Source code for plaso.parsers.sqlite_plugins.windows_push_notification

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""SQLite parser plugin for Windows 10 push notification database files."""

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.parsers import sqlite
from plaso.parsers.sqlite_plugins import interface

[docs] class WindowsPushNotificationEventData(events.EventData): """Windows push notification event data. Attributes: arrival_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the push notification was received. boot_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the of the last boot. expiration_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the push notification expires. handler_identifier (str): identifier of the corresponding notification handler. notification_type (str): notification type. payload (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): payload. """ DATA_TYPE = 'windows:wpndatabase:notification'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize event data.""" super(WindowsPushNotificationEventData, self).__init__( data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.arrival_time = None self.boot_time = None self.expiration_time = None self.handler_identifier = None self.notification_type = None self.payload = None
[docs] class WindowsPushNotificationHandlerEventData(events.EventData): """Windows push notification handler event data. Attributes: creation_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the push notification handler was created. handler_type (str): handler type. identifier (str): identifier. modification_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the push notification handler was last modified. service_identifier (str): Windows Push Notification Service (WNS) identifier. """ DATA_TYPE = 'windows:wpndatabase:notification_handler'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize event data.""" super(WindowsPushNotificationHandlerEventData, self).__init__( data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.creation_time = None self.handler_type = None self.identifier = None self.modification_time = None self.service_identifier = None
[docs] class WindowsPushNotificationPlugin(interface.SQLitePlugin): """SQLite parser plugin for Windows 10 push notification database files. The Windows 10 push notification database file is typically stored in: %APPDATA%\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Notifications\\wpndatabase.db """ NAME = 'windows_push_notification' DATA_FORMAT = ( 'Windows 10 push notification SQLite database (wpndatabase.db) file') REQUIRED_STRUCTURE = { 'Metadata': frozenset([ 'Key', 'Value']), 'Notification': frozenset([ 'ActivityId', 'ArrivalTime', 'BootId', 'DataVersion', 'ExpiresOnReboot', 'ExpiryTime', 'HandlerId', 'Group', 'Id', 'Order', 'Payload', 'PayloadType', 'Tag', 'Type']), 'NotificationHandler': frozenset([ 'ContainerSid', 'CreatedTime', 'HandlerType', 'ModifiedTime', 'ParentId', 'PrimaryId', 'RecordId', 'SystemDataPropertySet', 'WNFEventName', 'WNSId'])} QUERIES = [ (('SELECT RecordId, PrimaryId, WNSId, HandlerType, WNFEventName, ' 'SystemDataPropertySet, CreatedTime, ModifiedTime, ParentId, ' 'ContainerSid FROM NotificationHandler'), 'ParseNotificationHandlerRow'), # Note that Order and Group must be escaped other they are interpreted # as SQL keywords. (('SELECT "Order", Id, ActivityId, Type, Payload, Tag, "Group", ' 'ExpiryTime, ArrivalTime, DataVersion, PayloadType, BootId, ' 'ExpiresOnReboot, PrimaryId FROM Notification, NotificationHandler ' 'WHERE Notification.HandlerId == NotificationHandler.RecordId'), 'ParseNotificationRow')] SCHEMAS = [{ 'HandlerAssets': ( 'CREATE TABLE [HandlerAssets]( [HandlerId] INTEGER ' 'CONSTRAINT[AssetsToHandler] ' 'REFERENCES[NotificationHandler]([RecordId]) ON DELETE CASCADE ON ' 'UPDATE CASCADE, [AssetKey] TEXT NOT NULL, [AssetValue] TEXT, ' 'CONSTRAINT[] PRIMARY KEY([AssetKey], [HandlerId]) ON CONFLICT ' 'REPLACE)'), 'HandlerSettings': ( 'CREATE TABLE [HandlerSettings]( [HandlerId] INTEGER ' 'CONSTRAINT[SettingsToHandler] ' 'REFERENCES[NotificationHandler]([RecordId]) ON DELETE CASCADE ON ' 'UPDATE CASCADE, [SettingKey] TEXT NOT NULL, [Value] INT, ' 'CONSTRAINT[] PRIMARY KEY([SettingKey], [HandlerId]) ON CONFLICT ' 'REPLACE)'), 'Metadata': ( 'CREATE TABLE [Metadata]( [Key] TEXT, [Value] INT64, CONSTRAINT[] ' 'PRIMARY