Source code for plaso.containers.artifacts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Artifact attribute containers."""

from acstore.containers import interface
from acstore.containers import manager

from plaso.lib import definitions

[docs] class ArtifactAttributeContainer(interface.AttributeContainer): """Base class to represent an artifact attribute container."""
[docs] class EnvironmentVariableArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Environment variable artifact attribute container. Also see: Attributes: case_sensitive (bool): True if environment variable name is case sensitive. name (str): environment variable name such as "SystemRoot" as in "%SystemRoot%" or "HOME" as in "$HOME". value (str): environment variable value such as "C:\\Windows" or "/home/user". """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'environment_variable' SCHEMA = { 'case_sensitive': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'value': 'str'}
[docs] def __init__(self, case_sensitive=True, name=None, value=None): """Initializes an environment variable artifact. Args: case_sensitive (Optional[bool]): True if environment variable name is case sensitive. name (Optional[str]): environment variable name. value (Optional[str]): environment variable value. """ super(EnvironmentVariableArtifact, self).__init__() self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive = name self.value = value
[docs] class HostnameArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Hostname artifact attribute container. Also see: Cybox / Stix Hostname Object Attributes: name (str): name of the host according to the naming schema. schema (str): naming schema such as "DNS", "NIS", "SMB/NetBIOS". """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'hostname' SCHEMA = { 'name': 'str', 'schema': 'str'}
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, schema='DNS'): """Initializes a hostname artifact. Args: name (Optional[str]): name of the host according to the naming schema. schema (Optional[str]): naming schema. """ super(HostnameArtifact, self).__init__() = name self.schema = schema
[docs] class OperatingSystemArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Operating system artifact attribute container. Attributes: family (str): operating system family name, such as "Linux", "MacOS" or "Windows", defined in definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILIES. This value is used to programmatically link a parser preset to an operating system and therefore must be one of predefined values. name (str): operating system name, such as "macOS Mojave" or "Windows XP". This value is used to programmatically link a parser preset to an operating system and therefore must be one of predefined values. product (str): product information, such as "macOS Mojave" or "Windows Professional XP". This value is typically obtained from the source data. version (str): version, such as "10.14.1" or "5.1". This value is typically obtained from the source data. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'operating_system' SCHEMA = { 'family': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'product': 'str', 'version': 'str'} _DEFAULT_FAMILY_AND_VERSION = ( definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_UNKNOWN, (0, 0)) _FAMILY_AND_VERSION_PER_NAME = { 'Windows 2000': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (5, 0)), 'Windows 2003': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (5, 2)), 'Windows 2003 R2': ( definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (5, 2)), 'Windows 2008': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (6, 0)), 'Windows 2008 R2': ( definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (6, 1)), 'Windows 2012': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (6, 2)), 'Windows 2012 R2': ( definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (6, 3)), 'Windows 2016': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (10, 0)), 'Windows 2019': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (10, 0)), 'Windows 7': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (6, 1)), 'Windows 8': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (6, 2)), 'Windows 8.1': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (6, 3)), 'Windows 10': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (10, 0)), 'Windows Vista': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (6, 0)), 'Windows XP': (definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_WINDOWS_NT, (5, 1))}
[docs] def __init__(self, family=None, product=None, version=None): """Initializes an operating system artifact. Args: family (Optional[str]): operating system family name, such as "Linux", "MacOS" or "Windows", defined in definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAMILIES. This value is used to programmatically link a parser preset to an operating system and therefore must be one of predefined values. product (Optional[str]): product information, such as "macOS Mojave" or "Windows Professional XP". This value is typically obtained from the source data. version (Optional[str]): version, such as "10.14.1" or "5.1". This value is typically obtained from the source data. """ super(OperatingSystemArtifact, self).__init__() = family = None self.product = product self.version = version if product: = self._GetNameFromProduct()
