Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Event attribute containers."""

import hashlib
import re

from acstore.containers import interface
from acstore.containers import manager

from dfdatetime import interface as dfdatetime_interface

[docs] def CalculateEventValuesHash(event_data, event_data_stream): """Calculates a digest hash of the event values. Args: event_data (EventData): event data. event_data_stream (EventDataStream): an event data stream or None if not available. Returns: str: digest hash of the event values content. Raises: RuntimeError: if the event values hash cannot be determined. """ attributes = ['data_type: {0:s}'.format(event_data.data_type)] for attribute_name, attribute_value in sorted(event_data.GetAttributes()): if attribute_value is None or attribute_name in ( '_event_data_stream_identifier', '_event_values_hash', '_parser_chain', 'data_type'): continue # Ignore date and time values. if isinstance(attribute_value, dfdatetime_interface.DateTimeValues): continue if (isinstance(attribute_value, list) and attribute_value and isinstance(attribute_value[0], dfdatetime_interface.DateTimeValues)): continue if not isinstance(attribute_value, (bool, float, int, list, str)): raise RuntimeError( 'Unsupported attribute: {0:s} value type: {1!s}'.format( attribute_name, type(attribute_value))) try: attribute_string = '{0:s}: {1!s}'.format( attribute_name, attribute_value) attributes.append(attribute_string) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to decode attribute {0:s}'.format(attribute_name)) if event_data_stream: for attribute_name, attribute_value in sorted( event_data_stream.GetAttributes()): if attribute_name == 'path_spec': attribute_value = attribute_value.comparable elif not isinstance(attribute_value, (bool, float, int, list, str)): raise RuntimeError( 'Unsupported attribute: {0:s} value type: {1!s}'.format( attribute_name, type(attribute_value))) try: attribute_string = '{0:s}: {1!s}'.format( attribute_name, attribute_value) attributes.append(attribute_string) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to decode attribute {0:s}'.format(attribute_name)) content = ', '.join(attributes) content_data = content.encode('utf-8') md5_context = hashlib.md5(content_data) return md5_context.hexdigest()
[docs] class DateLessLogHelper(interface.AttributeContainer): """Attribute container to assist with logs without full dates. Attributes: earliest_date (list[int, int, int]): earliest possible date the event data stream was created. The date is a tuple of year, month and day of month. granularity (str): granularity of the date-less log format. last_relative_date (list[int, int, int]): last relative date determined by the date-less log helper. The date is a tuple of year, month and day of month. latest_date (List[int]): latest possible date the event data stream was created. The date is a tuple of year, month and day of month. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'date_less_log_helper' SCHEMA = { '_event_data_stream_identifier': 'AttributeContainerIdentifier', 'earliest_date': 'List[int]', 'granularity': 'str', 'last_relative_date': 'List[int]', 'latest_date': 'List[int]'} _SERIALIZABLE_PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTES = [ '_event_data_stream_identifier'] # The date-less log format only supports time. GRANULARITY_NO_DATE = 'd' # The date-less log format only supports month and day of month. GRANULARITY_NO_YEAR = 'y'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes a date-less log helper attribute container.""" super(DateLessLogHelper, self).__init__() self._event_data_stream_identifier = None self.earliest_date = None self.granularity = self.GRANULARITY_NO_YEAR self.last_relative_date = None self.latest_date = None
# TODO: the YearLessLogHelper attribute container is kept for backwards # compatibility remove once storage format 20230327 is obsolete.
