# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Parser for the Microsoft File History ESE database."""
from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.parsers import esedb
from plaso.parsers.esedb_plugins import interface
class FileHistoryNamespaceEventData(events.EventData):
"""File history namespace table event data.
creation_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): file entry creation date
and time.
file_attribute (int): file attribute.
identifier (str): identifier.
modification_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): file entry last modification
date and time.
original_filename (str): original file name.
parent_identifier (str): parent identifier.
usn_number (int): USN number.
DATA_TYPE = 'windows:file_history:namespace'
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes event data."""
super(FileHistoryNamespaceEventData, self).__init__(
self.creation_time = None
self.file_attribute = None
self.identifier = None
self.modification_time = None
self.original_filename = None
self.parent_identifier = None
self.usn_number = None
class FileHistoryESEDBPlugin(interface.ESEDBPlugin):
"""Parses a File History ESE database file."""
NAME = 'file_history'
DATA_FORMAT = 'Windows 8 File History ESE database file'
# TODO: Add support for other tables as well, backupset, file, library, etc.
'backupset': '',
'file': '',
'library': '',
'namespace': 'ParseNameSpace'}
def _GetDictFromStringsTable(self, parser_mediator, table):
"""Build a dictionary of the value in the strings table.
parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers
and other components, such as storage and dfVFS.
table (pyesedb.table): strings table.
dict[str,object]: values per column name.
if not table:
return {}
record_values = {}
for record in table.records:
if parser_mediator.abort:
if record.get_number_of_values() != 2:
identification = self._GetRecordValue(record, 0)
filename = self._GetRecordValue(record, 1)
if not identification:
record_values[identification] = filename
return record_values
def ParseNameSpace(
self, parser_mediator, cache=None, database=None, table=None,
"""Parses the namespace table.
parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers
and other components, such as storage and dfVFS.
cache (Optional[ESEDBCache]): cache.
database (Optional[ESEDatabase]): ESE database.
table (Optional[pyesedb.table]): table.
ValueError: if the database or table value is missing.
if database is None:
raise ValueError('Missing database value.')
if table is None:
raise ValueError('Missing table value.')
strings = cache.GetResults('strings')
if not strings:
esedb_table = database.GetTableByName('string')
strings = self._GetDictFromStringsTable(parser_mediator, esedb_table)
cache.StoreDictInCache('strings', strings)
for record_index, esedb_record in enumerate(table.records):
if parser_mediator.abort:
record_values = self._GetRecordValues(
parser_mediator, table.name, record_index, esedb_record)
event_data = FileHistoryNamespaceEventData()
event_data.creation_time = self._GetFiletimeRecordValue(
record_values, 'fileCreated')
event_data.file_attribute = record_values.get('fileAttrib', None)
event_data.identifier = record_values.get('id', None)
event_data.modification_time = self._GetFiletimeRecordValue(
record_values, 'fileModified')
event_data.original_filename = strings.get(event_data.identifier, None)
event_data.parent_identifier = record_values.get('parentId', None)
event_data.usn_number = record_values.get('usn', None)