Source code for plaso.parsers.winreg_plugins.appcompatcache

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Windows Registry plugin to parse the Application Compatibility Cache key."""

import os

from dfdatetime import filetime as dfdatetime_filetime

from dtfabric.runtime import data_maps as dtfabric_data_maps

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.lib import dtfabric_helper
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.parsers import winreg_parser
from plaso.parsers.winreg_plugins import interface

[docs] class AppCompatCacheEventData(events.EventData): """Application Compatibility Cache event data. Attributes: entry_index (int): cache entry index number for the record. file_entry_modification_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): last modification date and time of the corresponding file entry. key_path (str): Windows Registry key path. last_update_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): last update date and time of the Application Compatibility Cache entry. offset (int): offset of the Application Compatibility Cache entry relative to the start of the Windows Registry value data, from which the event data was extracted. path (str): full path to the executable. """ DATA_TYPE = 'windows:registry:appcompatcache'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes event data.""" super(AppCompatCacheEventData, self).__init__(data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.entry_index = None self.file_entry_modification_time = None self.key_path = None self.last_update_time = None self.offset = None self.path = None
[docs] class AppCompatCacheHeader(object): """Application Compatibility Cache header."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes the header object.""" super(AppCompatCacheHeader, self).__init__() self.number_of_cached_entries = 0 self.header_size = 0
[docs] class AppCompatCacheCachedEntry(object): """Application Compatibility Cache cached entry."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes the cached entry object.""" super(AppCompatCacheCachedEntry, self).__init__() self.cached_entry_size = 0 = None self.file_size = None self.insertion_flags = None self.last_modification_time = None self.last_update_time = None self.shim_flags = None self.path = None
[docs] class AppCompatCacheWindowsRegistryPlugin( interface.WindowsRegistryPlugin, dtfabric_helper.DtFabricHelper): """Application Compatibility Cache data Windows Registry plugin.""" NAME = 'appcompatcache' DATA_FORMAT = 'Application Compatibility Cache Registry data' FILTERS = frozenset([ interface.WindowsRegistryKeyPathFilter( 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\' 'Session Manager\\AppCompatibility'), interface.WindowsRegistryKeyPathFilter( 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\' 'Session Manager\\AppCompatCache')]) _DEFINITION_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'appcompatcache.yaml') _FORMAT_TYPE_2000 = 1 _FORMAT_TYPE_XP = 2 _FORMAT_TYPE_2003 = 3 _FORMAT_TYPE_VISTA = 4 _FORMAT_TYPE_7 = 5 _FORMAT_TYPE_8 = 6 _FORMAT_TYPE_10 = 7 _HEADER_SIGNATURES = { # AppCompatCache format signature used in Windows XP. 0xdeadbeef: _FORMAT_TYPE_XP, # AppCompatCache format signature used in Windows 2003, Vista and 2008. 0xbadc0ffe: _FORMAT_TYPE_2003, # AppCompatCache format signature used in Windows 7 and 2008 R2. 0xbadc0fee: _FORMAT_TYPE_7, # AppCompatCache format signature used in Windows 8.0 and 8.1. 0x00000080: _FORMAT_TYPE_8, # AppCompatCache format signatures used in Windows 10 0x00000030: _FORMAT_TYPE_10, 0x00000034: _FORMAT_TYPE_10} _HEADER_DATA_TYPE_MAP_NAMES = { _FORMAT_TYPE_XP: 'appcompatcache_header_xp_32bit', _FORMAT_TYPE_2003: 'appcompatcache_header_2003', _FORMAT_TYPE_VISTA: 'appcompatcache_header_vista', _FORMAT_TYPE_7: 'appcompatcache_header_7', _FORMAT_TYPE_8: 'appcompatcache_header_8', _FORMAT_TYPE_10: 'appcompatcache_header_10'} _SUPPORTED_FORMAT_TYPES = frozenset(_HEADER_DATA_TYPE_MAP_NAMES.keys()) # AppCompatCache format used in Windows 8.0. _CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_0 = b'00ts' # AppCompatCache format used in Windows 8.1. _CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_1 = b'10ts'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes a Application Compatibility Cache Registry plugin.""" super(AppCompatCacheWindowsRegistryPlugin, self).__init__() self._cached_entry_data_type_map = None
def _CheckSignature(self, value_data): """Parses and validates the signature. Args: value_data (bytes): value data. Returns: int: format type or None if format could not be determined. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ signature_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('uint32le') try: signature = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( value_data, 0, signature_map) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse signature value with error: {exception!s}') format_type = self._HEADER_SIGNATURES.get(signature, None) if format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_2003: # TODO: determine which format version is used (2003 or Vista). return self._FORMAT_TYPE_2003 if format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_8: cached_entry_signature = value_data[signature:signature + 4] if cached_entry_signature in ( self._CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_0, self._CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_1): return self._FORMAT_TYPE_8 elif format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_10: # Windows 10 uses the same cache entry signature as