@property def version_tuple(self): """Tuple[int]: version tuple or None if version is not set or invalid.""" try: # pylint: disable=consider-using-generator return tuple([int(digit, 10) for digit in self.version.split('.')]) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): return None def _GetNameFromProduct(self): """Determines the predefined operating system name from the product. Returns: str: operating system name, such as "macOS Mojave" or "Windows XP" or None if the name cannot be determined. This value is used to programmatically link a parser preset to an operating system and therefore must be one of predefined values. """ product = self.product or '' product = product.split(' ') product_lower_case = [segment.lower() for segment in product] number_of_segments = len(product) if 'windows' in product_lower_case: segment_index = product_lower_case.index('windows') + 1 if product_lower_case[segment_index] in ('(r)', 'server', 'web'): segment_index += 1 # Check if the version has a suffix. suffix_segment_index = segment_index + 1 if (suffix_segment_index < number_of_segments and product_lower_case[suffix_segment_index] == 'r2'): return 'Windows {0:s} R2'.format(product[segment_index]) return 'Windows {0:s}'.format(product[segment_index]) return None
[docs] def IsEquivalent(self, other): """Determines if 2 operating system artifacts are equivalent. This function compares the operating systems based in order of: * name derived from product * family and version * family Args: other (OperatingSystemArtifact): operating system artifact attribute container to compare with. Returns: bool: True if the operating systems are considered equivalent, False if the most specific criteria do no match, or no criteria are available. """ if and return == if self_family, self_version_tuple = self._FAMILY_AND_VERSION_PER_NAME.get(, self._DEFAULT_FAMILY_AND_VERSION) return ( self_family == and self_version_tuple == other.version_tuple) if and self.version: if other_family, other_version_tuple = ( self._FAMILY_AND_VERSION_PER_NAME.get(, self._DEFAULT_FAMILY_AND_VERSION)) else: other_family = other_version_tuple = other.version_tuple return ( == other_family and self.version_tuple == other_version_tuple) if if other_family, _ = self._FAMILY_AND_VERSION_PER_NAME.get(, self._DEFAULT_FAMILY_AND_VERSION) else: other_family = return == other_family return False
[docs] class PathArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Path artifact attribute container. Attributes: data_stream (str): name of a data stream. path_segment_separator (str): path segment separator. path_segments (list[str]): path segments. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'path' SCHEMA = { 'data_stream': 'str', 'path_segment_separator': 'str', 'path_segments': 'List[str]'}
[docs] def __init__(self, data_stream=None, path=None, path_segment_separator='/'): """Initializes a path artifact. Args: data_stream (Optional[str]): name of a data stream. path (Optional[str]): a path. path_segment_separator (Optional[str]): path segment separator. """ super(PathArtifact, self).__init__() self.data_stream = data_stream self.path_segment_separator = path_segment_separator self.path_segments = self._SplitPath(path, path_segment_separator)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Determines if the path is equal to other. Args: other (str): path to compare against. Returns: bool: True if the path are equal to other. """ if not isinstance(other, str): return False other_path_segments = self._SplitPath(other, self.path_segment_separator) return self.path_segments == other_path_segments
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """Determines if the path are greater than or equal to other. Args: other (str): path to compare against. Returns: bool: True if the path are greater than or equal to other. Raises: ValueError: if other is not an instance of string. """ if not isinstance(other, str): raise ValueError('Other not an instance of string.') other_path_segments = self._SplitPath(other, self.path_segment_separator) return self.path_segments >= other_path_segments
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """Determines if the path are greater than other. Args: other (str): path to compare against. Returns: bool: True if the path are greater than other. Raises: ValueError: if other is not an instance of string. """ if not isinstance(other, str): raise ValueError('Other not an instance of string.') other_path_segments = self._SplitPath(other, self.path_segment_separator) return self.path_segments > other_path_segments
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """Determines if the path are greater than or equal to other. Args: other (str): path to compare against. Returns: bool: True if the path are greater than or equal to other. Raises: ValueError: if other is not an instance of string. """ if not isinstance(other, str): raise ValueError('Other not an instance of string.') other_path_segments = self._SplitPath(other, self.path_segment_separator) return self.path_segments <= other_path_segments
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """Determines if the path are less than other. Args: other (str): path to compare against. Returns: bool: True if the path are less than other. Raises: ValueError: if other is not an instance of string. """ if not isinstance(other, str): raise ValueError('Other not an instance of string.') other_path_segments = self._SplitPath(other, self.path_segment_separator) return self.path_segments < other_path_segments
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Determines if the path are not equal to other. Args: other (str): path to compare against. Returns: bool: True if the path are not equal to other. """ if not isinstance(other, str): return False other_path_segments = self._SplitPath(other, self.path_segment_separator) return self.path_segments != other_path_segments
