Source code for plaso.lib.dateless_helper
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The date-less log format helper mix-in."""
from dfvfs.lib import definitions as dfvfs_definitions
from dfvfs.resolver import resolver as path_spec_resolver
from plaso.containers import events
class DateLessLogFormatHelper(object):
"""Date-less log format helper mix-in."""
'jan': 1,
'feb': 2,
'mar': 3,
'apr': 4,
'may': 5,
'jun': 6,
'jul': 7,
'aug': 8,
'sep': 9,
'oct': 10,
'nov': 11,
'dec': 12}
_VALID_MONTHS = frozenset(range(1, 13))
# The date-less log format only supports time.
# The date-less log format only supports month and day of month.
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes the date-less log format helper mix-in."""
super(DateLessLogFormatHelper, self).__init__()
self._base_date = None
self._date = (0, 0, 0)
self._granularity = self._GRANULARITY_NO_YEAR
self._maximum_date = None
self._relative_date = (0, 0, 0)
def _GetDatesFromFileEntry(self, file_entry):
"""Retrieves the dates from the file entry date and time values.
file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry.
set[tuple[int, int, int]]: dates, as tuple of year, month, day, of the
file entry.
if file_entry.type_indicator == dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_GZIP:
# Ignore a gzip file that contains a modification timestamp of 0.
if (file_entry.modification_time and
file_entry.modification_time.timestamp > 0):
date_tuple = file_entry.modification_time.GetDate()
return set([date_tuple])
dates = set()
for attribute_name in ('change_time', 'creation_time', 'modification_time'):
date_time = getattr(file_entry, attribute_name, None)
if date_time:
date_tuple = date_time.GetDate()
if (date_tuple == (1970, 1, 1) and
file_entry.type_indicator == dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_GZIP):
return dates
def _GetMonthFromString(self, month_string):
"""Retrieves a numeric month value from a string.
month_string (str): month formatted as a string.
int: month formatted as an integer, where January is 1.
# TODO: add support for localization.
return self._MONTH_DICT.get(month_string.lower(), None)
def _GetRelativeYear(self):
"""Retrieves the relative year.
int: relative year.
return self._relative_date[0]
def _GetYear(self):
"""Retrieves the year.
int: year.
return self._date[0]
def _SetEstimatedDate(self, parser_mediator):
"""Estimate the date based on the file entry dates.
parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers
and other components, such as storage and dfVFS.
self._base_date = None
self._date = (0, 0, 0)
self._granularity = self._GRANULARITY_NO_DATE
self._maximum_date = None
self._relative_date = (0, 0, 0)
dates = set()
file_entry = parser_mediator.GetFileEntry()
if file_entry:
dates = self._GetDatesFromFileEntry(file_entry)
if not dates and file_entry.type_indicator in (
parent_file_entry = path_spec_resolver.Resolver.OpenFileEntry(
if parent_file_entry:
dates = self._GetDatesFromFileEntry(parent_file_entry)
if dates:
self._base_date = min(dates)
self._date = self._base_date
self._maximum_date = max(dates)
def _SetEstimatedYear(self, parser_mediator):
"""Estimate the year based on the file entry dates.
parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers
and other components, such as storage and dfVFS.
self._date = (self._date[0], 0, 0)
self._granularity = self._GRANULARITY_NO_YEAR
def _SetMonthAndYear(self, month, year):
"""Sets the month and year.
month (int): month.
year (int): year.
ValueError: if month contains an unsupported value.
if month not in self._VALID_MONTHS:
raise ValueError('Invalid month: {0!s}'.format(month))
self._date = (year, month, 0)
self._granularity = self._GRANULARITY_NO_YEAR
self._relative_date = (0, 0, 0)
def _UpdateYear(self, month):
"""Updates the year based on the month observed in the log format.
month (int): month observed in the log format, where January is 1.
ValueError: if month contains an unsupported value.
if month not in self._VALID_MONTHS:
raise ValueError('Invalid month: {0!s}'.format(month))
last_year, last_month, _ = self._date
if last_month:
relative_year, relative_month, relative_day_of_month = self._relative_date
# Account for log formats that allow out-of-order date and time values
# (Apr->May->Apr) such as rsyslog with the RepeatedMsgReduction setting
# enabled.
if month + 1 < last_month:
self._relative_date = (
relative_year + 1, relative_month, relative_day_of_month)
last_year += 1
# Account for out-of-order Jan->Dec->Jan with the exception of the start
# of the log file.
elif relative_year > 0 and last_month == 1 and month == 12:
self._relative_date = (
relative_year - 1, relative_month, relative_day_of_month)
last_year -= 1
self._date = (last_year, month, 0)
def GetDateLessLogHelper(self):
"""Retrieves a date-less log helper attribute container.
DateLessLogHelper: date-less log helper.
date_less_log_helper = events.DateLessLogHelper()
date_less_log_helper.earliest_date = self._base_date
date_less_log_helper.granularity = self._granularity
date_less_log_helper.last_relative_date = self._relative_date
date_less_log_helper.latest_date = self._maximum_date
return date_less_log_helper