[docs] def CopyFromYearLessLogHelper(self, year_less_log_helper): """Copy the values of a year-less log helper. Args: year_less_log_helper (YearLessLogHelper): year-less log helper. """ self.earliest_date = (year_less_log_helper.earliest_year, 1, 1) self.granularity = self.GRANULARITY_NO_YEAR self.last_relative_date = (year_less_log_helper.last_relative_year, 0, 0) self.latest_date = (year_less_log_helper.latest_year, 1, 1)
[docs] def GetEarliestDate(self): """Retrieves the earliest date adjusted to the granularity. Returns: tuple[int, int, int]: earliest date as tuple of year, month and day of month or None if not available. """ if self.earliest_date and self.granularity == self.GRANULARITY_NO_YEAR: return self.earliest_date[0], 0, 0 return self.earliest_date
[docs] def GetEventDataStreamIdentifier(self): """Retrieves the identifier of the associated event data stream. The event data stream identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Returns: AttributeContainerIdentifier: event data stream or None when not set. """ return self._event_data_stream_identifier
[docs] def GetLastRelativeDate(self): """Retrieves the last relative date adjusted to the granularity. Returns: tuple[int, int, int]: last relative date as tuple of year, month and day of month or None if not available. """ if (self.last_relative_date and self.granularity == self.GRANULARITY_NO_YEAR): return self.last_relative_date[0], 0, 0 return self.last_relative_date
[docs] def GetLatestDate(self): """Retrieves the latest date adjusted to the granularity. Returns: tuple[int, int, int]: latest date as tuple of year, month and day of month or None if not available. """ if self.latest_date and self.granularity == self.GRANULARITY_NO_YEAR: return self.latest_date[0], 0, 0 return self.latest_date
[docs] def SetEventDataStreamIdentifier(self, event_data_stream_identifier): """Sets the identifier of the associated event data stream. The event data stream identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Args: event_data_stream_identifier (AttributeContainerIdentifier): event data stream identifier. """ self._event_data_stream_identifier = event_data_stream_identifier
[docs] class EventData(interface.AttributeContainer): """Event data attribute container. The event data attribute container represents the attributes of an entity, such as a database record or log line. Attributes: data_type (str): event data type indicator. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'event_data' _SERIALIZABLE_PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTES = [ '_event_data_stream_identifier', '_event_values_hash', '_parser_chain']
[docs] def __init__(self, data_type=None): """Initializes an event data attribute container. Args: data_type (Optional[str]): event data type indicator. """ super(EventData, self).__init__() self._event_data_stream_identifier = None self._event_values_hash = None self._parser_chain = None self.data_type = data_type
[docs] def GetAttributeValuesString(self): """Retrieves a comparable string of the attribute values. Returns: str: comparable string of the attribute values. Raises: TypeError: if the attribute value type is not supported. """ attributes = [] for attribute_name, attribute_value in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): # Not using startswith to improve performance. if attribute_name[0] == '_' or attribute_value is None: continue if isinstance(attribute_value, bytes): raise TypeError( 'Attribute: {0:s} value of type bytes not supported.'.format( attribute_name)) if isinstance(attribute_value, dict): raise TypeError( 'Attribute: {0:s} value of type dict not supported.'.format( attribute_name)) attribute_string = '{0:s}: {1!s}'.format(attribute_name, attribute_value) attributes.append(attribute_string) return ', '.join(attributes)
[docs] def GetEventDataStreamIdentifier(self): """Retrieves the identifier of the associated event data stream. The event data stream identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Returns: AttributeContainerIdentifier: event data stream or None when not set. """ return self._event_data_stream_identifier
[docs] def SetEventDataStreamIdentifier(self, event_data_stream_identifier): """Sets the identifier of the associated event data stream. The event data stream identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Args: event_data_stream_identifier (AttributeContainerIdentifier): event data stream identifier. """ self._event_data_stream_identifier = event_data_stream_identifier
[docs] class EventDataStream(interface.AttributeContainer): """Event data stream attribute container. The event data stream attribute container represents the attributes of a data stream, such as the content of a file or extended attribute. Attributes: file_entropy (str): byte entropy value of the data stream. md5_hash (str): MD5 digest hash of the data stream. path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification of the data stream. sha1_hash (str): SHA-1 digest hash of the data stream. sha256_hash (str): SHA-256 digest hash of the data stream. yara_match (list[str]): names of the Yara rules that matched the data stream. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'event_data_stream' SCHEMA = { 'file_entropy': 'str', 'md5_hash': 'str', 'path_spec': 'dfvfs.PathSpec', 'sha1_hash': 'str', 'sha256_hash': 'str', 'yara_match': 'List[str]'}
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an event data attribute container.""" super(EventDataStream, self).__init__() self.file_entropy = None self.md5_hash = None self.path_spec = None self.sha1_hash = None self.sha256_hash = None self.yara_match = None
[docs] class EventObject(interface.AttributeContainer): """Event attribute container. The framework is designed to parse files and create events from individual records, log lines or keys extracted from files. The event object provides an extensible data store for event attributes. Attributes: date_time (dfdatetime.DateTimeValues): date and time values. timestamp (int): timestamp, which contains the number of microseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. timestamp_desc (str): description of the meaning of the timestamp. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'event' SCHEMA = { '_event_data_identifier': 'AttributeContainerIdentifier', 'date_time': 'dfdatetime.DateTimeValues', 'timestamp': 'int', 'timestamp_desc': 'str'} _SERIALIZABLE_PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTES = [ '_event_data_identifier']
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an event attribute container.""" super(EventObject, self).__init__() self._event_data_identifier = None self.date_time = None self.timestamp = None # TODO: rename timestamp_desc to timestamp_description self.timestamp_desc = None
