Source code for plaso.parsers.olecf_plugins.summary
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Plugin to parse the OLECF summary/document summary information items."""
from dfdatetime import filetime as dfdatetime_filetime
import pyolecf
from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.parsers import olecf
from plaso.parsers.olecf_plugins import interface
class OLECFDocumentSummaryInformationEventData(events.EventData):
"""OLECF document summary information event data.
application_version (str): application version.
category (str): category of the document, such as memo or proposal.
codepage (str): codepage of the document summary information.
company (str): name of the company of the document.
content_status (str): content status.
content_type (str): content type.
document_parts (list[str]): names of document parts.
document_version (int): Version of the document.
item_creation_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): creation date and time of
the item.
item_modification_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): modification date and
time of the item.
language (str): Language of the document.
links_up_to_date (bool): True if the links are up to date.
manager (str): name of the manager of the document.
number_of_bytes (int): size of the document in bytes.
number_of_characters_with_white_space (int): number of characters including
spaces in the document.
number_of_clips (int): number of multi-media clips in the document.
number_of_hidden_slides (int): number of hidden slides in the document.
number_of_lines (int): number of lines in the document.
number_of_notes (int): number of notes in the document.
number_of_paragraphs (int): number of paragraphs in the document.
number_of_slides (int): number of slides in the document.
presentation_format (str): target format for presentation, such as 35mm,
printer or video.
scale (bool): True if scaling of the thumbnail is desired or false if
cropping is desired.
shared_document (bool): True if the document is shared.
DATA_TYPE = 'olecf:document_summary_info'
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes event data."""
super(OLECFDocumentSummaryInformationEventData, self).__init__(
self.application_version = None
self.category = None
self.codepage = None = None
self.content_status = None
self.content_type = None
self.document_parts = None
self.document_version = None
self.item_creation_time = None
self.item_modification_time = None
self.language = None
self.links_up_to_date = None
self.manager = None
self.number_of_bytes = None
self.number_of_characters_with_white_space = None
self.number_of_clips = None
self.number_of_hidden_slides = None
self.number_of_lines = None
self.number_of_notes = None
self.number_of_paragraphs = None
self.number_of_slides = None
self.presentation_format = None
self.scale = None
self.shared_document = None
class OLECFSummaryInformationEventData(events.EventData):
"""OLECF summary information event data.
application (str): name of application that created document.
author (str): author of the document.
codepage (str): codepage of the summary information.
comments (str): comments.
creation_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): creation date and time of
the document.
edit_duration (int): total editing time.
item_creation_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): creation date and time of
the item.
item_modification_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): modification date and
time of the item.
keywords (str): keywords.
last_printed_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the document
was last printed.
last_saved_by (str): name of user that last saved the document.
last_save_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the document was
last saved.
number_of_characters (int): number of characters without spaces in
the document.
number_of_pages (int): number of pages in the document.
number_of_words (int): number of words in the document.
revision_number (int): revision number.
security_flags (int): security flags.
subject (str): subject.
template (str): name of the template used to created the document.
title (str): title of the document.
DATA_TYPE = 'olecf:summary_info'
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes event data."""
super(OLECFSummaryInformationEventData, self).__init__(
self.application = None = None
self.codepage = None
self.comments = None
self.creation_time = None
self.edit_duration = None
self.item_creation_time = None
self.item_modification_time = None
self.keywords = None
self.last_printed_time = None
self.last_saved_by = None
self.last_save_time = None
self.number_of_characters = None
self.number_of_pages = None
self.number_of_words = None
self.revision_number = None
self.security_flags = None
self.subject = None
self.template = None
self.title = None
class OLECFPropertySetStream(object):
"""OLECF property set stream.
date_time_properties (dict[str, dfdatetime.DateTimeValues]): date and time
properties and values.
