Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This file contains the attribute container store serializers."""

from acstore import interface as acstore_interface

from dfdatetime import serializer as dfdatetime_serializer

from dfvfs.lib import definitions as dfvfs_definitions
from dfvfs.path import factory as dfvfs_path_spec_factory

[docs] class JSONDateTimeAttributeSerializer(acstore_interface.AttributeSerializer): """JSON date time values attribute serializer."""
[docs] def DeserializeValue(self, value): """Deserializes a value. Args: value (dict[str, object]): serialized value. Returns: dfdatetime.DateTimeValues: runtime value. """ return dfdatetime_serializer.Serializer.ConvertDictToDateTimeValues(value)
[docs] def SerializeValue(self, value): """Serializes a value. Args: value (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): runtime value. Returns: dict[str, object]: serialized value. """ return dfdatetime_serializer.Serializer.ConvertDateTimeValuesToDict(value)
[docs] class JSONPathSpecAttributeSerializer(acstore_interface.AttributeSerializer): """JSON path specification attribute serializer."""
[docs] def DeserializeValue(self, value): """Deserializes a value. Args: value (dict[str, object]): serialized value. Returns: dfvfs.PathSpec: runtime value. """ type_indicator = value.get('type_indicator', None) if type_indicator: del value['type_indicator'] if 'parent' in value: value['parent'] = self.DeserializeValue(value['parent']) # Remove the class type from the JSON dictionary since we cannot pass it. del value['__type__'] path_spec = dfvfs_path_spec_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( type_indicator, **value) if type_indicator == dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_OS: # dfvfs.OSPathSpec() will change the location to an absolute path # here we want to preserve the original location. path_spec.location = value.get('location', None) return path_spec
[docs] def SerializeValue(self, value): """Serializes a value. Args: value (dfvfs.PathSpec): runtime value. Returns: str: serialized value. """ json_dict = {'__type__': 'PathSpec'} for property_name in dfvfs_path_spec_factory.Factory.PROPERTY_NAMES: property_value = getattr(value, property_name, None) if property_value is not None: json_dict[property_name] = property_value if value.HasParent(): json_dict['parent'] = self.SerializeValue(value.parent) json_dict['type_indicator'] = value.type_indicator location = getattr(value, 'location', None) if location: json_dict['location'] = location return json_dict
[docs] class JSONValueListAttributeSerializer(acstore_interface.AttributeSerializer): """JSON value list attribute serializer."""
[docs] def DeserializeValue(self, value): """Deserializes a value. Args: value (list[int|str]): serialized value. Returns: list[int|str]: runtime value. """ return value
[docs] def SerializeValue(self, value): """Serializes a value. Args: value (list[int|str]): runtime value. Returns: list[int|str]: serialized value. """ return value