# This method is necessary for heap sort.
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """Compares if the event attribute container is less than the other. Events are compared by timestamp. Args: other (EventObject): event attribute container to compare to. Returns: bool: True if the event attribute container is less than the other. """ return (self.timestamp < other.timestamp or self.timestamp_desc < other.timestamp_desc)
[docs] def GetEventDataIdentifier(self): """Retrieves the identifier of the associated event data. The event data identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Returns: AttributeContainerIdentifier: event data identifier or None when not set. """ return self._event_data_identifier
[docs] def SetEventDataIdentifier(self, event_data_identifier): """Sets the identifier of the associated event data. The event data identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Args: event_data_identifier (AttributeContainerIdentifier): event data identifier. """ self._event_data_identifier = event_data_identifier
[docs] class EventTag(interface.AttributeContainer): """Event tag attribute container. Attributes: labels (list[str]): labels, such as "malware", "application_execution". """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'event_tag' SCHEMA = { '_event_identifier': 'AttributeContainerIdentifier', 'labels': 'List[str]'} _INVALID_LABEL_CHARACTERS_REGEX = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]') _SERIALIZABLE_PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTES = [ '_event_identifier'] _VALID_LABEL_REGEX = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$')
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an event tag attribute container.""" super(EventTag, self).__init__() self._event_identifier = None self.labels = []
[docs] def AddLabel(self, label): """Adds a label to the event tag. Args: label (str): label. Raises: TypeError: if the label provided is not a string. ValueError: if a label is malformed. """ if not isinstance(label, str): raise TypeError('label is not a string type. Is {0!s}'.format( type(label))) if not self._VALID_LABEL_REGEX.match(label): raise ValueError(( 'Unsupported label: "{0:s}". A label must only consist of ' 'alphanumeric characters or underscores.').format(label)) if label not in self.labels: self.labels.append(label)
[docs] def AddLabels(self, labels): """Adds labels to the event tag. Args: labels (list[str]): labels. Raises: ValueError: if a label is malformed. """ for label in labels: if not label or not self._VALID_LABEL_REGEX.match(label): raise ValueError(( 'Unsupported label: "{0!s}". A label must only consist of ' 'alphanumeric characters or underscores.').format(label)) for label in labels: if label not in self.labels: self.labels.append(label)
[docs] @classmethod def CopyTextToLabel(cls, text, prefix=''): """Copies a string to a label. A label only supports a limited set of characters therefore unsupported characters are replaced with an underscore. Args: text (str): label text. prefix (Optional[str]): label prefix. Returns: str: label. """ text = '{0:s}{1:s}'.format(prefix, text) return cls._INVALID_LABEL_CHARACTERS_REGEX.sub('_', text)
[docs] def GetEventIdentifier(self): """Retrieves the identifier of the associated event. The event identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Returns: AttributeContainerIdentifier: event identifier or None when not set. """ return self._event_identifier
[docs] def SetEventIdentifier(self, event_identifier): """Sets the identifier of the associated event. The event identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Args: event_identifier (AttributeContainerIdentifier): event identifier. """ self._event_identifier = event_identifier
# TODO: the YearLessLogHelper attribute container is kept for backwards # compatibility remove once storage format 20230327 is obsolete.
[docs] class YearLessLogHelper(interface.AttributeContainer): """Year-less log helper attribute container. Attributes: earliest_year (int): earliest possible year the event data stream was created. last_relative_year (int): last relative year determined by the year-less log helper. latest_year (int): latest possible year the event data stream was created. """ CONTAINER_TYPE = 'year_less_log_helper' SCHEMA = { '_event_data_stream_identifier': 'AttributeContainerIdentifier', 'earliest_year': 'int', 'last_relative_year': 'int', 'latest_year': 'int'} _SERIALIZABLE_PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTES = [ '_event_data_stream_identifier']
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes a year-less log helper attribute container.""" super(YearLessLogHelper, self).__init__() self._event_data_stream_identifier = None self.earliest_year = None self.last_relative_year = None self.latest_year = None
[docs] def GetEventDataStreamIdentifier(self): """Retrieves the identifier of the associated event data stream. The event data stream identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Returns: AttributeContainerIdentifier: event data stream or None when not set. """ return self._event_data_stream_identifier
[docs] def SetEventDataStreamIdentifier(self, event_data_stream_identifier): """Sets the identifier of the associated event data stream. The event data stream identifier is a storage specific value that requires special handling during serialization. Args: event_data_stream_identifier (AttributeContainerIdentifier): event data stream identifier. """ self._event_data_stream_identifier = event_data_stream_identifier
manager.AttributeContainersManager.RegisterAttributeContainers([ DateLessLogHelper, EventData, EventDataStream, EventObject, EventTag, YearLessLogHelper])