_INTEGER_TYPES = frozenset([
_STRING_TYPES = frozenset([
def __init__(self, olecf_item):
"""Initialize an OLECF property set stream.
olecf_item (pyolecf.property_set_stream): OLECF item.
super(OLECFPropertySetStream, self).__init__()
self._properties = {}
self.date_time_properties = {}
if olecf_item:
def _GetValueAsObject(self, property_value):
"""Retrieves the property value as a Python object.
property_value (pyolecf.property_value): OLECF property value.
object: property value as a Python object.
if property_value.type == pyolecf.value_types.BOOLEAN:
return property_value.data_as_boolean
if property_value.type == pyolecf.value_types.FILETIME:
filetime = property_value.data_as_integer
if not filetime:
return None
return dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime(timestamp=filetime)
if property_value.type in self._INTEGER_TYPES:
return property_value.data_as_integer
if property_value.type in self._STRING_TYPES:
return property_value.data_as_string
data =
except IOError:
data = None
return data
def _ReadPropertySet(self, property_set):
"""Reads properties from a property set.
property_set (pyolecf.property_set): OLECF property set.
# Combine the values of multiple property sections
# but do not override properties that are already set.
for property_section in property_set.sections:
if property_section.class_identifier != self._CLASS_IDENTIFIER:
for property_value in
property_name = self._PROPERTY_NAMES.get(
property_value.identifier, None)
if not property_name:
property_name = '0x{0:04}'.format(property_value.identifier)
value = self._GetValueAsObject(property_value)
value_callback_name = self._PROPERTY_VALUE_MAPPINGS.get(
property_name, None)
if value_callback_name:
value_callback_method = getattr(self, value_callback_name, None)
if value_callback_method:
value = value_callback_method(value)
properties_dict = self._properties
if property_name not in properties_dict:
properties_dict[property_name] = value
def SetEventData(self, event_data):
"""Sets the properties as event data.
event_data (EventData): event data.
for property_name, property_value in self._properties.items():
if isinstance(property_value, bytes):
property_value = repr(property_value)
setattr(event_data, property_name, property_value)
class OLECFDocumentSummaryInformation(OLECFPropertySetStream):
"""OLECF Document Summary information property set."""
_CLASS_IDENTIFIER = 'd5cdd502-2e9c-101b-9397-08002b2cf9ae'
0x0001: 'codepage', # PIDDSI_CODEPAGE
0x0002: 'category', # PIDDSI_CATEGORY
0x0003: 'presentation_format', # PIDDSI_PRESFORMAT
0x0004: 'number_of_bytes', # PIDDSI_BYTECOUNT
0x0005: 'number_of_lines', # PIDDSI_LINECOUNT
0x0006: 'number_of_paragraphs', # PIDDSI_PARCOUNT
0x0007: 'number_of_slides', # PIDDSI_SLIDECOUNT
0x0008: 'number_of_notes', # PIDDSI_NOTECOUNT
0x0009: 'number_of_hidden_slides', # PIDDSI_HIDDENCOUNT
0x000a: 'number_of_clips', # PIDDSI_MMCLIPCOUNT
0x000b: 'scale', # PIDDSI_SCALE
# 0x000c: 'heading_pair', # PIDDSI_HEADINGPAIR
0x000d: 'document_parts', # PIDDSI_DOCPARTS
0x000e: 'manager', # PIDDSI_MANAGER
0x000f: 'company', # PIDDSI_COMPANY
0x0010: 'links_up_to_date', # PIDDSI_LINKSDIRTY
0x0011: 'number_of_characters_with_white_space', # PIDDSI_CCHWITHSPACES
0x0013: 'shared_document', # PIDDSI_SHAREDDOC
0x0017: 'application_version', # PIDDSI_VERSION
0x001a: 'content_type', # PIDDSI_CONTENTTYPE
0x001b: 'content_status', # PIDDSI_CONTENTSTATUS
0x001c: 'language', # PIDDSI_LANGUAGE
0x001d: 'document_version'} # PIDDSI_DOCVERSION
'application_version': '_FormatApplicationVersion'}
def _FormatApplicationVersion(self, application_version):
"""Formats the application version.
application_version (int): application version.
str: formatted application version.
