# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The MD5 hasher implementation."""
import hashlib
from plaso.analyzers.hashers import interface
from plaso.analyzers.hashers import manager
class MD5Hasher(interface.BaseHasher):
"""This class provides MD5 hashing functionality."""
NAME = 'md5'
ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'md5_hash'
DESCRIPTION = 'Calculates an MD5 digest hash over input data.'
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes the MD5 hasher."""
super(MD5Hasher, self).__init__()
self._md5_context = hashlib.md5()
def GetStringDigest(self):
"""Returns the digest of the hash function expressed as a Unicode string.
str: string hash digest calculated over the data blocks passed to
Update(). The string consists of printable Unicode characters.
return self._md5_context.hexdigest()
def Update(self, data):
"""Updates the current state of the hasher with a new block of data.
Repeated calls to update are equivalent to one single call with the
concatenation of the arguments.
data(bytes): block of data with which to update the context of the hasher.