# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
"""SQLite parser plugin for Tango on Android database files."""
import codecs
from base64 import b64decode as base64_decode
from dfdatetime import java_time as dfdatetime_java_time
from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.parsers import sqlite
from plaso.parsers.sqlite_plugins import interface
class AndroidTangoConversationEventData(events.EventData):
"""Tango on Android conversation event data.
conversation_identifier (int): conversation identifier.
DATA_TYPE = 'android:tango:conversation'
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes event data."""
super(AndroidTangoConversationEventData, self).__init__(
self.conversation_identifier = None
class AndroidTangoMessageEventData(events.EventData):
"""Tango on Android message event data.
creation_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the message
was created.
direction (int): flag indicating direction of the message.
message_identifier (int): message identifier.
sent_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the message was sent.
DATA_TYPE = 'android:tango:message'
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes event data."""
super(AndroidTangoMessageEventData, self).__init__(data_type=self.DATA_TYPE)
self.creation_time = None
self.direction = None
self.message_identifier = None
self.sent_time = None
class AndroidTangoProfilePlugin(interface.SQLitePlugin):
"""SQLite parser plugin for Tango on Android profile database files."""
NAME = 'tango_android_profile'
DATA_FORMAT = 'Tango on Android profile SQLite database file'
'profiletable': frozenset([
'itemLastActiveTime', 'itemLastLocalAccessTime',
'itemFriendRequestTime', 'itemFirstName', 'itemLastName',
'itemBirthday', 'itemGender', 'itemStatus', 'itemDistance',
'itemIsFriend', 'itemFriendRequestType', 'itemFriendRequestMessage'])}
(('SELECT itemLastActiveTime AS last_active_time, '
'itemLastLocalAccessTime AS last_access_time, '
'itemFriendRequestTime AS friend_request_time, '
'itemFirstName AS first_name, itemLastName AS last_name, itemBirthday '
'AS birthday, itemGender AS gender, itemStatus AS status, itemDistance '
'AS distance, itemIsFriend AS friend, itemFriendRequestType AS '
'friend_request_type, itemFriendRequestMessage AS '
'friend_request_message FROM profiletable'), 'ParseContactRow')]
'profiles': (
'CREATE TABLE `profiles` (`key` TEXT PRIMARY KEY, `value` TEXT)'),
'profiletable': (
'CREATE TABLE `profiletable` (`itemUserId` TEXT PRIMARY KEY, '
'`itemFirstName` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemLastName` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemBirthday` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemGender` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemStatus` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemLastActiveTime` BIGINT NOT NULL, '
'`itemDistance` DOUBLE NOT NULL, `itemCity` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemGeoCountryCode` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemAvatarUrl` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemThumbnailUrl` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemVideoUrl` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemVideoThumbnailUrl` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemBackgroundUrl` TEXT '
'NOT NULL, `itemIsFriend` INTEGER NOT NULL, `itemIsBlocked` INTEGER '
'NOT NULL, `itemFriendRequestType` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemReverseRelationships` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemFavoriterCount` '
'INTEGER NOT NULL, `itemFavoritingCount` INTEGER NOT NULL, '
'`itemFeedCount` INTEGER NOT NULL, `itemRefereneCount` INTEGER NOT '
'NULL, `itemLevel1DataSyncTime` BIGINT NOT NULL, '
'`itemLevel2DataSyncTime` BIGINT NOT NULL, `itemLevel3DataSyncTime` '
'BIGINT NOT NULL, `itemLevel4DataSyncTime` BIGINT NOT NULL, '
'`itemLevel5DataSyncTime` BIGINT NOT NULL, '
'`itemLastLocalAccessTime` BIGINT NOT NULL, `itemFriendRequestId` '
'TEXT NOT NULL, `itemFriendRequestMessage` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemFriendRequestTime` BIGINT NOT NULL, `itemIsNewFriendRequest` '
'INTEGER NOT NULL, `itemFriendRequestTCMessageId` INTEGER NOT NULL, '
'`itemFriendRequestContext` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemFriendRequestAttachedPostType` INTEGER NOT NULL, '
'`itemFriendRequestAttachedPostContent` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemFriendRequestHasBeenForwardedToTc` INTEGER NOT NULL, '
'`itemProfileType` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemDatingAge` INTEGER NOT NULL, '
'`itemDatingLocationString` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemDatingSeekingString` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemDatingEssayText` '
'TEXT NOT NULL, `itemDatingBodyType` TEXT NOT NULL, '
'`itemDatingLastActive` TEXT NOT NULL, `itemDatingProfileUrl` TEXT '
'NOT NULL, `itemLastTimeOfLikeProfile` BIGINT NOT NULL, '
'`itemIsHidden` INTEGER NOT NULL, `itemPrivacy` INTEGER NOT NULL, '
'`itemCanSeeMyPost` INTEGER NOT NULL, `itemCanShareMyPost` INTEGER '
'NOT NULL, `itemCanContactMe` INTEGER NOT NULL)')}]
def _GetDateTimeRowValue(self, query_hash, row, value_name):
"""Retrieves a date and time value from the row.
query_hash (int): hash of the query, that uniquely identifies the query
that produced the row.
row (sqlite3.Row): row.
value_name (str): name of the value.
dfdatetime.JavaTime: date and time value or None if not available.
timestamp = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, value_name)
if not timestamp:
return None
return dfdatetime_java_time.JavaTime(timestamp=timestamp)
class AndroidTangoTCPlugin(interface.SQLitePlugin):
"""SQLite parser plugin for Tango on Android TC database files."""
