Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The command line interface (CLI) tools classes."""

import abc
import codecs
import datetime
import locale
import sys
import time
import textwrap

import pytz

  import resource
except ImportError:
  resource = None

import plaso

from plaso.cli import logger
from plaso.cli import views
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.lib import errors

[docs] class CLITool(object): """Command line interface tool. Attributes: preferred_encoding (str): preferred encoding of single-byte or multi-byte character strings, sometimes referred to as extended ASCII. show_troubleshooting (bool): True if troubleshooting information should be shown. """ NAME = '' # The maximum number of characters of a line written to the output writer. _LINE_LENGTH = 80 # The fall back preferred encoding. _PREFERRED_ENCODING = 'utf-8'
[docs] def __init__(self, input_reader=None, output_writer=None): """Initializes a command line interface tool. Args: input_reader (Optional[CLIInputReader]): input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used. output_writer (Optional[CLIOutputWriter]): output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used. """ super(CLITool, self).__init__() preferred_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() if not preferred_encoding: preferred_encoding = self._PREFERRED_ENCODING elif isinstance(preferred_encoding, bytes): preferred_encoding = preferred_encoding.decode('utf-8') if not input_reader: input_reader = StdinInputReader(encoding=preferred_encoding) if not output_writer: output_writer = StdoutOutputWriter(encoding=preferred_encoding) self._data_location = None self._debug_mode = False self._encode_errors = 'strict' self._has_user_warning = False self._input_reader = input_reader self._log_file = None self._output_writer = output_writer self._quiet_mode = False self._unattended_mode = False self._views_format_type = views.ViewsFactory.FORMAT_TYPE_CLI self._vfs_back_end = 'auto' self.preferred_encoding = preferred_encoding self.show_troubleshooting = False
@property def data_location(self): """str: path of the data files.""" return self._data_location def _CanEnforceProcessMemoryLimit(self): """Determines if a process memory limit can be enforced. Returns: bool: True if a process memory limit can be enforced, False otherwise. """ return bool(resource) def _EncodeString(self, string): """Encodes a string in the preferred encoding. Returns: bytes: encoded string. """ try: # Note that encode() will first convert string into a Unicode string # if necessary. encoded_string = string.encode( self.preferred_encoding, errors=self._encode_errors) except UnicodeEncodeError: if self._encode_errors == 'strict': logger.error( 'Unable to properly write output due to encoding error. ' 'Switching to error tolerant encoding which can result in ' 'non Basic Latin (C0) characters to be replaced with "?" or ' '"\\ufffd".') self._encode_errors = 'replace' encoded_string = string.encode( self.preferred_encoding, errors=self._encode_errors) return encoded_string def _EnforceProcessMemoryLimit(self, memory_limit): """Enforces a process memory limit. Args: memory_limit (int): maximum number of bytes the process is allowed to allocate, where 0 represents no limit and None a default of 4 GiB. """ # Resource is not supported on Windows. if resource: if memory_limit is None: memory_limit = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elif memory_limit == 0: memory_limit = resource.RLIM_INFINITY try: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_DATA, (memory_limit, memory_limit)) except ValueError: current_limit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_DATA)[0] logger.warning(( f'Unable to set memory limit to {memory_limit!s} current limit ' f'is {current_limit!s}.')) def _GetPathSpecificationString(self, path_spec): """Retrieves a printable string representation of the path specification. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. Returns: str: printable string representation of the path specification. """ if not path_spec: return 'N/A' return '\n'.join([ line.translate(definitions.NON_PRINTABLE_CHARACTER_TRANSLATION_TABLE) for line in path_spec.comparable.split('\n')]) def _ParseInformationalOptions(self, options): """Parses the informational options. Args: options (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments. """ self._debug_mode = getattr(options, 'debug', False) self._quiet_mode = getattr(options, 'quiet', False) self._unattended_mode = getattr(options, 'unattended', False) if self._debug_mode and self._quiet_mode: logger.warning( 'Cannot use debug and quiet mode at the same time, defaulting to ' 'debug output.') def _ParseLogFileOptions(self, options): """Parses the log file options. Args: options (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments. """ self._log_file = self.ParseStringOption(options, 'log_file') if not self._log_file: local_date_time = self._log_file = ( f'{self.NAME:s}-{local_date_time.year:04d}{local_date_time.month:02d}' f'{}T{local_date_time.hour:02d}' f'{local_date_time.minute:02d}{local_date_time.second:02d}.log.gz') def _PrintUserWarning(self, warning_text): """Prints a warning to the user. Args: warning_text (str): text used to warn the user. """ warning_text = textwrap.wrap(f'WARNING: {warning_text:s}', 80) print('\n'.join(warning_text), file=sys.stderr) print('', file=sys.stderr) self._has_user_warning = True def _PromptUserForInput(self, input_text): """Prompts user for an input. Args: input_text (str): text used for prompting the user for input. Returns: str: input read from the user. """ self._output_writer.Write(f'{input_text:s}: ') return self._input_reader.Read() def _WaitUserWarning(self): """Waits 15 seconds after printing warnings to the user.""" if self._has_user_warning: print('Waiting for 15 second to give you time to cancel.') print('') time.sleep(15)
