Source code for plaso.engine.configurations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Processing configuration classes."""

from acstore.containers import interface

[docs] class CredentialConfiguration(interface.AttributeContainer): """Configuration settings for a credential. Attributes: credential_data (bytes): credential data. credential_type (str): credential type. path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'credential_configuration'
[docs] def __init__( self, credential_data=None, credential_type=None, path_spec=None): """Initializes a credential configuration object. Args: credential_data (Optional[bytes]): credential data. credential_type (Optional[str]): credential type. path_spec (Optional[dfvfs.PathSpec]): path specification. """ super(CredentialConfiguration, self).__init__() self.credential_data = credential_data self.credential_type = credential_type self.path_spec = path_spec
[docs] class EventExtractionConfiguration(interface.AttributeContainer): """Configuration settings for event extraction. These settings are primarily used by the parser mediator. Attributes: filter_object (objectfilter.Filter): filter that specifies which events to include. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'event_extraction_configuration'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an event extraction configuration object.""" super(EventExtractionConfiguration, self).__init__() self.filter_object = None
[docs] class ExtractionConfiguration(interface.AttributeContainer): """Configuration settings for extraction. These settings are primarily used by the extraction worker. Attributes: archive_types_string (str): comma separated archive types for which embedded file entries should be processed. extract_winevt_resources (bool): True if Windows EventLog resources should be extracted. extract_winreg_binary (bool): True if Windows Registry binary values should be extracted. hasher_file_size_limit (int): maximum file size that hashers should process, where 0 or None represents unlimited. hasher_names_string (str): comma separated names of hashers to use during processing. process_compressed_streams (bool): True if file content in compressed streams should be processed. yara_rules_string (str): Yara rule definitions. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'extraction_configuration'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an extraction configuration object.""" super(ExtractionConfiguration, self).__init__() self.archive_types_string = None self.extract_winevt_resources = True self.extract_winreg_binary = False self.hasher_file_size_limit = None self.hasher_names_string = None self.process_compressed_streams = True self.yara_rules_string = None
[docs] class ProfilingConfiguration(interface.AttributeContainer): """Configuration settings for profiling. Attributes: directory (str): path to the directory where the profiling sample files should be stored. profilers (set(str)): names of the profilers to enable. Supported profilers are: * 'format_checks', which profiles CPU time consumed per format check; * 'memory', which profiles memory usage; * 'parsers', which profiles CPU time consumed by individual parsers; * 'processing', which profiles CPU time consumed by different parts of processing; * 'serializers', which profiles CPU time consumed by individual serializers. * 'storage', which profiles storage reads and writes. sample_rate (int): the profiling sample rate. Contains the number of event sources processed. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'profiling_configuration'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes a profiling configuration object.""" super(ProfilingConfiguration, self).__init__() = None self.profilers = set() self.sample_rate = 1000
[docs] def HaveProfileAnalyzers(self): """Determines if analyzers profiling is configured. Returns: bool: True if analyzers profiling is configured. """ return 'analyzers' in self.profilers
[docs] def HaveProfileFormatChecks(self): """Determines if format checks profiling is configured. Returns: bool: True if format checks profiling is configured. """ return 'format_checks' in self.profilers
[docs] def HaveProfileMemory(self): """Determines if memory profiling is configured. Returns: bool: True if memory profiling is configured. """ return 'memory' in self.profilers
[docs] def HaveProfileParsers(self): """Determines if parsers profiling is configured. Returns: bool: True if parsers profiling is configured. """ return 'parsers' in self.profilers
[docs] def HaveProfileProcessing(self): """Determines if processing profiling is configured. Returns: bool: True if processing profiling is configured. """ return 'processing' in self.profilers
[docs] def HaveProfileSerializers(self): """Determines if serializers profiling is configured. Returns: bool: True if serializers profiling is configured. """ return 'serializers' in self.profilers
[docs] def HaveProfileStorage(self): """Determines if storage profiling is configured. Returns: bool: True if storage profiling is configured. """ return 'storage' in self.profilers
[docs] def HaveProfileTaskQueue(self): """Determines if task queue profiling is configured. Returns: bool: True if task queue profiling is configured. """ return 'task_queue' in self.profilers
[docs] def HaveProfileTasks(self): """Determines if tasks profiling is configured. Returns: bool: True if task queue profiling is configured. """ return 'tasks' in self.profilers
[docs] class ProcessingConfiguration(interface.AttributeContainer): """Configuration settings for processing. Attributes: artifact_definitions_path (str): path to artifact definitions directory or file. artifact_filters (Optional list[str]): names of artifact definitions that are used for filtering file system and Windows Registry key paths. credentials (list[CredentialConfiguration]): credential configurations. custom_artifacts_path (str): path to custom artifact definitions directory or file. custom_formatters_path (str): path to custom formatter definitions file. data_location (str): path to the data files. debug_output (bool): True if debug output should be enabled. dynamic_time (bool): True if date and time values should be represented in their granularity or semantically. event_extraction (EventExtractionConfiguration): event extraction configuration. extraction (ExtractionConfiguration): extraction configuration. filter_file (str): path to a file with find specifications. force_parser (bool): True if a specified parser should be forced to be used to extract events. log_filename (str): name of the log file. parser_filter_expression (str): parser filter expression, where None represents all parsers and plugins. preferred_codepage (str): preferred codepage. preferred_encoding (str): preferred output encoding. preferred_language (str): preferred language. preferred_time_zone (str): preferred time zone. preferred_year (int): preferred initial year value for year-less date and time values. profiling (ProfilingConfiguration): profiling configuration. task_storage_format (str): format to use for storing task results. task_storage_path (str): path of the directory containing SQLite task storage files. temporary_directory (str): path of the directory for temporary files. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'processing_configuration'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes a process configuration object.""" super(ProcessingConfiguration, self).__init__() self.artifact_definitions_path = None self.artifact_filters = None self.credentials = [] self.custom_artifacts_path = None self.custom_formatters_path = None self.data_location = None self.debug_output = False self.dynamic_time = False self.event_extraction = EventExtractionConfiguration() self.extraction = ExtractionConfiguration() self.filter_file = None self.force_parser = None self.log_filename = None self.parser_filter_expression = None self.preferred_codepage = None self.preferred_encoding = None self.preferred_language = None self.preferred_time_zone = None self.preferred_year = None self.profiling = ProfilingConfiguration() self.task_storage_format = None self.task_storage_path = None self.temporary_directory = None