def _SplitPath(self, path, path_segment_separator): """Splits a path. Args: path (str): a path. path_segment_separator (str): path segment separator. Returns: list[str]: path segments. """ path = path or '' split_path = path.split(path_segment_separator) path_segments = [split_path[0]] path_segments.extend(list(filter(None, split_path[1:]))) return path_segments
[docs] def ContainedIn(self, other): """Determines if the path are contained in other. Args: other (str): path to compare against. Returns: bool: True if the path is contained in other. """ if isinstance(other, str): number_of_path_segments = len(self.path_segments) other_path_segments = self._SplitPath(other, self.path_segment_separator) number_of_other_path_segments = len(other_path_segments) if number_of_path_segments < number_of_other_path_segments: maximum_compare_length = ( number_of_other_path_segments - number_of_path_segments + 1) for compare_start_index in range(0, maximum_compare_length): compare_end_index = compare_start_index + number_of_path_segments compare_path_segments = other_path_segments[ compare_start_index:compare_end_index] if self.path_segments == compare_path_segments: return True return False
[docs] class SourceConfigurationArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Source configuration artifact attribute container. The source configuration contains the configuration data of a source that is (or going to be) processed such storage media image or a mounted directory. Attributes: path (str): path of the source. source_type (str): type of source. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'source_configuration' SCHEMA = { 'path': 'str', 'source_type': 'str'}
[docs] def __init__(self, path=None, source_type=None): """Initializes a source configuration artifact. Args: path (Optional[str]): path of the source. source_type (Optional[str]): type of source. """ super(SourceConfigurationArtifact, self).__init__() self.path = path self.source_type = source_type
[docs] class SystemConfigurationArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """System configuration artifact attribute container. The system configuration contains the configuration data of a specific system installation such as Windows or Linux. Attributes: available_time_zones (list[TimeZone]): available time zones. code_page (str): system code page. environment_variables (list[EnvironmentVariableArtifact]): environment variables. hostname (HostnameArtifact): hostname. keyboard_layout (str): keyboard layout. language (str): system language. operating_system (str): operating system for example "MacOS" or "Windows". operating_system_product (str): operating system product for example "Windows XP". operating_system_version (str): operating system version for example "10.9.2" or "8.1". path_specs (list[dfvfs.PathSpec]): path specifications of the file systems the system configuration was retrieved from. time_zone (str): system time zone. user_accounts (list[UserAccountArtifact]): user accounts. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'system_configuration' # TODO: add SCHEMA # SCHEMA = { # 'code_page': 'str', # 'environment_variables': Llist[EnvironmentVariableArtifact]', # 'keyboard_layout': 'str', # 'hostname': 'HostnameArtifact', # 'language': 'str', # 'operating_system': 'str', # 'operating_system_product': 'str', # 'operating_system_version': 'str', # 'path_specs': 'List[dfvfs.PathSpec]', # 'time_zone': 'str'}
[docs] def __init__(self, code_page=None, language=None, time_zone=None): """Initializes a system configuration artifact. Args: code_page (Optional[str]): system code page. language (Optional[str]): system language. time_zone (Optional[str]): system time zone. """ super(SystemConfigurationArtifact, self).__init__() # TODO: kept for backwards compatibility. self.available_time_zones = [] self.code_page = code_page self.environment_variables = [] self.hostname = None self.keyboard_layout = None self.language = language self.operating_system = None self.operating_system_product = None self.operating_system_version = None self.path_specs = [] self.time_zone = time_zone # TODO: kept for backwards compatibility. self.user_accounts = []
[docs] class TimeZoneArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Time zone artifact attribute container. Attributes: localized_name (str): name describing the time zone in localized language for example "Greenwich (standaardtijd)". mui_form (str): MUI form of the name describing the time zone for example "@tzres.dll,-112". name (str): name describing the time zone for example "Greenwich Standard Time". offset (int): time zone offset in number of minutes from UTC. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'time_zone' SCHEMA = { 'localized_name': 'str', 'mui_form': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'offset': 'int'}
[docs] def __init__( self, localized_name=None, mui_form=None, name=None, offset=None): """Initializes a time zone artifact. Args: localized_name (Optional[str]): name describing the time zone in localized language for example "Greenwich (standaardtijd)". mui_form (Optional[str]): MUI form of the name describing the time zone for example "@tzres.dll,-112". name (Optional[str]): name describing the time zone for example "Greenwich Standard Time". offset (Optional[int]): time zone offset in number of minutes from UTC. """ super(TimeZoneArtifact, self).__init__() self.localized_name = localized_name self.mui_form = mui_form = name self.offset = offset