KEY([Key]) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)'), 'Notification': ( 'CREATE TABLE [Notification]( [Order] INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ' '[Id] INTEGER NOT NULL, [HandlerId] INTEGER ' 'CONSTRAINT[NotificationToHandler] ' 'REFERENCES[NotificationHandler]([RecordId]) ON DELETE CASCADE ON ' 'UPDATE CASCADE, [ActivityId] GUID,[Type] TEXT NOT NULL, [Payload] ' 'BLOB, [Tag] TEXT, [Group] TEXT, [ExpiryTime] INT64, [ArrivalTime] ' 'INT64, [DataVersion] INT64 DEFAULT \'0\', [PayloadType] TEXT NOT ' 'NULL, [BootId] INT64 DEFAULT \'0\', [ExpiresOnReboot] BOOLEAN ' 'DEFAULT \'FALSE\', UNIQUE([Id]) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)'), 'NotificationData': ( 'CREATE TABLE [NotificationData]( [NotificationId] INTEGER ' 'CONSTRAINT[DataToNotification] REFERENCES[Notification]([Id]) ON ' 'DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, [Key] TEXT NOT NULL, [Value] ' 'TEXT, CONSTRAINT[] PRIMARY KEY([Key], [NotificationId]) ON ' 'CONFLICT REPLACE)'), 'NotificationHandler': ( 'CREATE TABLE [NotificationHandler] ( [RecordId] INTEGER PRIMARY ' 'KEY, [PrimaryId] TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE, [WNSId] TEXT ' 'COLLATE NOCASE, [HandlerType] TEXT, [WNFEventName] INT64, ' '[SystemDataPropertySet] BLOB, [CreatedTime] DATETIME, ' '[ModifiedTime] DATETIME, [ParentId] TEXT COLLATE NOCASE, ' '[ContainerSid] TEXT COLLATE NOCASE)'), 'TransientTable': ( 'CREATE TABLE [TransientTable]( [OfflineCacheCount] INTEGER, ' '[NotificationId] INTEGER CONSTRAINT[TransientToNotification] ' 'REFERENCES[Notification]([Id]) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE ' 'CASCADE, [OfflineBundleId] TEXT, [ServerCacheRollover] BOOLEAN ' 'DEFAULT \'FALSE\', [CrossDeviceMatchId] TEXT, [SuppressPopup] ' 'BOOLEAN DEFAULT \'FALSE\', [IsMirroringDisabled] BOOLEAN DEFAULT ' '\'FALSE\', [RecurrenceId] GUID, [MessageId] GUID, [Priority] ' 'INTEGER NOT NULL, [CV] TEXT)'), 'WNSPushChannel': ( 'CREATE TABLE [WNSPushChannel]( [ChannelId] TEXT NOT NULL, ' '[HandlerId] INTEGER REFERENCES[NotificationHandler]([RecordId]) ON ' 'DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, [Uri] TEXT, [ExpiryTime] INT64, ' '[CreatedTime] INT64, [DeviceVersion] INT64 DEFAULT \'0\', ' 'CONSTRAINT[] PRIMARY KEY([ChannelId]) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)')}]
[docs] def ParseNotificationHandlerRow( self, parser_mediator, query, row, **unused_kwargs): """Parses a row of the NotificationHandler table. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. query (str): query that created the row. row (sqlite3.Row): row. """ query_hash = hash(query) event_data = WindowsPushNotificationHandlerEventData() event_data.creation_time = self._GetDateTimeStringRowValue( query_hash, row, 'CreatedTime') event_data.handler_type = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'HandlerType') event_data.identifier = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'PrimaryId') event_data.modification_time = self._GetDateTimeStringRowValue( query_hash, row, 'ModifiedTime') event_data.service_identifier = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'WNSId') # TODO: add support for WNFEventName parser_mediator.ProduceEventData(event_data)
[docs] def ParseNotificationRow( self, parser_mediator, query, row, **unused_kwargs): """Parses a row of the Notification table. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. query (str): query that created the row. row (sqlite3.Row): row. """ query_hash = hash(query) payload = None payload_type = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'PayloadType') if payload_type.lower() == 'xml': payload = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'Payload') payload = payload.decode('utf-8') # TODO: parse payload else: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( f'unsupported payload type: {payload_type:s}') event_data = WindowsPushNotificationEventData() event_data.arrival_time = self._GeFiletimeRowValue( query_hash, row, 'ArrivalTime') event_data.boot_time = self._GeFiletimeRowValue( query_hash, row, 'BootId') event_data.expiration_time = self._GeFiletimeRowValue( query_hash, row, 'ExpiryTime') event_data.handler_identifier = self._GetRowValue( query_hash, row, 'PrimaryId') event_data.notification_type = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'Type') event_data.payload = payload parser_mediator.ProduceEventData(event_data)