[docs] def AddBasicOptions(self, argument_group): """Adds the basic options to the argument group. Args: argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup): argparse argument group. """ version_string = self.GetVersionInformation() # We want a custom help message and not the default argparse one. argument_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit.') argument_group.add_argument( '--troubles', dest='show_troubleshooting', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show troubleshooting information.') argument_group.add_argument( '-V', '--version', dest='version', action='version', version=version_string, help='Show the version information.')
[docs] def AddInformationalOptions(self, argument_group): """Adds the informational options to the argument group. Args: argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup): argparse argument group. """ argument_group.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable debug output.') argument_group.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='Disable informational output.') argument_group.add_argument( '-u', '--unattended', dest='unattended', action='store_true', default=False, help=( 'Enable unattended mode and do not ask the user for additional ' 'input when needed, but terminate with an error instead.'))
[docs] def AddLogFileOptions(self, argument_group): """Adds the log file option to the argument group. Args: argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup): argparse argument group. """ argument_group.add_argument( '--logfile', '--log_file', '--log-file', action='store', metavar='FILENAME', dest='log_file', type=str, default='', help=( f'Path of the file in which to store log messages, by default ' f'this file will be named: "{self.NAME:s}-YYYYMMDDThhmmss.log.gz". ' f'Note that the file will be gzip compressed if the extension is ' f'".gz".'))
[docs] def CheckOutDated(self): """Checks if the version of plaso is outdated and warns the user.""" version_date_time = datetime.datetime( int(plaso.__version__[0:4], 10), int(plaso.__version__[4:6], 10), int(plaso.__version__[6:8], 10)) date_time_delta = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - version_date_time if date_time_delta.days > 180: logger.warning(( 'This version of plaso is more than 6 months old. We strongly ' 'recommend to update it.')) self._PrintUserWarning(( 'the version of plaso you are using is more than 6 months old. We ' 'strongly recommend to update it.'))
[docs] def GetCommandLineArguments(self): """Retrieves the command line arguments. Returns: str: command line arguments. """ command_line_arguments = sys.argv if not command_line_arguments: return '' if isinstance(command_line_arguments[0], bytes): encoding = sys.stdin.encoding # Note that sys.stdin.encoding can be None. if not encoding: encoding = self.preferred_encoding try: command_line_arguments = [ argument.decode(encoding) for argument in command_line_arguments] except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.error( 'Unable to properly read command line input due to encoding ' 'error. Replacing non Basic Latin (C0) characters with "?" or ' '"\\ufffd".') command_line_arguments = [ argument.decode(encoding, errors='replace') for argument in command_line_arguments] return ' '.join(command_line_arguments)
[docs] def GetVersionInformation(self): """Retrieves the version information. Returns: str: version information. """ return f'plaso - {self.NAME:s} version {plaso.__version__:s}'
[docs] def ListTimeZones(self): """Lists the time zones.""" max_length = 0 for time_zone_name in pytz.all_timezones: max_length = max(max_length, len(time_zone_name)) utc_date_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() table_view = views.ViewsFactory.GetTableView( self._views_format_type, column_names=['Time zone', 'UTC Offset'], title='Zones') for time_zone_name in pytz.all_timezones: try: local_time_zone = pytz.timezone(time_zone_name) except AssertionError as exception: logger.error(( f'Unable to determine information about time zone: ' f'{time_zone_name:s} with error: {exception!s}')) continue local_date_string = str(local_time_zone.localize(utc_date_time)) if '+' in local_date_string: _, _, utc_offset = local_date_string.rpartition('+') utc_offset_string = f'+{utc_offset:s}' else: _, _, utc_offset = local_date_string.rpartition('-') utc_offset_string = '-{utc_offset:s}' table_view.AddRow([time_zone_name, utc_offset_string]) table_view.Write(self._output_writer)
[docs] def ParseNumericOption(self, options, name, base=10, default_value=None): """Parses a numeric option. If the option is not set the default value is returned. Args: options (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments. name (str): name of the numeric option. base (Optional[int]): base of the numeric value. default_value (Optional[object]): default value. Returns: int: numeric value. Raises: BadConfigOption: if the options are invalid. """ numeric_value = getattr(options, name, None) if not numeric_value: return default_value try: return int(numeric_value, base) except (TypeError, ValueError): name = name.replace('_', ' ') raise errors.BadConfigOption( f'Unsupported numeric value {name:s}: {numeric_value!s}.')