[docs] class UserAccountArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """User account artifact attribute container. Also see: Cybox / Stix User Account Object Attributes: full_name (str): name describing the user. group_identifier (str): identifier of the primary group the user is part of. identifier (str): user identifier. user_directory (str): path of the user (or home or profile) directory. username (str): name uniquely identifying the user. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'user_account' SCHEMA = { 'full_name': 'str', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'user_directory': 'str', 'username': 'str'}
[docs] def __init__( self, full_name=None, group_identifier=None, identifier=None, path_separator='/', user_directory=None, username=None): """Initializes a user account artifact. Args: full_name (Optional[str]): name describing the user. group_identifier (Optional[str]): identifier of the primary group the user is part of. identifier (Optional[str]): user identifier. path_separator (Optional[str]): path segment separator. user_directory (Optional[str]): path of the user (or home or profile) directory. username (Optional[str]): name uniquely identifying the user. """ super(UserAccountArtifact, self).__init__() self._path_separator = path_separator self.full_name = full_name self.group_identifier = group_identifier self.identifier = identifier # TODO: add shell. self.user_directory = user_directory self.username = username
[docs] def GetUserDirectoryPathSegments(self): """Retrieves the path segments of the user directory. Returns: list[str]: path segments of the user directory or an empty list if no user directory is set. """ if not self.user_directory: return [] return self.user_directory.split(self._path_separator)
[docs] class WindowsEventLogMessageFileArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Windows EventLog message file artifact attribute container. Attributes: path (str): path. windows_path (str): path as defined by the Windows EventLog provider. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'windows_eventlog_message_file' SCHEMA = { 'path': 'str', 'windows_path': 'str'}
[docs] def __init__(self, path=None, windows_path=None): """Initializes a Windows EventLog message file artifact. Args: path (Optional[str]): path. windows_path (Optional[str]): path as defined by the Window EventLog provider. """ super(WindowsEventLogMessageFileArtifact, self).__init__() self.path = path self.windows_path = windows_path
[docs] class WindowsEventLogMessageStringArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Windows EventLog message string artifact attribute container. Attributes: language_identifier (str): language identifier. message_identifier (int): message identifier. string (str): string. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'windows_eventlog_message_string' SCHEMA = { '_message_file_identifier': 'AttributeContainerIdentifier', 'language_identifier': 'int', 'message_identifier': 'int', 'string': 'str'} _SERIALIZABLE_PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTES = [ '_message_file_identifier']
[docs] def __init__( self, language_identifier=None, message_identifier=None, string=None): """Initializes a Windows EventLog message string artifact. Args: language_identifier (Optional[str]): language identifier. message_identifier (Optional[int]): message identifier. string (Optional[str]): string. """ super(WindowsEventLogMessageStringArtifact, self).__init__() self._message_file_identifier = None self.language_identifier = language_identifier self.message_identifier = message_identifier self.string = string
[docs] def GetMessageFileIdentifier(self): """Retrieves the identifier of the associated message file. Returns: AttributeContainerIdentifier: message file identifier or None when not set. """ return self._message_file_identifier
[docs] def SetMessageFileIdentifier(self, message_file_identifier): """Sets the identifier of the associated message file. Args: message_file_identifier (AttributeContainerIdentifier): message file identifier. """ self._message_file_identifier = message_file_identifier
[docs] class WindowsEventLogProviderArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Windows EventLog provider artifact attribute container. Attributes: additional_identifier (str): additional identifier of the provider, contains a GUID. category_message_files (list[str]): filenames of the category message files. event_message_files (list[str]): filenames of the event message files. identifier (str): identifier of the provider, contains a GUID. log_sources (list[str]): names of the corresponding Event Log sources. log_types (list[str]): Windows Event Log types. parameter_message_files (list[str]): filenames of the parameter message files. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'windows_eventlog_provider' SCHEMA = { '_system_configuration_identifier': 'AttributeContainerIdentifier', 'additional_identifier': 'str', 'category_message_files': 'List[str]', 'event_message_files': 'List[str]', 'identifier': 'str', 'log_sources': 'List[str]', 'log_types': 'List[str]', 'parameter_message_files': 'List[str]'} _SERIALIZABLE_PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTES = [ '_system_configuration_identifier']