# The application version consists of 2 16-bit values that make up
# the version number. Where the upper 16-bit is the major number
# and the lower 16-bit the minor number.
return '{0:d}.{1:d}'.format(
application_version >> 16, application_version & 0xffff)
class OLECFSummaryInformation(OLECFPropertySetStream):
"""OLECF Summary information property set."""
_CLASS_IDENTIFIER = 'f29f85e0-4ff9-1068-ab91-08002b27b3d9'
0x0001: 'codepage', # PIDSI_CODEPAGE
0x0002: 'title', # PIDSI_TITLE
0x0003: 'subject', # PIDSI_SUBJECT
0x0004: 'author', # PIDSI_AUTHOR
0x0005: 'keywords', # PIDSI_KEYWORDS
0x0006: 'comments', # PIDSI_COMMENTS
0x0007: 'template', # PIDSI_TEMPLATE
0x0008: 'last_saved_by', # PIDSI_LASTAUTHOR
0x0009: 'revision_number', # PIDSI_REVNUMBER
0x000a: 'edit_duration', # PIDSI_EDITTIME
0x000b: 'last_printed_time', # PIDSI_LASTPRINTED
0x000c: 'creation_time', # PIDSI_CREATE_DTM
0x000d: 'last_save_time', # PIDSI_LASTSAVE_DTM
0x000e: 'number_of_pages', # PIDSI_PAGECOUNT
0x000f: 'number_of_words', # PIDSI_WORDCOUNT
0x0010: 'number_of_characters', # PIDSI_CHARCOUNT
# 0x0011: 'thumbnail', # PIDSI_THUMBNAIL
0x0012: 'application', # PIDSI_APPNAME
0x0013: 'security_flags'} # PIDSI_SECURITY
class DocumentSummaryInformationOLECFPlugin(interface.OLECFPlugin):
"""Plugin that parses DocumentSummaryInformation item from an OLECF file."""
NAME = 'olecf_document_summary'
'Document summary information (\\0x05DocumentSummaryInformation)')
# pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
REQUIRED_ITEMS = frozenset(['\005DocumentSummaryInformation'])
def Process(self, parser_mediator, root_item=None, **kwargs):
"""Extracts events from a document summary information OLECF item.
parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers
and other components, such as storage and dfVFS.
root_item (Optional[pyolecf.item]): root item of the OLECF file.
ValueError: If the root item is not set.
# This will raise if unhandled keyword arguments are passed.
super(DocumentSummaryInformationOLECFPlugin, self).Process(
parser_mediator, **kwargs)
if not root_item:
raise ValueError('Root item not set.')
for item_name in self.REQUIRED_ITEMS:
item = root_item.get_sub_item_by_name(item_name)
if item:
event_data = OLECFDocumentSummaryInformationEventData()
event_data.item_creation_time = self._GetCreationTime(root_item)
event_data.item_modification_time = self._GetModificationTime(root_item)
summary_information = OLECFDocumentSummaryInformation(item)
class SummaryInformationOLECFPlugin(interface.OLECFPlugin):
"""Plugin that parses the SummaryInformation item from an OLECF file."""
NAME = 'olecf_summary'
'Summary information (\\0x05SummaryInformation) (top-level only)')
# pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
REQUIRED_ITEMS = frozenset(['\005SummaryInformation'])
def Process(self, parser_mediator, root_item=None, **kwargs):
"""Extracts events from a summary information OLECF item.
parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers
and other components, such as storage and dfVFS.
root_item (Optional[pyolecf.item]): root item of the OLECF file.
ValueError: If the root item is not set.
# This will raise if unhandled keyword arguments are passed.
super(SummaryInformationOLECFPlugin, self).Process(
parser_mediator, **kwargs)
if not root_item:
raise ValueError('Root item not set.')
for item_name in self.REQUIRED_ITEMS:
item = root_item.get_sub_item_by_name(item_name)
if item:
event_data = OLECFSummaryInformationEventData()
event_data.item_creation_time = self._GetCreationTime(root_item)
event_data.item_modification_time = self._GetModificationTime(root_item)
summary_information = OLECFSummaryInformation(item)
DocumentSummaryInformationOLECFPlugin, SummaryInformationOLECFPlugin])