Source code for plaso.parsers.czip_plugins.interface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Interface for compound ZIP file plugins."""

import abc

from plaso.parsers import plugins

[docs] class CompoundZIPPlugin(plugins.BasePlugin): """Compound ZIP parser plugin.""" # REQUIRED_PATHS is a list of paths required by a plugin. # This is used to understand whether a plugin is suited for a given compound # ZIP file. # This must be overridden by actual plugins. REQUIRED_PATHS = frozenset() NAME = 'czip_plugin' DATA_FORMAT = 'Compound ZIP file' @abc.abstractmethod def _ParseZIPFile(self, parser_mediator, zip_file): """Extracts events from the ZIP file. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. zip_file (zipfile.ZipFile): the ZIP file. It should not be closed in this method, but will be closed by the parser logic in """
[docs] def CheckRequiredPaths(self, zip_file): """Checks if the ZIP file has the minimal structure required by the plugin. Args: zip_file (zipfile.ZipFile): the ZIP file. It should not be closed in this method, but will be closed by the parser logic in Returns: bool: True if the ZIP file has the minimum paths defined by the plugin, or False if it does not or no required paths are defined. The ZIP file can have more paths than specified by the plugin and still return True. """ if not self.REQUIRED_PATHS: return False archive_members = zip_file.namelist() return set(self.REQUIRED_PATHS).issubset(archive_members)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def Process(self, parser_mediator, zip_file=None, **kwargs): """Extracts events from the ZIP file. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. zip_file (Optional[zipfile.ZipFile]): the ZIP file. It should not be closed in this method, but will be closed by the parser logic in Raises: ValueError: If the ZIP file argument is not valid. """ if zip_file is None: raise ValueError('Invalid ZIP file.') # This will raise if unhandled keyword arguments are passed. super(CompoundZIPPlugin, self).Process(parser_mediator) self._ParseZIPFile(parser_mediator, zip_file)