Source code for plaso.parsers.plugins

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This file contains basic interface for plugins within Plaso.

This library serves a basis for all plugins in Plaso, whether that are Windows
Registry plugins, SQLite plugins or any other parsing plugins.

This is provided as a separate file to make it easier to inherit in other
projects that may want to use the Plaso plugin system.

[docs] class BasePlugin(object): """A plugin is a lightweight parser that makes use of a common data structure. When a data structure is common among several artifacts or files a plugin infrastructure can be written to make writing parsers simpler. The goal of a parser plugin is to have only a single parser that understands the data structure that can call plugins that have specialized knowledge of certain structures. An example of this is a SQLite database. A plugin can be written that has knowledge of certain database, such as Chrome history, or Skype history, etc. This can be done without needing to write a fully-fledged parser that needs to re-implement the data structure knowledge. A single parser can be created that calls the plugins to see if it knows that particular database. Another example is Windows Registry, there a single parser that can parse the Registry can be made and the job of a single plugin is to parse a particular Registry key. The parser can then read a Registry key and compare it to a list of available plugins to see if it can be parsed. """ # The name of the plugin. This is the name that is used in the registration # and used for parser/plugin selection, so this needs to be concise and unique # for all plugins/parsers, such as 'Chrome', 'Safari' or 'UserAssist'. NAME = 'base_plugin' # Data format supported by the parser plugin. This information is used by # the parser manager to generate parser and plugin information. DATA_FORMAT = '' # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def Process(self, parser_mediator, **kwargs): """Extracts events using a parser plugin. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. kwargs (dict[str, object]): Depending on the plugin they may require different sets of arguments to be able to evaluate whether or not this is the correct plugin. Raises: ValueError: when there are unused keyword arguments. """ if kwargs: raise ValueError('Unused keyword arguments: {0:s}.'.format( ', '.join(kwargs.keys())))
[docs] def UpdateChainAndProcess(self, parser_mediator, **kwargs): """Extracts events using a parser plugin and synchronizes the parser chain. This method updates the parser chain object held by the mediator, transfers control to the plugin-specific Process() method, and updates the chain again once the processing is complete. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. """ parser_mediator.AppendToParserChain(self.NAME) parser_chain = parser_mediator.GetParserChain() parser_mediator.SampleStartTiming(parser_chain) try: self.Process(parser_mediator, **kwargs) finally: parser_mediator.SampleStopTiming(parser_chain) parser_mediator.PopFromParserChain()
[docs] class BasePluginCache(object): """A generic cache for parser plugins."""
[docs] def GetResults(self, attribute, default_value=None): """Retrieves a cached attribute. Args: attribute (str): name of the cached attribute. default_value (Optional[object]): default value. Returns: object: value of the cached attribute or default value if the cache does not contain the attribute. """ return getattr(self, attribute, default_value)