Source code for plaso.multi_process.task_process

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base class for a process that handles tasks used in multi-processing."""

import os

from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.multi_process import base_process
from import factory as storage_factory

  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
  import redis
  from import redis_store
except ModuleNotFoundError:
  redis = None
  redis_store = None

[docs] class MultiProcessTaskProcess(base_process.MultiProcessBaseProcess): """Interface for multi-processing process that handles tasks.""" # pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] def __init__( self, processing_configuration, enable_sigsegv_handler=False, **kwargs): """Initializes a process. Args: processing_configuration (ProcessingConfiguration): processing configuration. enable_sigsegv_handler (Optional[bool]): True if the SIGSEGV handler should be enabled. kwargs (dict[str,object]): keyword arguments to pass to multiprocessing.Process. """ processed_task_storage_path = None if processing_configuration.task_storage_path: processed_task_storage_path = os.path.join( processing_configuration.task_storage_path, 'processed') super(MultiProcessTaskProcess, self).__init__( processing_configuration, **kwargs) self._processed_task_storage_path = processed_task_storage_path self._storage_factory = storage_factory.StorageFactory self._task_storage_path = processing_configuration.task_storage_path
def _FinalizeTaskStorageWriter(self, task_storage_format, task): """Finalizes a storage writer for a task. Args: task_storage_format (str): storage format used to store task results. task (Task): task the storage changes are part of. Raises: IOError: if the SQLite task storage file cannot be renamed. OSError: if the SQLite task storage file cannot be renamed. """ if task.storage_format == definitions.STORAGE_FORMAT_REDIS and redis_store: url = redis_store.RedisAttributeContainerStore.DEFAULT_REDIS_URL redis_client = redis.from_url(url=url, socket_timeout=60) redis_client.client_setname('task_process') redis_hash_name = self._GetProcessedRedisHashName(task.session_identifier) redis_client.hset(redis_hash_name, key=task.identifier, value=b'true') elif task.storage_format == definitions.STORAGE_FORMAT_SQLITE: storage_file_path = self._GetTaskStorageFilePath( task_storage_format, task) processed_storage_file_path = self._GetProcessedStorageFilePath( task_storage_format, task) try: os.rename(storage_file_path, processed_storage_file_path) except OSError as exception: raise IOError(( 'Unable to rename task storage file: {0:s} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(storage_file_path, exception)) def _GetProcessedRedisHashName(self, session_identifier): """Retrieves the Redis hash name of a processed task store. Args: session_identifier (str): the identifier of the session the tasks are part of. Returns: str: Redis hash name of a task store. """ return '{0:s}-processed'.format(session_identifier) def _GetProcessedStorageFilePath(self, task_storage_format, task): """Retrieves the path of a task storage file in the processed directory. Args: task_storage_format (str): storage format used to store task results. task (Task): task the storage changes are part of. Returns: str: path of a task storage file in the processed directory or None if not est. """ if task_storage_format == definitions.STORAGE_FORMAT_SQLITE: filename = '{0:s}.plaso'.format(task.identifier) return os.path.join(self._processed_task_storage_path, filename) return None def _GetTaskStorageFilePath(self, task_storage_format, task): """Retrieves the path of a task storage file in the temporary directory. Args: task_storage_format (str): storage format used to store task results. task (Task): task the storage changes are part of. Returns: str: path of a task storage file in the temporary directory or None if not set. """ if task_storage_format == definitions.STORAGE_FORMAT_SQLITE: filename = '{0:s}.plaso'.format(task.identifier) return os.path.join(self._task_storage_path, filename) return None