Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Redis-based storage writer."""

from import writer
from import redis_store

[docs] class RedisStorageWriter(writer.StorageWriter): """Redis-based storage writer.""" # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc,useless-return
[docs] def GetFirstWrittenEventData(self): """Retrieves the first event data that was written after open. Using GetFirstWrittenEventData and GetNextWrittenEventData newly added event data can be retrieved in order of addition. Returns: EventData: None as there are no newly written event data. Raises: IOError: if the storage writer is closed. OSError: if the storage writer is closed. """ if not self._store: raise IOError('Unable to read from closed storage writer.') return None
# pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc,useless-return
[docs] def GetNextWrittenEventData(self): """Retrieves the next event data that was written after open. Returns: EventData: None as there are no newly written event data. Raises: IOError: if the storage writer is closed. OSError: if the storage writer is closed. """ if not self._store: raise IOError('Unable to read from closed storage writer.') return None
# pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc,useless-return
[docs] def GetFirstWrittenEventSource(self): """Retrieves the first event source that was written after open. Using GetFirstWrittenEventSource and GetNextWrittenEventSource newly added event sources can be retrieved in order of addition. Returns: EventSource: None as there are no newly written event sources. Raises: IOError: if the storage writer is closed. OSError: if the storage writer is closed. """ if not self._store: raise IOError('Unable to read from closed storage writer.') return None
# pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc,useless-return
[docs] def GetNextWrittenEventSource(self): """Retrieves the next event source that was written after open. Returns: EventSource: None as there are no newly written event sources. Raises: IOError: if the storage writer is closed. OSError: if the storage writer is closed. """ if not self._store: raise IOError('Unable to read from closed storage writer.') return None
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def Open( self, redis_client=None, session_identifier=None, task_identifier=None, **unused_kwargs): """Opens the storage writer. Args: redis_client (Optional[Redis]): Redis client to query. If specified, no new client will be created. If no client is specified a new client will be opened connected to the Redis instance specified by 'url'. session_identifier (Optional[str]): session identifier. task_identifier (Optional[str]): task identifier. Raises: IOError: if the storage writer is already opened. OSError: if the storage writer is already opened. """ if self._store: raise IOError('Storage writer already opened.') self._store = redis_store.RedisAttributeContainerStore() if self._serializers_profiler: self._store.SetSerializersProfiler(self._serializers_profiler) if self._storage_profiler: self._store.SetStorageProfiler(self._storage_profiler) self._store.Open( redis_client=redis_client, session_identifier=session_identifier, task_identifier=task_identifier)