[docs] def ParseStringOption(self, options, argument_name, default_value=None): """Parses a string command line argument. Args: options (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments. argument_name (str): name of the command line argument. default_value (Optional[object]): default value of the command line argument. Returns: object: command line argument value. If the command line argument is not set the default value will be returned. Raises: BadConfigOption: if the command line argument value cannot be converted to a Unicode string. """ argument_value = getattr(options, argument_name, None) if not argument_value: return default_value if isinstance(argument_value, bytes): encoding = sys.stdin.encoding # Note that sys.stdin.encoding can be None. if not encoding: encoding = self.preferred_encoding try: argument_value = codecs.decode(argument_value, encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError as exception: raise errors.BadConfigOption(( f'Unable to convert option: {argument_name:s} to Unicode with ' f'error: {exception!s}.')) elif not isinstance(argument_value, str): raise errors.BadConfigOption( f'Unsupported option: {argument_name:s} string type required.') return argument_value
[docs] def PrintSeparatorLine(self): """Prints a separator line.""" self._output_writer.Write('-' * self._LINE_LENGTH) self._output_writer.Write('\n')
[docs] class CLIInputReader(object): """Command line interface input reader interface."""
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes an input reader. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): input encoding. """ super(CLIInputReader, self).__init__() self._encoding = encoding
# pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Read(self): """Reads a string from the input. Returns: str: input. """
[docs] class CLIOutputWriter(object): """Command line interface output writer interface."""
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes an output writer. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): output encoding. """ super(CLIOutputWriter, self).__init__() self._encoding = encoding
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Write(self, string): """Writes a string to the output. Args: string (str): output. """
[docs] class FileObjectInputReader(CLIInputReader): """File object command line interface input reader. This input reader relies on the file-like object having a readline method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_object, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes a file object command line interface input reader. Args: file_object (file): file-like object to read from. encoding (Optional[str]): input encoding. """ super(FileObjectInputReader, self).__init__(encoding=encoding) self._errors = 'strict' self._file_object = file_object
[docs] def Read(self): """Reads a string from the input. Returns: str: input. """ encoded_string = self._file_object.readline() if isinstance(encoded_string, str): return encoded_string try: string = codecs.decode(encoded_string, self._encoding, self._errors) except UnicodeDecodeError: if self._errors == 'strict': logger.error( 'Unable to properly read input due to encoding error. ' 'Switching to error tolerant encoding which can result in ' 'non Basic Latin (C0) characters to be replaced with "?" or ' '"\\ufffd".') self._errors = 'replace' string = codecs.decode(encoded_string, self._encoding, self._errors) return string
[docs] class StdinInputReader(FileObjectInputReader): """Stdin command line interface input reader."""
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes an stdin input reader. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): input encoding. """ super(StdinInputReader, self).__init__(sys.stdin, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def Read(self): """Reads a string from the input. Returns: str: input. """ # Flush stdout to guarantee that all output has been provided before waiting # for input. sys.stdout.flush() return super(StdinInputReader, self).Read()
[docs] class FileObjectOutputWriter(CLIOutputWriter): """File object command line interface output writer. This output writer relies on the file-like object having a write method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_object, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes a file object command line interface output writer. Args: file_object (file): file-like object to read from. encoding (Optional[str]): output encoding. """ super(FileObjectOutputWriter, self).__init__(encoding=encoding) self._errors = 'strict' self._file_object = file_object
[docs] def Write(self, string): """Writes a string to the output. Args: string (str): output. """ try: # Note that encode() will first convert string into a Unicode string # if necessary. encoded_string = codecs.encode(string, self._encoding, self._errors) except UnicodeEncodeError: if self._errors == 'strict': logger.error( 'Unable to properly write output due to encoding error. ' 'Switching to error tolerant encoding which can result in ' 'non Basic Latin (C0) characters to be replaced with "?" or ' '"\\ufffd".') self._errors = 'replace' encoded_string = codecs.encode(string, self._encoding, self._errors) self._file_object.write(encoded_string)
[docs] class StdoutOutputWriter(FileObjectOutputWriter): """Stdout command line interface output writer."""
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes a stdout output writer. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): output encoding. """ super(StdoutOutputWriter, self).__init__(sys.stdout, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def Write(self, string): """Writes a string to the output. Args: string (str): output. """ sys.stdout.write(string)