NAME = 'tango_android_tc'
DATA_FORMAT = 'Tango on Android TC SQLite database file'
'conversations': frozenset([
'conv_id', 'payload']),
'messages': frozenset([
'create_time', 'send_time', 'msg_id', 'payload', 'direction']),
'likes': frozenset([
(('SELECT conversations.conv_id AS conv_id, conversations.payload AS '
'payload FROM conversations'), 'ParseConversationRow'),
(('SELECT messages.create_time AS create_time, messages.send_time AS '
'send_time, messages.msg_id AS msg_id, messages.payload AS payload, '
'messages.direction AS direction FROM messages LEFT JOIN likes ON '
'messages.msg_id = likes.msg_id'), 'ParseMessageRow')]
'conversations': (
'CREATE TABLE `conversations` (`conv_id` TEXT PRIMARY KEY, '
'`conv_type` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `payload` BLOB, `last_msg_id` '
'INTEGER, `unread_count` INTEGER, `last_read_sent_msg_id` INTEGER, '
'`conv_del_status` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `deleting_ts` BIGINT DEFAULT '
'0, `conv_restore_status` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `peers_read` TEXT, '
'`total_received_msg_count` INTEGER DEFAULT -1, '
'`communication_context` INTEGER DEFAULT 0)'),
'games': (
'CREATE TABLE `games` (`game_session_id` TEXT PRIMARY KEY, '
'`message_id` INTEGER, `conversation_id` TEXT, `game_id` TEXT, '
'`game_state` INTEGER, `action_timestamp` BIGINT, '
'`current_player_account_id` TEXT)'),
'likes': (
'`global_msg_id` TEXT, `conv_id` TEXT, `liker_aid` TEXT, `act_type` '
'INTEGER, `status` INTEGER, `act_ts` BIGINT, `payload` BLOB)'),
'messages': (
'CREATE TABLE `messages` (`msg_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `conv_id` '
'TEXT, `type` INTEGER, `media_id` TEXT, `share_id` TEXT, '
'`create_time` BIGINT, `send_time` BIGINT, `direction` INTEGER, '
'`status` INTEGER, `payload` BLOB, `del_status` INTEGER)'),
'profiles': (
'CREATE TABLE `profiles` (`key` TEXT PRIMARY KEY, `value` TEXT)'),
'receipts': (
'CREATE TABLE `receipts` (`conv_id` TEXT PRIMARY KEY, `msg_id` '
'INTEGER, `sender_msg_id` INTEGER, `sender_aids` TEXT, `type` '
'INTEGER, `create_time` BIGINT, `status` INTEGER, `payload` BLOB)'),
'sms': (
'CREATE TABLE `sms` (`msg_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `phonenumber` '
'TEXT, `text` TEXT)')}]
def _GetDateTimeRowValue(self, query_hash, row, value_name):
"""Retrieves a date and time value from the row.
query_hash (int): hash of the query, that uniquely identifies the query
that produced the row.
row (sqlite3.Row): row.
value_name (str): name of the value.
dfdatetime.JavaTime: date and time value or None if not available.
timestamp = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, value_name)
if not timestamp:
return None
return dfdatetime_java_time.JavaTime(timestamp=timestamp)
def ParseConversationRow(self, parser_mediator, query, row, **unused_kwargs):
"""Parses a conversation row from the database.
parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers
and other components, such as storage and dfVFS.
query (str): query that created the row.
row (sqlite3.Row): row resulting from query.
query_hash = hash(query)
event_data = AndroidTangoConversationEventData()
event_data.conversation_identifier = self._GetRowValue(
query_hash, row, 'conv_id')
# TODO: payload is a base64 encoded binary blob, we need to find the
# structure to extract the relevant bits.
# event_data.payload = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'payload')
def ParseMessageRow(self, parser_mediator, query, row, **unused_kwargs):
"""Parses a message row from the database.
parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers
and other components, such as storage and dfVFS.
query (str): query that created the row.
row (sqlite3.Row): row resulting from query.
query_hash = hash(query)
# TODO: payload is a base64 encoded binary blob, we need to find the
# structure to extract the relevant bits.
# payload = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'payload')
event_data = AndroidTangoMessageEventData()
event_data.creation_time = self._GetDateTimeRowValue(
query_hash, row, 'create_time')
event_data.direction = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'direction')
event_data.message_identifier = self._GetRowValue(query_hash, row, 'msg_id')
event_data.sent_time = self._GetDateTimeRowValue(
query_hash, row, 'send_time')
AndroidTangoProfilePlugin, AndroidTangoTCPlugin])