Source code for plaso.parsers.windefender_history

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Parser for Windows Defender scan DetectionHistory files."""

import os

from dfdatetime import filetime as dfdatetime_filetime

from dtfabric.runtime import data_maps as dtfabric_data_maps

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.lib import dtfabric_helper
from plaso.lib import specification
from plaso.parsers import interface
from plaso.parsers import manager

[docs] class WindowsDefenderHistoryEventData(events.EventData): """Windows Defender scan DetectionHistory event data. Attributes: additional_filenames (list[str]): locations of additional detected files. container_filenames (list[str]): location of files detected inside a container. filename (str): name of the file that the threat was detected in. host_and_user (str): name of the host and user in "DOMAIN\\USER" format. process (str): name of the process that caused the detection. recorded_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the log entry was recorded. sha256 (str): SHA-256 hash of the file. threat_name (str): name of the threat that was detected. web_filenames (list[str]): URI of files detected as downloaded from the web. """ DATA_TYPE = 'av:defender:detection_history'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes event data.""" super(WindowsDefenderHistoryEventData, self).__init__( data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.additional_filenames = None self.container_filenames = None self.filename = None self.host_and_user = None self.recorded_time = None self.process = None self.sha256 = None self.threat_name = None self.web_filenames = None
[docs] class WinDefenderHistoryParser( interface.FileObjectParser, dtfabric_helper.DtFabricHelper): """Parses a Windows Defender scan DetectionHistory file.""" NAME = 'windefender_history' DATA_FORMAT = 'Windows Defender scan DetectionHistory file' _FILE_SIGNATURE = 'Magic.Version:1.2' _VALUE_DESCRIPTIONS = [ {0: 'Threat identifier', 1: 'Identifier'}, {0: 'UnknownMagic1', 1: 'Threat name', 4: 'Category'}, {0: 'UnknownMagic2', 1: 'Resource type', 2: 'Resource location', 4: 'Threat tracking data size', 5: 'Threat tracking data', 6: 'Last threat status change time', 12: 'Domain user1', 14: 'Process name', 18: 'Initial detection time', 20: 'Remediation time', 24: 'Domain user2'}] _DEFINITION_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'windefender_history.yaml') _VALUE_DATA_TYPE_BINARY_DATA = 0x00000028 _VALUE_DATA_TYPE_FILETIME = 0x0000000a _VALUE_DATA_TYPE_GUID = 0x0000001e _VALUE_DATA_TYPE_STRING = 0x00000015 _VALUE_DATA_TYPES_INTEGER = frozenset([ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0x00000006, 0x00000008])
[docs] @classmethod def GetFormatSpecification(cls): """Retrieves the format specification. Returns: FormatSpecification: format specification. """ format_specification = specification.FormatSpecification(cls.NAME) format_specification.AddNewSignature( cls._FILE_SIGNATURE.encode('utf-16-le'), offset=0x30) return format_specification
def _ReadThreatTrackingData(self, threat_tracking_data, file_offset): """Reads the threat tracking data. Args: threat_tracking_data (bytes): threat tracking data. file_offset (int): offset of the threat tracking data relative to the start of the file. Returns: dict[str, str]: Mapping of threat tracking keys to values. Raises: IOError: if the threat tracking data cannot be read. """ threat_tracking = {} data_type_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('uint32le') values_data_size = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( threat_tracking_data, 0, data_type_map) if values_data_size != 1: values_data_offset = 4 values_data_end_offset = values_data_size else: header = self._ReadThreatTrackingHeader(threat_tracking_data) values_data_offset = header.header_size + 4 values_data_end_offset = header.total_data_size while values_data_offset < values_data_end_offset: threat_value, data_size = self._ReadThreatTrackingValue( threat_tracking_data[values_data_offset:], file_offset + values_data_offset) if hasattr(threat_value, 'value_string'): threat_tracking[threat_value.key_string] = threat_value.value_string if hasattr(threat_value, 'value_integer'): threat_tracking[threat_value.key_string] = threat_value.value_integer values_data_offset += data_size return threat_tracking def _ReadThreatTrackingHeader(self, threat_tracking_data): """Reads the threat tracking header. Args: threat_tracking_data (bytes): threat tracking data. Returns: threat_tracking_header: threat tracking header. Raises: IOError: if the threat tracking header cannot be read. """ data_type_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('threat_tracking_header') return self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( threat_tracking_data, 