[docs] def __init__( self, category_message_files=None, event_message_files=None, identifier=None, log_source=None, log_type=None, parameter_message_files=None): """Initializes a Windows EventLog provider artifact. Args: category_message_files (Optional[list[str]]): filenames of the category message files. event_message_files (Optional[list[str]]): filenames of the event message files. identifier (Optional[str]): identifier of the provider, contains a GUID. log_source (Optional[str]): name of the Windows EventLog source. log_type (Optional[str]): Windows EventLog type. parameter_message_files (Optional[list[str]]): filenames of the parameter message files. """ super(WindowsEventLogProviderArtifact, self).__init__() self._system_configuration_identifier = None self.additional_identifier = None self.category_message_files = category_message_files or [] self.event_message_files = event_message_files or [] self.identifier = identifier self.log_sources = [] self.log_types = [] self.parameter_message_files = parameter_message_files or [] if log_source: self.log_sources.append(log_source) if log_type: self.log_types.append(log_type)
[docs] class WindowsMountedDeviceArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Windows mounted device artifact attribute container. Attributes: device (str): device. disk_identity (int): MBR disk identity. identifier (str): identifier. partition_identifier (str): GPT partition identifier. partition_offset (int): MBR partition offset. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'windows_mounted_device' SCHEMA = { 'device': 'str', 'disk_identity': 'int', 'identifier': 'str', 'partition_identifier': 'str', 'partition_offset': 'int'}
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier=None): """Initializes a Windows mounted device artifact. Args: identifier (Optional[str]): identifier. """ super(WindowsMountedDeviceArtifact, self).__init__() self.device = None self.disk_identity = None self.identifier = identifier self.partition_identifier = None self.partition_offset = None
[docs] class WindowsServiceConfigurationArtifact(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Windows service (or driver) configuration artifact attribute container. Attributes: error_control (int): error control value of the service (or driver) executable. image_path (str): path of the service (or driver) executable. name (str): name of the service (or driver). object_name (str): service object name. service_dll (str): service DLL. service_type (int): service (or driver) type. start_type (int): service (or driver) start type. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'windows_service_configuration' SCHEMA = { 'error_control': 'int', 'image_path': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'object_name': 'str', 'service_dll': 'str', 'service_type': 'int', 'start_type': 'int'}
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, service_type=None, start_type=None): """Initializes a Windows service (or driver) configuration artifact. Args: name (Optional[str]): name of the service (or driver). service_type (Optional[int]): service (or driver) type. start_type (Optional[int]): service (or driver) start type. """ super(WindowsServiceConfigurationArtifact, self).__init__() self.error_control = None self.image_path = None = name self.object_name = None self.service_dll = None self.service_type = service_type self.start_type = start_type
[docs] class WindowsWevtTemplateEvent(ArtifactAttributeContainer): """Windows WEVT_TEMPLATE event definition. Attributes: identifier (int): event identifier. message_identifier (int): identifier of the event message. provider_identifier (str): identifier of the EventLog provider, contains a GUID. version (int): event version. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'windows_wevt_template_event' SCHEMA = { '_message_file_identifier': 'AttributeContainerIdentifier', 'identifier': 'int', 'message_identifier': 'int', 'provider_identifier': 'str', 'version': 'int'} _SERIALIZABLE_PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTES = [ '_message_file_identifier']
[docs] def __init__( self, identifier=None, message_identifier=None, provider_identifier=None, version=None): """Initializes a Windows WEVT_TEMPLATE event definition artifact. Args: identifier (Optional[int]): event identifier. message_identifier (Optional[int]): identifier of the event message. provider_identifier (Optional[str]): identifier of the EventLog provider, contains a GUID. version (Optional[int]): event version. """ super(WindowsWevtTemplateEvent, self).__init__() self._message_file_identifier = None self.identifier = identifier self.message_identifier = message_identifier self.provider_identifier = provider_identifier self.version = version
[docs] def GetMessageFileIdentifier(self): """Retrieves the identifier of the associated message file. Returns: AttributeContainerIdentifier: message file identifier or None when not set. """ return self._message_file_identifier
[docs] def SetMessageFileIdentifier(self, message_file_identifier): """Sets the identifier of the associated message file. Args: message_file_identifier (AttributeContainerIdentifier): message file identifier. """ self._message_file_identifier = message_file_identifier
manager.AttributeContainersManager.RegisterAttributeContainers([ EnvironmentVariableArtifact, HostnameArtifact, OperatingSystemArtifact, PathArtifact, SourceConfigurationArtifact, SystemConfigurationArtifact, TimeZoneArtifact, UserAccountArtifact, WindowsEventLogMessageFileArtifact, WindowsEventLogMessageStringArtifact, WindowsEventLogProviderArtifact, WindowsMountedDeviceArtifact, WindowsServiceConfigurationArtifact, WindowsWevtTemplateEvent])