Source code for plaso.scripts.psort

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Psort (Plaso Síar Og Raðar Þessu) - Makes output from Plaso Storage files.

Sample Usage: /tmp/mystorage.dump "date > '01-06-2012'"

See additional details here:

import multiprocessing
import logging
import os
import sys

from plaso import dependencies
from plaso.cli import tools as cli_tools
from plaso.cli import psort_tool
from plaso.lib import errors

[docs] def Main(): """Entry point of console script to analyze and output events. Returns: int: exit code that is provided to sys.exit(). """ input_reader = cli_tools.StdinInputReader() tool = psort_tool.PsortTool(input_reader=input_reader) if not tool.ParseArguments(sys.argv[1:]): return 1 if tool.show_troubleshooting: print('Using Python version {0!s}'.format(sys.version)) print() print('Path: {0:s}'.format(os.path.abspath(__file__))) print() print(tool.GetVersionInformation()) print() dependencies.CheckDependencies(verbose_output=True) print('Also see:' 'Troubleshooting.html') return 0 try: tool.CheckOutDated() except KeyboardInterrupt: return 1 have_list_option = False if tool.list_analysis_plugins: tool.ListAnalysisPlugins() have_list_option = True if tool.list_language_tags: tool.ListLanguageTags() have_list_option = True if tool.list_output_modules: tool.ListOutputModules() have_list_option = True if tool.list_profilers: tool.ListProfilers() have_list_option = True if tool.list_time_zones: tool.ListTimeZones() have_list_option = True if have_list_option: return 0 try: tool.ProcessStorage() # Writing to stdout and stderr will raise BrokenPipeError if it # receives a SIGPIPE. except BrokenPipeError: pass except (KeyboardInterrupt, errors.UserAbort): logging.warning('Aborted by user.') return 1 except RuntimeError as exception: print(exception) return 1 except errors.BadConfigOption as exception: logging.warning(exception) return 1 return 0
if __name__ == '__main__': multiprocessing.freeze_support() sys.exit(Main())