Source code for plaso.output.shared_dsv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Shared functionality for delimiter separated values output modules."""

import collections

from plaso.output import formatting_helper
from plaso.output import text_file

[docs] class DSVEventFormattingHelper(formatting_helper.EventFormattingHelper): """Delimiter separated values output module event formatting helper. Attributes: field_delimiter (str): field delimiter. """
[docs] def __init__(self, field_formatting_helper, field_names, field_delimiter=','): """Initializes a delimiter separated values event formatting helper. Args: field_formatting_helper (FieldFormattingHelper): field formatting helper. field_names (list[str]): names of the fields to output. field_delimiter (Optional[str]): field delimiter. """ super(DSVEventFormattingHelper, self).__init__() self._custom_fields = {} self._field_names = field_names self._field_formatting_helper = field_formatting_helper self.field_delimiter = field_delimiter
def _SanitizeField(self, field): """Sanitizes a field for output. This method replaces any field delimiters with a space. Args: field (str): value of the field to sanitize. Returns: str: sanitized value of the field. """ if self.field_delimiter and isinstance(field, str): return field.replace(self.field_delimiter, ' ') return field
[docs] def GetFieldValues( self, output_mediator, event, event_data, event_data_stream, event_tag): """Retrieves the output field values. Args: output_mediator (OutputMediator): mediates interactions between output modules and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. event (EventObject): event. event_data (EventData): event data. event_data_stream (EventDataStream): event data stream. event_tag (EventTag): event tag. Returns: dict[str, str]: output field values per name. """ field_values = collections.OrderedDict() for field_name in self._field_names: field_value = self._field_formatting_helper.GetFormattedField( output_mediator, field_name, event, event_data, event_data_stream, event_tag) if field_value is None and field_name in self._custom_fields: field_value = self._custom_fields.get(field_name, None) if field_value is None: field_value = '-' field_value = self._SanitizeField(field_value) field_values[field_name] = field_value return field_values
[docs] def GetFormattedFieldNames(self): """Retrieves a string representation of the field names. Returns: str: string representation of the field names. """ return self.field_delimiter.join(self._field_names)
[docs] def SetAdditionalFields(self, field_names): """Sets the names of additional fields to output. Args: field_names (list[str]): names of additional fields to output. """ self._field_names.extend(field_names)
[docs] def SetCustomFields(self, field_names_and_values): """Sets the names and values of custom fields to output. Args: field_names_and_values (list[tuple[str, str]]): names and values of custom fields to output. """ self._custom_fields = dict(field_names_and_values) self._field_names.extend(self._custom_fields.keys())
[docs] def SetFieldDelimiter(self, field_delimiter): """Sets the field delimiter. Args: field_delimiter (str): field delimiter. """ self.field_delimiter = field_delimiter
[docs] def SetFields(self, field_names): """Sets the names of the fields to output. Args: field_names (list[str]): names of the fields to output. """ self._field_names = field_names
[docs] class DSVOutputModule(text_file.SortedTextFileOutputModule): """Shared functionality for delimiter separated values output modules."""
[docs] def __init__( self, field_formatting_helper, names, delimiter=',', header=None): """Initializes a delimiter separated values output module. Args: field_formatting_helper (FieldFormattingHelper): field formatting helper. names (list[str]): names of the fields to output. delimiter (Optional[str]): field delimiter. header (Optional[str]): header, where None will have WriteHeader generate a header from the field names. """ event_formatting_helper = DSVEventFormattingHelper( field_formatting_helper, names, field_delimiter=delimiter) super(DSVOutputModule, self).__init__(event_formatting_helper) self._header = header
def _GetString(self, output_mediator, field_values): """Retrieves an output string. Args: output_mediator (OutputMediator): mediates interactions between output modules and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. field_values (dict[str, str]): output field values per name. Returns: str: output string. """ output_text = self._event_formatting_helper.field_delimiter.join( field_values.values()) return ''.join([output_text, '\n'])
[docs] def SetAdditionalFields(self, field_names): """Sets the names of additional fields to output. Args: field_names (list[str]): names of additional fields to output. """ self._event_formatting_helper.SetAdditionalFields(field_names)
[docs] def SetCustomFields(self, field_names_and_values): """Sets the names and values of custom fields to output. Args: field_names_and_values (list[tuple[str, str]]): names and values of custom fields to output. """ self._event_formatting_helper.SetCustomFields(field_names_and_values)
[docs] def SetFieldDelimiter(self, field_delimiter): """Sets the field delimiter. Args: field_delimiter (str): field delimiter. """ self._event_formatting_helper.SetFieldDelimiter(field_delimiter)
[docs] def SetFields(self, field_names): """Sets the names of the fields to output. Args: field_names (list[str]): names of the fields to output. """ self._event_formatting_helper.SetFields(field_names)
[docs] def WriteHeader(self, output_mediator): """Writes the header to the output. Args: output_mediator (OutputMediator): mediates interactions between output modules and other components, such as storage and dfVFS. """ if self._header: output_text = self._header else: output_text = self._event_formatting_helper.GetFormattedFieldNames() self.WriteLine(output_text)