Source code for plaso.parsers.esedb_plugins.srum

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Parser for the System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) ESE database."""

import pyfwnt

from dfdatetime import ole_automation_date as dfdatetime_ole_automation_date

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.parsers import esedb
from plaso.parsers.esedb_plugins import interface

[docs] class SRUMApplicationResourceUsageEventData(events.EventData): """SRUM application resource usage event data. Note that the interpretation of some of these values is undocumented as far as currently known. Attributes: application (str): application. background_bytes_read (int): background number of bytes read. background_bytes_written (int): background number of bytes written. background_context_switches (int): number of background context switches. background_cycle_time (int): background cycle time. background_number_for_flushes (int): background number of flushes. background_number_for_read_operations (int): background number of read operations. background_number_for_write_operations (int): background number of write operations. face_time (int): face time. foreground_bytes_read (int): foreground number of bytes read. foreground_bytes_written (int): foreground number of bytes written. foreground_context_switches (int): number of foreground context switches. foreground_cycle_time (int): foreground cycle time. foreground_number_for_flushes (int): foreground number of flushes. foreground_number_for_read_operations (int): foreground number of read operations. foreground_number_for_write_operations (int): foreground number of write operations. identifier (int): record identifier. recorded_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the sample was recorded. user_identifier (str): user identifier, which is a Windows NT security identifier. """ DATA_TYPE = 'windows:srum:application_usage'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes event data.""" super(SRUMApplicationResourceUsageEventData, self).__init__( data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.application = None self.background_bytes_read = None self.background_bytes_written = None self.background_context_switches = None self.background_cycle_time = None self.background_number_for_flushes = None self.background_number_for_read_operations = None self.background_number_for_write_operations = None self.face_time = None self.foreground_bytes_read = None self.foreground_bytes_written = None self.foreground_context_switches = None self.foreground_cycle_time = None self.foreground_number_for_flushes = None self.foreground_number_for_read_operations = None self.foreground_number_for_write_operations = None self.identifier = None self.recorded_time = None self.user_identifier = None
[docs] class SRUMNetworkConnectivityUsageEventData(events.EventData): """SRUM network connectivity usage event data. Note that the interpretation of some of these values is undocumented as far as currently known. Attributes: application (str): application. identifier (int): record identifier. interface_luid (int): interface locally unique identifier (LUID). last_connected_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): last date and time the connection was established. l2_profile_flags (int): L2 profile flags. l2_profile_identifier (int): L2 profile identifier. recorded_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the sample was recorded. user_identifier (str): user identifier, which is a Windows NT security identifier. """ DATA_TYPE = 'windows:srum:network_connectivity'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes event data.""" super(SRUMNetworkConnectivityUsageEventData, self).__init__( data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.application = None self.identifier = None self.interface_luid = None self.last_connected_time = None self.l2_profile_flags = None self.l2_profile_identifier = None self.user_identifier = None
[docs] class SRUMNetworkDataUsageEventData(events.EventData): """SRUM network data usage event data. Note that the interpretation of some of these values is undocumented as far as currently known. Attributes: application (str): application. bytes_received (int): number of bytes received. bytes_sent (int): number of bytes sent. identifier (int): record identifier. interface_luid (int): interface locally unique identifier (LUID). l2_profile_flags (int): L2 profile flags. l2_profile_identifier (int): L2 profile identifier. recorded_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time the sample was recorded. user_identifier (str): user identifier, which is a Windows NT security identifier. """ DATA_TYPE = 'windows:srum:network_usage'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes event data.""" super(SRUMNetworkDataUsageEventData, self).__init__( data_type=self.DATA_TYPE) self.application = None self.bytes_received = None self.bytes_sent = None self.identifier = None self.interface_luid = None self.l2_profile_flags = None self.l2_profile_identifier = None self.user_identifier = None