Windows 8.1 cached_entry_signature = value_data[signature:signature + 4] if cached_entry_signature == self._CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_1: return self._FORMAT_TYPE_10 return format_type def _GetCachedEntryDataTypeMap( self, format_type, value_data, cached_entry_offset): """Determines the cached entry data type map. Args: format_type (int): format type. value_data (bytes): value data. cached_entry_offset (int): offset of the first cached entry data relative to the start of the value data. Returns: dtfabric.DataTypeMap: data type map which contains a data type definition, such as a structure, that can be mapped onto binary data or None if the data type map is not defined. Raises: ParseError: if the cached entry data type map cannot be determined. """ if format_type not in self._SUPPORTED_FORMAT_TYPES: raise errors.ParseError('Unsupported format type: {format_type:d}') data_type_map_name = '' if format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_XP: data_type_map_name = 'appcompatcache_cached_entry_xp_32bit' elif format_type in (self._FORMAT_TYPE_8, self._FORMAT_TYPE_10): data_type_map_name = 'appcompatcache_cached_entry_header_8' else: cached_entry = self._ParseCommon2003CachedEntry( value_data, cached_entry_offset) # Assume the entry is 64-bit if the 32-bit path offset is 0 and # the 64-bit path offset is set. if (cached_entry.path_offset_32bit == 0 and cached_entry.path_offset_64bit != 0): number_of_bits = '64' else: number_of_bits = '32' if format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_2003: data_type_map_name = ( f'appcompatcache_cached_entry_2003_{number_of_bits:s}bit') elif format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_VISTA: data_type_map_name = ( f'appcompatcache_cached_entry_vista_{number_of_bits:s}bit') elif format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_7: data_type_map_name = ( f'appcompatcache_cached_entry_7_{number_of_bits:s}bit') return self._GetDataTypeMap(data_type_map_name) def _ParseCommon2003CachedEntry(self, value_data, cached_entry_offset): """Parses the cached entry structure common for Windows 2003, Vista and 7. Args: value_data (bytes): value data. cached_entry_offset (int): offset of the first cached entry data relative to the start of the value data. Returns: appcompatcache_cached_entry_2003_common: cached entry structure common for Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ data_type_map = self._GetDataTypeMap( 'appcompatcache_cached_entry_2003_common') try: cached_entry = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( value_data[cached_entry_offset:], cached_entry_offset, data_type_map) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse cached entry value with error: {exception!s}') if cached_entry.path_size > cached_entry.maximum_path_size: raise errors.ParseError('Path size value out of bounds.') path_end_of_string_size = ( cached_entry.maximum_path_size - cached_entry.path_size) if cached_entry.path_size == 0 or path_end_of_string_size != 2: raise errors.ParseError('Unsupported path size values.') return cached_entry def _ParseCachedEntryXP(self, value_data, cached_entry_offset): """Parses a Windows XP cached entry. Args: value_data (bytes): value data. cached_entry_offset (int): offset of the first cached entry data relative to the start of the value data. Returns: AppCompatCacheCachedEntry: cached entry. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() try: cached_entry = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( value_data[cached_entry_offset:], cached_entry_offset, self._cached_entry_data_type_map, context=context) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse cached entry value with error: {exception!s}') # TODO: have dtFabric handle string conversion. string_size = 0 for string_index in range(0, 528, 2): if (cached_entry.path[string_index] == 0 and cached_entry.path[string_index + 1] == 0): break string_size += 2 try: path = bytearray(cached_entry.path[0:string_size]).decode('utf-16-le') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise errors.ParseError('Unable to decode cached entry path to string') cached_entry_object = AppCompatCacheCachedEntry() cached_entry_object.cached_entry_size = context.byte_size cached_entry_object.file_size = cached_entry.file_size cached_entry_object.last_modification_time = ( cached_entry.last_modification_time) cached_entry_object.last_update_time = cached_entry.last_update_time cached_entry_object.path = path return cached_entry_object def _ParseCachedEntry2003(self, value_data, cached_entry_offset): """Parses a Windows 2003 cached entry. Args: value_data (bytes): value data. cached_entry_offset (int): offset of the first cached entry data relative to the start of the value data. Returns: AppCompatCacheCachedEntry: cached entry. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() try: cached_entry = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( value_data[cached_entry_offset:], cached_entry_offset, self._cached_entry_data_type_map, context=context) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse cached entry value with error: {exception!s}') path_size = cached_entry.path_size maximum_path_size = cached_entry.maximum_path_size path_offset = cached_entry.path_offset if path_offset > 0 and path_size > 0: path_size += path_offset maximum_path_size += path_offset try: path = value_data[path_offset:path_size].decode('utf-16-le') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise errors.ParseError('Unable to decode cached entry path to string') cached_entry_object = AppCompatCacheCachedEntry() cached_entry_object.cached_entry_size = context.byte_size cached_entry_object.file_size = getattr(cached_entry, 'file_size', None) cached_entry_object.last_modification_time = ( cached_entry.last_modification_time) cached_entry_object.path = path return cached_entry_object def _ParseCachedEntryVista(self, value_data, cached_entry_offset): """Parses a Windows Vista cached entry. Args: value_data (bytes): value data. cached_entry_offset (int): offset of the first cached entry data relative to the start of the value data. Returns: AppCompatCacheCachedEntry: cached entry. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() try: cached_entry = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( value_data[cached_entry_offset:], cached_entry_offset, self._cached_entry_data_type_map, context=context) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse cached entry value with error: {exception!s}') path_size = cached_entry.path_size maximum_path_size = cached_entry.maximum_path_size path_offset = cached_entry.path_offset if path_offset > 0 and path_size > 0: path_size += path_offset maximum_path_size += path_offset try: path = value_data[path_offset:path_size].decode('utf-16-le') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise errors.ParseError('Unable to decode cached entry path to string') cached_entry_object = AppCompatCacheCachedEntry() cached_entry_object.cached_entry_size = context.byte_size cached_entry_object.insertion_flags = cached_entry.insertion_flags cached_entry_object.last_modification_time = ( cached_entry.last_modification_time) cached_entry_object.path = path cached_entry_object.shim_flags = cached_entry.shim_flags return cached_entry_object def _ParseCachedEntry7(self, value_data, cached_entry_offset): """Parses a Windows 7 cached entry. Args: value_data (bytes): value data. cached_entry_offset (int): offset of the first cached entry data relative to the start of the value data. Returns: AppCompatCacheCachedEntry: cached entry. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() try: cached_entry = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( value_data[cached_entry_offset:], cached_entry_offset, self._cached_entry_data_type_map, context=context) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse cached entry value with error: {exception!s}') path_size = cached_entry.path_size maximum_path_size = cached_entry.maximum_path_size path_offset = cached_entry.path_offset if path_offset > 0 and path_size > 0: path_size += path_offset maximum_path_size += path_offset try: path = value_data[path_offset:path_size].decode('utf-16-le') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise errors.ParseError('Unable to decode cached entry path to string') data_offset = cached_entry.data_offset data_size = cached_entry.data_size cached_entry_object = AppCompatCacheCachedEntry() cached_entry_object.cached_entry_size = context.byte_size cached_entry_object.insertion_flags = cached_entry.insertion_flags cached_entry_object.last_modification_time = ( cached_entry.last_modification_time) cached_entry_object.path = path cached_entry_object.shim_flags = cached_entry.shim_flags if data_size > 0: = value_data[data_offset:data_offset + data_size] return cached_entry_object def _ParseCachedEntry8(self, value_data, cached_entry_offset): """Parses a Windows 8.0 or 8.1 cached entry. Args: value_data (bytes): value data. cached_entry_offset (int): offset of the first cached entry data relative to the start of the value data. Returns: AppCompatCacheCachedEntry: cached entry. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ try: cached_entry = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( value_data[cached_entry_offset:], cached_entry_offset, self._cached_entry_data_type_map) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse cached entry value with error: {exception!s}') if cached_entry.signature not in ( self._CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_0, self._CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_1): raise errors.ParseError('Unsupported cache entry signature') cached_entry_data = value_data[cached_entry_offset:] if cached_entry.signature == self._CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_0: data_type_map_name = 'appcompatcache_cached_entry_body_8_0' elif cached_entry.signature == self._CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_1: data_type_map_name = 'appcompatcache_cached_entry_body_8_1' data_type_map = self._GetDataTypeMap(data_type_map_name) context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() try: cached_entry_body = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( cached_entry_data[12:], cached_entry_offset + 12, data_type_map, context=context) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse cached entry body with error: {exception!s}') data_offset = context.byte_size data_size = cached_entry_body.data_size cached_entry_object = AppCompatCacheCachedEntry() cached_entry_object.cached_entry_size = ( 12 + cached_entry.cached_entry_data_size) cached_entry_object.insertion_flags = cached_entry_body.insertion_flags cached_entry_object.last_modification_time = ( cached_entry_body.last_modification_time) cached_entry_object.path = cached_entry_body.path cached_entry_object.shim_flags = cached_entry_body.shim_flags if data_size > 0: = cached_entry_data[ data_offset:data_offset + data_size] return cached_entry_object def _ParseCachedEntry10(self, value_data, cached_entry_offset): """Parses a Windows 10 cached entry. Args: value_data (bytes): value data. cached_entry_offset (int): offset of the first cached entry data relative to the start of the value data. Returns: AppCompatCacheCachedEntry: cached entry. