# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The event filters CLI arguments helper."""
from dfdatetime import time_elements as dfdatetime_time_elements
from plaso.cli import time_slices
from plaso.cli import tools
from plaso.cli.helpers import interface
from plaso.cli.helpers import manager
from plaso.filters import event_filter
from plaso.lib import errors
class EventFiltersArgumentsHelper(interface.ArgumentsHelper):
"""Event filters CLI arguments helper."""
NAME = 'event_filters'
DESCRIPTION = 'Event filters command line arguments.'
def AddArguments(cls, argument_group):
"""Adds command line arguments to an argument group.
This function takes an argument parser or an argument group object and adds
to it all the command line arguments this helper supports.
argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup|argparse.ArgumentParser):
argparse group.
'--slice', metavar='DATE_TIME', dest='slice', type=str, default='',
action='store', help=(
'Date and time to create a time slice around. This parameter, if '
'defined, will display all events that happened X minutes before '
'and after the defined date, where X is controlled by the '
'--slice_size option, which is 5 minutes by default. The date and '
'time must be specified in ISO 8601 format including time zone '
'offset, for example: 20200619T20:09:23+02:00.'))
'--slice_size', '--slice-size', dest='slice_size', type=int, default=5,
action='store', help=(
'Defines the slice size. In the case of a regular time slice it '
'defines the number of minutes the slice size should be. In the '
'case of the --slicer it determines the number of events before '
'and after a filter match has been made that will be included in '
'the result set. The default value is 5. See --slice or --slicer '
'for more details about this option.'))
'--slicer', dest='slicer', action='store_true', default=False, help=(
'Create a time slice around every filter match. This parameter, '
'if defined will save all X events before and after a filter '
'match has been made. X is defined by the --slice_size '
'filter', nargs='?', action='store', metavar='FILTER', default=None,
type=str, help=(
f'A filter that can be used to filter the dataset before it is '
f'written into storage. More information about the filters and '
f'how to use them can be found here: {cls._DOCUMENTATION_URL:s}'))
def ParseOptions(cls, options, configuration_object):
"""Parses and validates options.
options (argparse.Namespace): parser options.
configuration_object (CLITool): object to be configured by the argument
BadConfigObject: when the configuration object is of the wrong type.
BadConfigOption: when a configuration parameter fails validation.
if not isinstance(configuration_object, tools.CLITool):
raise errors.BadConfigObject(
'Configuration object is not an instance of CLITool')
filter_expression = cls._ParseStringOption(options, 'filter')
filter_object = None
if filter_expression:
filter_object = event_filter.EventObjectFilter()
except errors.ParseError as exception:
raise errors.BadConfigOption(
f'Unable to compile filter expression with error: {exception!s}')
time_slice_event_time_string = getattr(options, 'slice', None)
time_slice_duration = getattr(options, 'slice_size', 5)
use_time_slicer = getattr(options, 'slicer', False)
# The slice and slicer cannot be set at the same time.
if time_slice_event_time_string and use_time_slicer:
raise errors.BadConfigOption(
'Time slice and slicer cannot be used at the same time.')
time_slice_event_timestamp = None
if time_slice_event_time_string:
if ' ' in time_slice_event_time_string:
raise errors.BadConfigOption(
'Time slice date and time must be defined in ISO 8601 format, '
'for example: 2020-06-19T20:09:23+02:00.')
date_time = dfdatetime_time_elements.TimeElements()
except ValueError:
raise errors.BadConfigOption((
f'Unsupported time slice date and time: '
f'{time_slice_event_time_string:s}. The date and time must be '
f'defined in ISO 8601 format, for example: '
# TODO: directly use dfDateTime objects in time slice.
time_slice_event_timestamp = date_time.GetPlasoTimestamp()
setattr(configuration_object, '_event_filter_expression', filter_expression)
if filter_object:
setattr(configuration_object, '_event_filter', filter_object)
setattr(configuration_object, '_use_time_slicer', use_time_slicer)
if time_slice_event_timestamp is not None or use_time_slicer:
# Note that time slicer uses the time slice to determine the duration.
# TODO: refactor TimeSlice to filters.
time_slice = time_slices.TimeSlice(
time_slice_event_timestamp, duration=time_slice_duration)
setattr(configuration_object, '_time_slice', time_slice)