[docs] class SystemResourceUsageMonitorESEDBPlugin(interface.ESEDBPlugin): """Parses a System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) ESE database file.""" NAME = 'srum' DATA_FORMAT = 'System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) ESE database file' # TODO: add support for tables: # {5C8CF1C7-7257-4F13-B223-970EF5939312} # {97C2CE28-A37B-4920-B1E9-8B76CD341EC5} # {B6D82AF1-F780-4E17-8077-6CB9AD8A6FC4} # {D10CA2FE-6FCF-4F6D-848E-B2E99266FA86} # {DA73FB89-2BEA-4DDC-86B8-6E048C6DA477} # {FEE4E14F-02A9-4550-B5CE-5FA2DA202E37} # TODO: convert interface_luid into string representation # TODO: convert l2_profile_flags into string representation in formatter OPTIONAL_TABLES = { '{973F5D5C-1D90-4944-BE8E-24B94231A174}': 'ParseNetworkDataUsage', '{D10CA2FE-6FCF-4F6D-848E-B2E99266FA89}': 'ParseApplicationResourceUsage', '{DD6636C4-8929-4683-974E-22C046A43763}': 'ParseNetworkConnectivityUsage'} REQUIRED_TABLES = { 'SruDbIdMapTable': ''} _GUID_TABLE_VALUE_MAPPINGS = { 'TimeStamp': '_ConvertValueBinaryDataToFloatingPointValue'} _APPLICATION_RESOURCE_USAGE_VALUES_MAP = { 'application': 'AppId', 'background_bytes_read': 'BackgroundBytesRead', 'background_bytes_written': 'BackgroundBytesWritten', 'background_context_switches': 'BackgroundContextSwitches', 'background_cycle_time': 'BackgroundCycleTime', 'background_number_for_flushes': 'BackgroundNumberOfFlushes', 'background_number_for_read_operations': 'BackgroundNumReadOperations', 'background_number_for_write_operations': 'BackgroundNumWriteOperations', 'face_time': 'FaceTime', 'foreground_bytes_read': 'ForegroundBytesRead', 'foreground_bytes_written': 'ForegroundBytesWritten', 'foreground_context_switches': 'ForegroundContextSwitches', 'foreground_cycle_time': 'ForegroundCycleTime', 'foreground_number_for_flushes': 'ForegroundNumberOfFlushes', 'foreground_number_for_read_operations': 'ForegroundNumReadOperations', 'foreground_number_for_write_operations': 'ForegroundNumWriteOperations', 'identifier': 'AutoIncId', 'user_identifier': 'UserId'} _NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_USAGE_VALUES_MAP = { 'application': 'AppId', 'connected_time': 'ConnectedTime', 'identifier': 'AutoIncId', 'interface_luid': 'InterfaceLuid', 'l2_profile_flags': 'L2ProfileFlags', 'l2_profile_identifier': 'L2ProfileId', 'user_identifier': 'UserId'} _NETWORK_DATA_USAGE_VALUES_MAP = { 'application': 'AppId', 'bytes_received': 'BytesRecvd', 'bytes_sent': 'BytesSent', 'identifier': 'AutoIncId', 'interface_luid': 'InterfaceLuid', 'l2_profile_flags': 'L2ProfileFlags', 'l2_profile_identifier': 'L2ProfileId', 'user_identifier': 'UserId'} _SUPPORTED_IDENTIFIER_TYPES = (0, 1, 2, 3) def _ConvertValueBinaryDataToFloatingPointValue(self, value): """Converts a binary data value into a floating-point value. Args: value (bytes): binary data value containing an ASCII string or None. Returns: float: floating-point representation of binary data value or None if value is not set. Raises: ParseError: if the floating-point value data size is not supported or if the value cannot be parsed. """ if not value: return None value_length = len(value) if value_length not in (4, 8): raise errors.ParseError('Unsupported value data size: {0:d}'.format( value_length)) if value_length == 4: floating_point_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('float32le') elif value_length == 8: floating_point_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('float64le') else: floating_point_map = None try: return self._ReadStructureFromByteStream(value, 0, floating_point_map) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.ParseError( 'Unable to parse floating-point value with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) def _GetIdentifierMappings(self, parser_mediator, cache, database): """Retrieves the identifier mappings from SruDbIdMapTable table. In the SRUM database individual tables contain numeric identifiers for the application ("AppId") and user identifier ("UserId"). A more descriptive string of these values can be found in the SruDbIdMapTable. For example the numeric value of 42 mapping to DiagTrack. This method will cache the mappings of a specific SRUM database. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. cache (ESEDBCache): cache, which contains information about the identifiers stored in the SruDbIdMapTable table. database (ESEDatabase): ESE database. Returns: dict[int, str]: mapping of numeric identifiers to their string representation. """ identifier_mappings = cache.GetResults('SruDbIdMapTable', default_value={}) if not identifier_mappings: esedb_table = database.GetTableByName('SruDbIdMapTable') if not esedb_table: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'unable to retrieve table: SruDbIdMapTable') else: identifier_mappings = self._ParseIdentifierMappingsTable( parser_mediator, esedb_table) cache.StoreDictInCache('SruDbIdMapTable', identifier_mappings) return identifier_mappings def _GetOLEAutomationDateRecordValue(self, record_values, value_name): """Retrieves an OLE automation date record value. Args: record_values (dict[str,object]): values per column name. value_name (str): name of the record value. Returns: dfdatetime.OLEAutomationDate: date and time or None if not set. """ timestamp = record_values.get(value_name, None) if not timestamp: return None return dfdatetime_ole_automation_date.OLEAutomationDate( timestamp=timestamp) def _ParseGUIDTable( self, parser_mediator, cache, database, esedb_table, values_map, event_data_class): """Parses a table with a GUID as name. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. cache (ESEDBCache): cache, which contains information about the identifiers stored in the SruDbIdMapTable table. database (ESEDatabase): ESE database. esedb_table (pyesedb.table): table. values_map (dict[str, str]): mapping of table columns to event data attribute names. event_data_class (type): event data class. Raises: ValueError: if the cache, database or table value is missing. """ if cache is None: raise ValueError('Missing cache value.') if database is None: raise ValueError('Missing database value.') if esedb_table is None: raise ValueError('Missing table value.') identifier_mappings = self._GetIdentifierMappings( parser_mediator, cache, database) for record_index, esedb_record in enumerate(esedb_table.records): if parser_mediator.abort: break record_values = self._GetRecordValues( parser_mediator,, record_index, esedb_record, value_mappings=self._GUID_TABLE_VALUE_MAPPINGS) event_data = event_data_class() for attribute_name, column_name in values_map.items(): record_value = record_values.get(column_name, None) if attribute_name in ('application', 'user_identifier'): # Human readable versions of AppId and UserId values are stored # in the SruDbIdMapTable table; also referred to as identifier # mapping. Here we look up the numeric identifier stored in the GUID # table in SruDbIdMapTable. record_value = identifier_mappings.get(record_value, record_value) setattr(event_data, attribute_name, record_value) event_data.recorded_time = self._GetOLEAutomationDateRecordValue( record_values, 'TimeStamp') if 'ConnectStartTime' in record_values: event_data.last_connected_time = self._GetFiletimeRecordValue( record_values, 'ConnectStartTime') parser_mediator.ProduceEventData(event_data) def _ParseIdentifierMappingRecord( self, parser_mediator, table_name, record_index, esedb_record): """Extracts an identifier mapping from a SruDbIdMapTable record. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. table_name (str): name of the table the record is stored in. record_index (int): ESE record index. esedb_record (pyesedb.record): ESE record. Returns: tuple[int, str]: numeric identifier and its string representation or None, None if no identifier mapping can be retrieved from the record. """ record_values = self._GetRecordValues( parser_mediator, table_name, record_index, esedb_record) identifier = record_values.get('IdIndex', None) if identifier is None: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'IdIndex value missing from table: SruDbIdMapTable') return None, None identifier_type = record_values.get('IdType', None) if identifier_type not in self._SUPPORTED_IDENTIFIER_TYPES: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'unsupported IdType value: {0!s} in table: SruDbIdMapTable'.format( identifier_type)) return None, None mapped_value = record_values.get('IdBlob', None) if mapped_value is None: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'IdBlob value missing from table: SruDbIdMapTable') return None, None if identifier_type == 3: try: fwnt_identifier = pyfwnt.security_identifier() fwnt_identifier.copy_from_byte_stream(mapped_value) mapped_value = fwnt_identifier.get_string() except IOError: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'unable to decode IdBlob value as Windows NT security identifier') return None, None else: try: mapped_value = mapped_value.decode('utf-16le').rstrip('\0') except UnicodeDecodeError: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'unable to decode IdBlob value as UTF-16 little-endian string') return None, None return identifier, mapped_value def _ParseIdentifierMappingsTable(self, parser_mediator, esedb_table): """Extracts identifier mappings from the SruDbIdMapTable table. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. esedb_table (pyesedb.table): table. Returns: dict[int, str]: mapping of numeric identifiers to their string representation. """ identifier_mappings = {} for record_index, esedb_record in enumerate(esedb_table.records): if parser_mediator.abort: break identifier, mapped_value = self._ParseIdentifierMappingRecord( parser_mediator,, record_index, esedb_record) if identifier is None or mapped_value is None: continue if identifier in identifier_mappings: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'identifier: {0:d} already exists in mappings.'.format(identifier)) continue identifier_mappings[identifier] = mapped_value return identifier_mappings
[docs] def ParseApplicationResourceUsage( self, parser_mediator, cache=None, database=None, table=None, **unused_kwargs): """Parses the application resource usage table. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. cache (Optional[ESEDBCache]): cache, which contains information about the identifiers stored in the SruDbIdMapTable table. database (Optional[ESEDatabase]): ESE database. table (Optional[pyesedb.table]): table. """ self._ParseGUIDTable( parser_mediator, cache, database, table, self._APPLICATION_RESOURCE_USAGE_VALUES_MAP, SRUMApplicationResourceUsageEventData)
[docs] def ParseNetworkDataUsage( self, parser_mediator, cache=None, database=None, table=None, **unused_kwargs): """Parses the network data usage monitor table. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. cache (Optional[ESEDBCache]): cache, which contains information about the identifiers stored in the SruDbIdMapTable table. database (Optional[ESEDatabase]): ESE database. table (Optional[pyesedb.table]): table. """ self._ParseGUIDTable( parser_mediator, cache, database, table, self._NETWORK_DATA_USAGE_VALUES_MAP, SRUMNetworkDataUsageEventData)
[docs] def ParseNetworkConnectivityUsage( self, parser_mediator, cache=None, database=None, table=None, **unused_kwargs): """Parses the network connectivity usage monitor table. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. cache (Optional[ESEDBCache]): cache, which contains information about the identifiers stored in the SruDbIdMapTable table. database (Optional[ESEDatabase]): ESE database. table (Optional[pyesedb.table]): table. """ # TODO: consider making ConnectStartTime + ConnectedTime an event. self._ParseGUIDTable( parser_mediator, cache, database, table, self._NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_USAGE_VALUES_MAP, SRUMNetworkConnectivityUsageEventData)