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ try: cached_entry = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( value_data[cached_entry_offset:], cached_entry_offset, self._cached_entry_data_type_map) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse cached entry value with error: {exception!s}') if cached_entry.signature not in ( self._CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_0, self._CACHED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE_8_1): raise errors.ParseError('Unsupported cache entry signature') cached_entry_data = value_data[cached_entry_offset:] data_type_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('appcompatcache_cached_entry_body_10') context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() try: cached_entry_body = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( cached_entry_data[12:], cached_entry_offset + 12, data_type_map, context=context) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse cached entry body with error: {exception!s}') data_offset = cached_entry_offset + context.byte_size data_size = cached_entry_body.data_size cached_entry_object = AppCompatCacheCachedEntry() cached_entry_object.cached_entry_size = ( 12 + cached_entry.cached_entry_data_size) cached_entry_object.last_modification_time = ( cached_entry_body.last_modification_time) cached_entry_object.path = cached_entry_body.path if data_size > 0: = cached_entry_data[ data_offset:data_offset + data_size] return cached_entry_object def _ParseHeader(self, format_type, value_data): """Parses the header. Args: format_type (int): format type. value_data (bytes): value data. Returns: AppCompatCacheHeader: header. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ data_type_map_name = self._HEADER_DATA_TYPE_MAP_NAMES.get(format_type, None) if not data_type_map_name: raise errors.ParseError(f'Unsupported format type: {format_type:d}') data_type_map = self._GetDataTypeMap(data_type_map_name) context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() try: header = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( value_data, 0, data_type_map, context=context) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( f'Unable to parse header value with error: {exception!s}') header_data_size = context.byte_size if format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_10: header_data_size = header.signature cache_header = AppCompatCacheHeader() cache_header.header_size = header_data_size cache_header.number_of_cached_entries = getattr( header, 'number_of_cached_entries', 0) return cache_header
[docs] def ExtractEvents(self, parser_mediator, registry_key, **kwargs): """Extracts events from a Windows Registry key. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key. Raises: ParseError: if the value data could not be parsed. """ value = registry_key.GetValueByName('AppCompatCache') if not value: return value_data = value_data_size = len( format_type = self._CheckSignature(value_data) if not format_type: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( f'Unsupported signature in AppCompatCache key: {registry_key.path:s}') return header_object = self._ParseHeader(format_type, value_data) # On Windows Vista and 2008 when the cache is empty it will # only consist of the header. if value_data_size <= header_object.header_size: return cached_entry_offset = header_object.header_size self._cached_entry_data_type_map = self._GetCachedEntryDataTypeMap( format_type, value_data, cached_entry_offset) if not self._cached_entry_data_type_map: raise errors.ParseError('Unable to determine cached entry data type.') parse_cached_entry_function = None if format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_XP: parse_cached_entry_function = self._ParseCachedEntryXP elif format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_2003: parse_cached_entry_function = self._ParseCachedEntry2003 elif format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_VISTA: parse_cached_entry_function = self._ParseCachedEntryVista elif format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_7: parse_cached_entry_function = self._ParseCachedEntry7 elif format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_8: parse_cached_entry_function = self._ParseCachedEntry8 elif format_type == self._FORMAT_TYPE_10: parse_cached_entry_function = self._ParseCachedEntry10 cached_entry_index = 0 while cached_entry_offset < value_data_size: cached_entry_object = parse_cached_entry_function( value_data, cached_entry_offset) event_data = AppCompatCacheEventData() event_data.entry_index = cached_entry_index + 1 event_data.key_path = registry_key.path event_data.offset = cached_entry_offset event_data.path = cached_entry_object.path if cached_entry_object.last_modification_time: event_data.file_entry_modification_time = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime( timestamp=cached_entry_object.last_modification_time) if cached_entry_object.last_update_time: event_data.last_update_time = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime( timestamp=cached_entry_object.last_update_time) parser_mediator.ProduceEventData(event_data) cached_entry_offset += cached_entry_object.cached_entry_size cached_entry_index += 1 if (header_object.number_of_cached_entries != 0 and cached_entry_index >= header_object.number_of_cached_entries): break
winreg_parser.WinRegistryParser.RegisterPlugin( AppCompatCacheWindowsRegistryPlugin)