Source code for plaso.parsers.text_plugins.ios_logd

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Text parser plugin for iOS sysdiagnose logd files (logd.0.log)."""

import pyparsing

from dfdatetime import time_elements as dfdatetime_time_elements

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.parsers import text_parser
from plaso.parsers.text_plugins import interface

[docs] class IOSSysdiagnoseLogdData(events.EventData): """iOS sysdiagnose logd event data. Attributes: body (str): body of the event line. logger (str): name of the process that generated the event. written_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the log entry was written. """ DATA_TYPE = 'ios:sysdiagnose:logd:line'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes iOS sysdiagnose logd event data.""" super(IOSSysdiagnoseLogdData, self).__init__(data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.body = None self.logger = None self.written_time = None
[docs] class IOSSysdiagnoseLogdTextPlugin(interface.TextPlugin): """Text parser plugin for iOS sysdiagnose logd files (logd.0.log).""" NAME = 'ios_logd' DATA_FORMAT = 'iOS sysdiagnose logd file' _TWO_DIGITS = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums, exact=2).set_parse_action( lambda tokens: int(tokens[0], 10)) _FOUR_DIGITS = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums, exact=4).set_parse_action( lambda tokens: int(tokens[0], 10)) _TIME_ZONE_OFFSET = ( pyparsing.Word('+-', exact=1) + _TWO_DIGITS + _TWO_DIGITS) # Date and time values are formatted as: 2021-08-11 05:50:23-0700 _DATE_TIME = ( _FOUR_DIGITS + pyparsing.Suppress('-') + _TWO_DIGITS + pyparsing.Suppress('-') + _TWO_DIGITS + _TWO_DIGITS + pyparsing.Suppress(':') + _TWO_DIGITS + pyparsing.Suppress(':') + _TWO_DIGITS + _TIME_ZONE_OFFSET) _END_OF_LINE = pyparsing.Suppress(pyparsing.LineEnd()) _LOGGER = pyparsing.Combine( pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphas + '_') + pyparsing.Literal('[') + pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums) + pyparsing.Literal(']')) _LOG_LINE = ( _DATE_TIME.set_results_name('date_time') + _LOGGER.set_results_name('logger') + pyparsing.Suppress(': ') + pyparsing.restOfLine().set_results_name('body') + _END_OF_LINE) _LINE_STRUCTURES = [('log_entry', _LOG_LINE)] VERIFICATION_GRAMMAR = _LOG_LINE def _ParseRecord(self, parser_mediator, key, structure): """Parses a pyparsing structure. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. key (str): name of the parsed structure. structure (pyparsing.ParseResults): tokens from a parsed log line. Raises: ParseError: if the structure cannot be parsed. """ time_elements_structure = self._GetValueFromStructure( structure, 'date_time') event_data = IOSSysdiagnoseLogdData() event_data.body = self._GetValueFromStructure( structure, 'body', default_value='') event_data.logger = self._GetValueFromStructure( structure, 'logger', default_value='') event_data.written_time = self._ParseTimeElements(time_elements_structure) parser_mediator.ProduceEventData(event_data) def _ParseTimeElements(self, time_elements_structure): """Parses date and time elements of a log line. Args: time_elements_structure (pyparsing.ParseResults): date and time elements of a log line. Returns: dfdatetime.TimeElements: date and time value. Raises: ParseError: if a valid date and time value cannot be derived from the time elements. """ try: (year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds, time_zone_sign, time_zone_hours, time_zone_minutes) = time_elements_structure time_zone_offset = (time_zone_hours * 60) + time_zone_minutes if time_zone_sign == '-': time_zone_offset *= -1 time_elements_tuple = (year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds) return dfdatetime_time_elements.TimeElements( time_elements_tuple=time_elements_tuple, time_zone_offset=time_zone_offset) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( 'Unable to parse time elements with error: {0!s}'.format(exception))
[docs] def CheckRequiredFormat(self, parser_mediator, text_reader): """Check if the log record has the minimal structure required by the plugin. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. text_reader (EncodedTextReader): text reader. Returns: bool: True if this is the correct plugin, False otherwise. """ try: structure = self._VerifyString(text_reader.lines) except errors.ParseError: return False time_elements_structure = self._GetValueFromStructure( structure, 'date_time') try: self._ParseTimeElements(time_elements_structure) except errors.ParseError: return False return True