Source code for plaso.parsers.sqlite_plugins.firefox_cookies

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""SQLite parser plugin for Mozilla Firefox cookies database files."""

from dfdatetime import posix_time as dfdatetime_posix_time

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.lib import cookie_plugins_helper
from plaso.parsers import sqlite
from plaso.parsers.sqlite_plugins import interface

[docs] class FirefoxCookieEventData(events.EventData): """Firefox Cookie event data. Attributes: access_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the cookie was last accessed. cookie_name (str): name field of the cookie. creation_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the cookie was created. data (str): cookie data. expiration_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the cookie expires. httponly (bool): True if the cookie cannot be accessed through client side script. host (str): hostname of host that set the cookie value. offset (str): identifier of the row, from which the event data was extracted. path (str): URI of the page that set the cookie. query (str): SQL query that was used to obtain the event data. secure (bool): True if the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure channel. """ DATA_TYPE = 'firefox:cookie:entry'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes event data.""" super(FirefoxCookieEventData, self).__init__(data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.access_time = None self.cookie_name = None self.creation_time = None = None self.expiration_time = None = None self.httponly = None self.offset = None self.path = None self.query = None = None self.url = None
[docs] class BaseFirefoxCookiePlugin( interface.SQLitePlugin, cookie_plugins_helper.CookiePluginsHelper): """Shared SQLite parser plugin for Mozilla Firefox cookies database files.""" def _GetPosixTimeDateTimeRowValue(self, query_hash, row, value_name): """Retrieves a POSIX time (in seconds) date and time value from the row. Args: query_hash (int): hash of the query, that uniquely identifies the query that produced the row. row (sqlite3.Row): row. value_name (str): name of the value. Returns: dfdatetime.PosixTime: date and time value or None if not available. """ timestamp = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, value_name) if timestamp is None: return None return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTime(timestamp=timestamp) def _GetPosixTimeInMicrosecondsDateTimeRowValue( self, query_hash, row, value_name): """Retrieves a POSIX time in microseconds date and time value from the row. Args: query_hash (int): hash of the query, that uniquely identifies the query that produced the row. row (sqlite3.Row): row. value_name (str): name of the value. Returns: dfdatetime.PosixTimeInMicroseconds: date and time value or None if not available. """ timestamp = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, value_name) if timestamp is None: return None return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimeInMicroseconds(timestamp=timestamp)
[docs] def ParseCookieRow(self, parser_mediator, query, row, **unused_kwargs): """Parses a cookie row. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. query (str): query that created the row. row (sqlite3.Row): row. """ query_hash = hash(query) cookie_data = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'value') cookie_name = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'name') hostname = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'host') if hostname.startswith('.'): hostname = hostname[1:] is_secure = bool(self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'isSecure')) if is_secure: url_scheme = 'https' else: url_scheme = 'http' path = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'path') url = '{0:s}://{1:s}{2:s}'.format(url_scheme, hostname, path) event_data = FirefoxCookieEventData() event_data.access_time = self._GetPosixTimeInMicrosecondsDateTimeRowValue( query_hash, row, 'lastAccessed') event_data.cookie_name = cookie_name event_data.creation_time = self._GetPosixTimeInMicrosecondsDateTimeRowValue( query_hash, row, 'creationTime') = cookie_data = hostname event_data.httponly = bool(self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'isHttpOnly')) event_data.offset = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'id') event_data.path = path event_data.query = query = is_secure event_data.url = url # Expiry time (nsCookieService::GetExpiry in # netwerk/cookie/nsCookieService.cpp). # It's calculated as the difference between the server time and the time # the server wants the cookie to expire and adding that difference to the # client time. This localizes the client time regardless of whether or not # the TZ environment variable was set on the client. event_data.expiration_time = self._GetPosixTimeDateTimeRowValue( query_hash, row, 'expiry') parser_mediator.ProduceEventData(event_data) self._ParseCookie(parser_mediator, cookie_name, cookie_data, url)
[docs] class FirefoxCookie2Plugin(BaseFirefoxCookiePlugin): """SQLite parser plugin for Mozilla Firefox cookies schema 2 databases. Also see: """ NAME = 'firefox_2_cookies' DATA_FORMAT = 'Mozilla Firefox cookies SQLite database file version 2' REQUIRED_STRUCTURE = { 'moz_cookies': frozenset([ 'id', 'baseDomain', 'name', 'value', 'host', 'path', 'expiry', 'lastAccessed', 'creationTime', 'isSecure', 'isHttpOnly'])} QUERIES = [ (('SELECT id, baseDomain, name, value, host, path, expiry, ' 'lastAccessed, creationTime, isSecure, isHttpOnly FROM moz_cookies'), 'ParseCookieRow')] SCHEMAS = [{ 'moz_cookies': ( 'CREATE TABLE moz_cookies (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, baseDomain TEXT, ' 'appId INTEGER DEFAULT 0, inBrowserElement INTEGER DEFAULT 0, name ' 'TEXT, value TEXT, host TEXT, path TEXT, expiry INTEGER, ' 'lastAccessed INTEGER, creationTime INTEGER, isSecure INTEGER, ' 'isHttpOnly INTEGER, CONSTRAINT moz_uniqueid UNIQUE (name, host, ' 'path, appId, inBrowserElement))')}]
[docs] class FirefoxCookie10Plugin(BaseFirefoxCookiePlugin): """SQLite parser plugin for Mozilla Firefox cookies schema 10 databases. In schema 10 baseDomain was removed. Also see: """ NAME = 'firefox_10_cookies' DATA_FORMAT = 'Mozilla Firefox cookies SQLite database file version 10' REQUIRED_STRUCTURE = { 'moz_cookies': frozenset([ 'id', 'name', 'value', 'host', 'path', 'expiry', 'lastAccessed', 'creationTime', 'isSecure', 'isHttpOnly'])} QUERIES = [ (('SELECT id, name, value, host, path, expiry, ' 'lastAccessed, creationTime, isSecure, isHttpOnly FROM moz_cookies'), 'ParseCookieRow')] SCHEMAS = [{ 'moz_cookies': ( 'CREATE TABLE moz_cookies (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' 'appId INTEGER DEFAULT 0, inBrowserElement INTEGER DEFAULT 0, name ' 'TEXT, value TEXT, host TEXT, path TEXT, expiry INTEGER, ' 'lastAccessed INTEGER, creationTime INTEGER, isSecure INTEGER, ' 'isHttpOnly INTEGER, CONSTRAINT moz_uniqueid UNIQUE (name, host, ' 'path, appId, inBrowserElement))')}]
sqlite.SQLiteParser.RegisterPlugins([ FirefoxCookie2Plugin, FirefoxCookie10Plugin])