0, data_type_map) def _ReadThreatTrackingValue(self, threat_tracking_data, file_offset): """Reads the threat tracking value. Args: threat_tracking_data (bytes): threat tracking data. file_offset (int): offset of the threat tracking data relative to the start of the file. Returns: tuple[threat_tracking_value, int]: threat tracking value and data size. Raises: IOError: if the threat tracking value cannot be read. """ data_type_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('threat_tracking_value') context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() threat_tracking_value = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( threat_tracking_data, file_offset, data_type_map, context=context) return threat_tracking_value, context.byte_size def _ReadValue(self, file_object, file_offset, parser_mediator): """Reads the value. Args: file_object (file): file-like object. file_offset (int): offset of the value relative to the start of the file. parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. Returns: object: value. Raises: IOError: if the value cannot be read. ParseError: when the value data type is unknown. """ data_type_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('detection_history_value') value, _ = self._ReadStructureFromFileObject( file_object, file_offset, data_type_map) value_object = None if value.data_type in self._VALUE_DATA_TYPES_INTEGER: value_object = value.value_integer elif value.data_type == self._VALUE_DATA_TYPE_FILETIME: value_object = value.value_filetime elif value.data_type == self._VALUE_DATA_TYPE_STRING: value_object = value.value_string elif value.data_type == self._VALUE_DATA_TYPE_GUID: value_object = value.value_guid elif value.data_type == self._VALUE_DATA_TYPE_BINARY_DATA: value_object = else: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'unknown value data type: {0!s}'.format(value.data_type)) value_object = return value_object
[docs] def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object): """Parses a Windows Defender History file-like object. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. Raises: WrongParser: when the file cannot be parsed. """ value_tuples = [] file_offset = 0 file_size = file_object.get_size() while file_offset < file_size: value_object = self._ReadValue(file_object, file_offset, parser_mediator) value_tuples.append((file_offset, value_object)) file_offset = file_object.tell() resource_name = '' threat_attributes = {'Resources': []} value_index_set = 0 value_index = 0 for file_offset, value_object in value_tuples: if value_object == self._FILE_SIGNATURE: if value_index_set < 2: value_index_set += 1 value_index = 0 if (value_index_set, value_index) == (2, 5): threat_attributes.update( self._ReadThreatTrackingData(value_object, file_offset + 8)) else: description = self._VALUE_DESCRIPTIONS[value_index_set].get( value_index, 'UNKNOWN_{0:d}_{1:d}'.format( value_index_set, value_index)) value_string = '{0!s}'.format(value_object) if description == 'Resource type': resource_name = value_string elif description == 'Resource location' and resource_name is not None: threat_attributes['Resources'].append( {'Type': resource_name, 'Location': value_string}) resource_name = None else: threat_attributes[description] = value_string value_index += 1 filenames = [ threat_attribute['Location'] for threat_attribute in threat_attributes['Resources'] if threat_attribute['Type'] == 'file'] if not filenames: filename = threat_attributes.get('CONTEXT_DATA_FILENAME', None) process_ppid = threat_attributes.get('CONTEXT_DATA_PROCESS_PPID', None) filenames = [','.join(list(filter(None, [filename, process_ppid])))] web_files = [ threat_attribute['Location'] for threat_attribute in threat_attributes['Resources'] if threat_attribute['Type'] == 'webfile'] container_files = [ threat_attribute['Location'] for threat_attribute in threat_attributes['Resources'] if threat_attribute['Type'] == 'containerfile'] additional_filenames = [ threat_attribute['Location'] for threat_attribute in threat_attributes['Resources'] if 'file' not in threat_attribute['Type']] timestamp = threat_attributes.get('ThreatTrackingStartTime', 0) event_data = WindowsDefenderHistoryEventData() event_data.additional_filenames = additional_filenames event_data.container_filenames = container_files event_data.filename = filenames[0] event_data.host_and_user = threat_attributes.get('Domain user1', None) event_data.process = threat_attributes.get('Process name', None) event_data.recorded_time = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime( timestamp=timestamp) event_data.sha256 = threat_attributes.get('ThreatTrackingSha256', None) event_data.threat_name = threat_attributes.get('Threat name', None) event_data.web_filenames = web_files parser_mediator.ProduceEventData(event_data)