'DOOFUS', 201: 'USTRETURN', 202: 'NOIOCTL', 203: 'DIRIOCTL', 204: 'PWROFF', 205: 'DEVERR', 206: 'BADEXEC', 207: 'BADARCH', 208: 'SHLIBVERS', 209: 'BADMACHO', 210: 'POLICY'} # BSM network protocolsb based on information from OpenBSD. _NETWORK_PROTOCOLS = { 0: 'UNSPEC', 1: 'LOCAL', 2: 'INET', 3: 'IMPLINK', 4: 'PUP', 5: 'CHAOS', 6: 'NS', 8: 'ECMA', 9: 'DATAKIT', 10: 'CCITT', 11: 'SNA', 12: 'DECnet', 13: 'DLI', 14: 'LAT', 15: 'HYLINK', 16: 'APPLETALK', 19: 'OSI', 23: 'IPX', 24: 'ROUTE', 25: 'LINK', 26: 'INET6', 27: 'KEY', 500: 'NETBIOS', 501: 'ISO', 502: 'XTP', 503: 'COIP', 504: 'CNT', 505: 'RTIP', 506: 'SIP', 507: 'PIP', 508: 'ISDN', 509: 'E164', 510: 'NATM', 511: 'ATM', 512: 'NETGRAPH', 513: 'SLOW', 514: 'CLUSTER', 515: 'ARP', 516: 'BLUETOOTH'} def _FormatArgToken(self, token_data): """Formats an argument token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_arg32|bsm_token_data_arg64): AUT_ARG32 or AUT_ARG64 token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return { 'string': token_data.argument_value.rstrip('\x00'), 'num_arg': token_data.argument_index, 'is': token_data.argument_name} def _FormatAttrToken(self, token_data): """Formats an attribute token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_attr32|bsm_token_data_attr64): AUT_ATTR32 or AUT_ATTR64 token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return { 'mode': token_data.file_mode, 'uid': token_data.user_identifier, 'gid': token_data.group_identifier, 'system_id': token_data.file_system_identifier, 'node_id': token_data.file_identifier, 'device': token_data.device} def _FormatDataToken(self, token_data): """Formats a data token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_data): AUT_DATA token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ format_string = self._DATA_TOKEN_FORMAT.get( token_data.data_format, 'UNKNOWN') if token_data.data_format == 4: data = bytes(bytearray('\x00', maxsplit=1)[0] data = data.decode('utf-8') else: data = ''.join(['{0:02x}'.format(byte) for byte in]) return { 'format': format_string, 'data': data} def _FormatInAddrExToken(self, token_data): """Formats an extended IPv4 address token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_in_addr_ex): AUT_IN_ADDR_EX token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ protocol = self._NETWORK_PROTOCOLS.get(token_data.net_type, 'UNKNOWN') if token_data.net_type == 4: ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv6Address(token_data.ip_address[:4]) elif token_data.net_type == 16: ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv6Address(token_data.ip_address) return { 'protocols': protocol, 'net_type': token_data.net_type, 'address': ip_address} def _FormatInAddrToken(self, token_data): """Formats an IPv4 address token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_in_addr): AUT_IN_ADDR token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv4Address(token_data.ip_address) return {'ip': ip_address} def _FormatIPCPermToken(self, token_data): """Formats an IPC permissions token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_ipc_perm): AUT_IPC_PERM token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return { 'user_id': token_data.user_identifier, 'group_id': token_data.group_identifier, 'creator_user_id': token_data.creator_user_identifier, 'creator_group_id': token_data.creator_group_identifier, 'access': token_data.access_mode} def _FormatIPCToken(self, token_data): """Formats an IPC token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_ipc): AUT_IPC token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return { 'object_type': token_data.object_type, 'object_id': token_data.object_identifier} def _FormatGroupsToken(self, token_data): """Formats a groups token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_groups): AUT_GROUPS or AUT_NEWGROUPS token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return { 'number_of_groups': token_data.number_of_groups, 'groups': ', '.join(token_data.groups)} def _FormatExecArgsToken(self, token_data): """Formats an execution arguments token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_exec_args): AUT_EXEC_ARGS or AUT_EXEC_ENV token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return { 'number_of_strings': token_data.number_of_strings, 'strings': ', '.join(token_data.strings)} def _FormatIPortToken(self, token_data): """Formats an IP port token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_iport): AUT_IPORT token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return {'port_number': token_data.port_number} def _FormatIPToken(self, token_data): """Formats an IPv4 packet header token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_ip): AUT_IP token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ data = ''.join(['{0:02x}'.format(byte) for byte in]) return {'IPv4_Header': data} def _FormatOpaqueToken(self, token_data): """Formats an opaque token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_opaque): AUT_OPAQUE token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ data = ''.join(['{0:02x}'.format(byte) for byte in]) return {'data': data} def _FormatOtherFileToken(self, token_data): """Formats an other file token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_other_file32): AUT_OTHER_FILE32 token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ # TODO: if this timestamp is useful, it must be extracted as a separate # event object. timestamp = token_data.microseconds + ( token_data.timestamp * definitions.MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND) date_time = dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimeInMicroseconds( timestamp=timestamp) date_time_string = date_time.CopyToDateTimeString() return { 'string':'\x00'), 'timestamp': date_time_string} def _FormatPathToken(self, token_data): """Formats a path token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_path): AUT_PATH token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return {'path': token_data.path.rstrip('\x00')} def _FormatReturnOrExitToken(self, token_data): """Formats a return or exit token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_exit|bsm_token_data_return32| bsm_token_data_return64): AUT_EXIT, AUT_RETURN32 or AUT_RETURN64 token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ error_string = self._ERRORS.get(token_data.status, 'UNKNOWN') return { 'error': error_string, 'token_status': token_data.status, 'call_status': token_data.return_value} def _FormatSeqToken(self, token_data): """Formats a sequence token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_seq): AUT_SEQ token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return {'sequence_number': token_data.sequence_number} def _FormatSocketExToken(self, token_data): """Formats an extended socket token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_socket_ex): AUT_SOCKET_EX token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ if token_data.socket_domain == 10: local_ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv6Address( token_data.local_ip_address) remote_ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv6Address( token_data.remote_ip_address) else: local_ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv4Address( token_data.local_ip_address) remote_ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv4Address( token_data.remote_ip_address) return { 'from': local_ip_address, 'from_port': token_data.local_port, 'to': remote_ip_address, 'to_port': token_data.remote_port} def _FormatSocketInet32Token(self, token_data): """Formats an Internet socket token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_sockinet32): AUT_SOCKINET32 token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ protocol = self._NETWORK_PROTOCOLS.get(token_data.socket_family, 'UNKNOWN') ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv4Address(token_data.ip_addresss) return { 'protocols': protocol, 'family': token_data.socket_family, 'port': token_data.port_number, 'address': ip_address} def _FormatSocketInet128Token(self, token_data): """Formats an Internet socket token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_sockinet64): AUT_SOCKINET128 token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ protocol = self._NETWORK_PROTOCOLS.get(token_data.socket_family, 'UNKNOWN') ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv6Address(token_data.ip_addresss) return { 'protocols': protocol, 'family': token_data.socket_family, 'port': token_data.port_number, 'address': ip_address} def _FormatSocketUnixToken(self, token_data): """Formats an Unix socket token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_sockunix): AUT_SOCKUNIX token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ protocol = self._NETWORK_PROTOCOLS.get(token_data.socket_family, 'UNKNOWN') return { 'protocols': protocol, 'family': token_data.socket_family, 'path': token_data.socket_path} def _FormatSubjectOrProcessToken(self, token_data): """Formats a subject or process token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_subject32|bsm_token_data_subject64): AUT_SUBJECT32, AUT_PROCESS32, AUT_SUBJECT64 or AUT_PROCESS64 token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv4Address(token_data.ip_address) return { 'aid': token_data.audit_user_identifier, 'euid': token_data.effective_user_identifier, 'egid': token_data.effective_group_identifier, 'uid': token_data.real_user_identifier, 'gid': token_data.real_group_identifier, 'pid': token_data.process_identifier, 'session_id': token_data.session_identifier, 'terminal_port': token_data.terminal_port, 'terminal_ip': ip_address} def _FormatSubjectExOrProcessExToken(self, token_data): """Formats a subject or process token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_subject32_ex|bsm_token_data_subject64_ex): AUT_SUBJECT32_EX, AUT_PROCESS32_EX, AUT_SUBJECT64_EX or AUT_PROCESS64_EX token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ if token_data.net_type == 4: ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv4Address(token_data.ip_address) elif token_data.net_type == 16: ip_address = self._FormatPackedIPv6Address(token_data.ip_address) else: ip_address = 'unknown' return { 'aid': token_data.audit_user_identifier, 'euid': token_data.effective_user_identifier, 'egid': token_data.effective_group_identifier, 'uid': token_data.real_user_identifier, 'gid': token_data.real_group_identifier, 'pid': token_data.process_identifier, 'session_id': token_data.session_identifier, 'terminal_port': token_data.terminal_port, 'terminal_ip': ip_address} def _FormatTextToken(self, token_data): """Formats a text token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_text): AUT_TEXT token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return {'text': token_data.text.rstrip('\x00')} def _FormatTokenData(self, token_type, token_data): """Formats the token data as a dictionary of values. Args: token_type (int): token type. token_data (object): token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: formatted token values or an empty dictionary if no formatted token values could be determined. """ token_data_format_function = self._TOKEN_DATA_FORMAT_FUNCTIONS.get( token_type) if token_data_format_function: token_data_format_function = getattr( self, token_data_format_function, None) if not token_data_format_function: return {} return token_data_format_function(token_data) def _FormatZonenameToken(self, token_data): """Formats a time zone name token as a dictionary of values. Args: token_data (bsm_token_data_zonename): AUT_ZONENAME token data. Returns: dict[str, str]: token values. """ return {'name':'\x00')} def _ParseRecord(self, parser_mediator, file_object): """Parses an event record. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. Raises: ParseError: if the event record cannot be read. """ header_record_offset = file_object.tell() # Check the header token type before reading the token data to prevent # variable size tokens to consume a large amount of memory. token_type = self._ParseTokenType(file_object, header_record_offset) if token_type not in self._HEADER_TOKEN_TYPES: raise errors.ParseError( 'Unsupported header token type: 0x{0:02x}'.format(token_type)) token_type, token_data = self._ParseToken(file_object, header_record_offset) if token_data.format_version != 11: raise errors.ParseError('Unsupported format version type: {0:d}'.format( token_data.format_version)) timestamp = token_data.microseconds + ( token_data.timestamp * definitions.MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND) event_type = token_data.event_type header_record_size = token_data.record_size record_end_offset = header_record_offset + header_record_size event_tokens = [] return_token_values = None file_offset = file_object.tell() while file_offset < record_end_offset: token_type, token_data = self._ParseToken(file_object, file_offset) if not token_data: raise errors.ParseError('Unsupported token type: 0x{0:02x}'.format( token_type)) file_offset = file_object.tell() if token_type == self._TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_TRAILER: break token_type_string = self._TOKEN_TYPES.get(token_type, 'UNKNOWN') token_values = self._FormatTokenData(token_type, token_data) event_tokens.append({token_type_string: token_values}) if token_type in ( self._TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_RETURN32, self._TOKEN_TYPE_AUT_RETURN64): # Make sure return_token_values is a string. return_token_values = ( '{{\'error\': \'{0:s}\', \'token_status\': {1:d}, \'call_status\': ' '{2:d}}}').format( token_values['error'], token_values['token_status'], token_values['call_status']) if token_data.record_size != header_record_size: raise errors.ParseError( 'Mismatch of event record size between header and trailer token.') event_data = BSMEventData() event_data.event_type = event_type event_data.extra_tokens = event_tokens event_data.offset = header_record_offset event_data.record_length = header_record_size event_data.return_value = return_token_values event_data.written_time = dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimeInMicroseconds( timestamp=timestamp) parser_mediator.ProduceEventData(event_data) def _ParseToken(self, file_object, file_offset): """Parses a token. Args: file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. file_offset (int): offset of the token relative to the start of the file-like object. Returns: tuple: containing: int: token type object: token data or None if the token type is not supported. """ token_type = self._ParseTokenType(file_object, file_offset) token_data = None token_data_map_name = self._DATA_TYPE_MAP_PER_TOKEN_TYPE.get( token_type, None) if token_data_map_name: token_data_map = self._GetDataTypeMap(token_data_map_name) token_data, _ = self._ReadStructureFromFileObject( file_object, file_offset + 1, token_data_map) return token_type, token_data def _ParseTokenType(self, file_object, file_offset): """Parses a token type. Args: file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. file_offset (int): offset of the token relative to the start of the file-like object. Returns: int: token type """ token_type_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('uint8') token_type, _ = self._ReadStructureFromFileObject( file_object, file_offset, token_type_map) return token_type
[docs] def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object): """Parses a BSM file-like object. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): a file-like object. Raises: WrongParser: when the file cannot be parsed. """ file_offset = file_object.get_offset() file_size = file_object.get_size() while file_offset < file_size: try: self._ParseRecord(parser_mediator, file_object) except errors.ParseError as exception: if file_offset == 0: raise errors.WrongParser( 'Unable to parse first event record with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) # TODO: skip to next event record. file_offset = file_object.get_offset()